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Information about Kolat Ray

Richard William Rayment
Kolat Master
Studying for City and Guilds Level 2 Computer Applications
117 Maltravers Crescent
Lower Wybourn, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S2 5BZ

I'm 19 years old and I was born on the seventh of August 1982.
I have passed 8 out of 9 GCSE's and 2 out of 3 A-Levels, I have also completed my OCN in GTGW WWW - Web Design
As you can see I have a wide range of interests and have an immense imagination.
I collect various comics, mainly Gen13 (Fairchild rocks!!!)
I also collect various ccg's and rpg's. My favourates being: Legend of the Five Rings CCG and RPG, and Wildstorm cards.
My favourate computer games include the entire Resident Evil Series, Baldurs Gate, Diablo and Diablo 2, Elite and I am getting interested in Wizardry 8.
My Favourate TV show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In my opinion the 5th series is the best and the script writters are trully in one hell of an inspirational flow of true skill and mastery
My favourate films include:

And my favourate books include: