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3800 hits and growing... Last Updated: 22/8/99. Covers for #35, #36(and inside cover too) and Visser added! Also, the date of Korei's Animorphs 1st Birthday announced!!



Prepare for quite a large update!
First and foremost, the covers for #35, #36, the inside for #36 and the front and back covers for Visser!
Korei's Animorphs's 1st Birthday is coming up on the 13th September!
I also added another voting banner down there for you!
Hi! As is says above, the New Book section has been updated. That's about it. Nothing big happened today in the world of Animorphs. If you EVER, any day, any month, any year, have a scoop that I haven't put up, EMAIL ME and TELL ME!!!
Yeah, yeah, I know. The music wasn't playing. I tried to fix it last night, but my computer screwed up and I had to shut down. It SHOULD be working fine now. Nothing to talk about today really? Since this update is so boring, I'll tell y'all bout my coming weekend! Saturday-- is both my sister's b-day party. My dad just had a big dental operation, and his mouth will "Look like a football!" Saturday night-- I'm sleeping out at the zoo to raise money for homeless ppls. Sunday-- We're having a picnic with some friends. Whoopie Doo. Another exciting weekend in the life of Korei.
2 Updates in one day?! Still, the music has changed to "Pretty Fly" by those legends we all know, THE OFFSPRING!!!
Wow. It's been like a month since I last updated. Blame school, Pokémon, TV and a holiday. Plus the fact that I haven't touched my computer in over a week. Now for the big stuff. Go >>HERE<< to see a FULL PAGE pic of the #34 cover. Now, DO NOT yell at me for putting this up late because I have NO IDEA when it was first released.
You will also notice that I have taken off that ANNOYING little Quizlet. I do not know how I put up with it for so long.
One more thing before I go: I got ICQ and my no. is : 39017729!!!! I cross my heart that Korei's Animorphs will never again go more than a week without being updated unless it HAS to. Hey, that's 2 things! I just want everyone to do something for me: Tell every Animorphs fan you know to visit Korei's Animorphs!!!! See y'all!!
GO MEEEE!!!!! I found the biggest cover you've evr seen for #33 The Illusion!! Click HERE to see this exclusive(I think) cover!!
Oh man. Here comes the lame excuse and apology for not updating: Yet again, I apologise. But I swear that I will try not to let this ever appear on your screen again!!!
Prepare for some BIG news. Go to the News section and be blown away! This news is all thanks to AW!
I have adopted 4 more pets! See them here!
By the way, I think the pull downs are screwed. If they are for you, Email me and tell me!
Hello! I am back! Finally! My computer had a virus and I had school work to do, so they tied me up a little. Still, as I said, I'm back! Okay, on to the serious stuff. The News page has been updated with stuff on future books, the 2000 Calendar and the Card Game!
I also made a new address for this site :
As said by the marquee above, THE SECRET PROJECT HAS BEEN ADDED!!! YEA!!! WHOO!!! GO ME!!!
A couple of linx won't work: Tobias and Ax's bios. Also, prepare for a better books page 8)
Can you also vote for me on those 2 banners below??!!
3000 HITS!!!!! YEA!!
AGAIN the SP has been delayed due to HEAPS OF ASSIGNMENTS, Scuba diving and SERIOUSLY BAD Internet connection.
I'm going to post the SP in a couple of days, even if a few sections are incomplete. Why? I, and I guess you, can't wait to have it posted. YAY!!! Also, would you mind clicking on the "Vote for this Site" banner below?! PLEEEEEEEEASE!!!!
A new logo has been set up! This is only a TEST logo. If you like it better than the one I had before, tell me!!! I need feedback!
2 things.
One: My email addy has CHANGED!!! Why? When I try to login, it says "You do not have cookies or they are disabled". MY COOKIES WERE ENABLED!!!!!!! My NEW addy is!!!
Two: The secret project has been delayed :( Sorry. It's because I really haven't had time to do it. I'm getting busier now!! Noooo!!

Like the new look? Hate it? Want me to restore the old look? Email me and tell me, cause I can't do anything if you don't.


TNGtA -- The Nothlit's Guide to Animorphs
