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The Inventions of Dr. Breckonridge

Dr. Breckonridge is always up to something. Whether its a trip to the moon, a matter transmitter, or a magical comet, its always going to be crazy - and work! Here is an overview of his inventions to date:

The Breckonridge Space Reflex Lens is a mirror that creates an identical anti-space to whatever is reflected. Thus if you were to stand in front of it, another you would appear - NOT AS A REFLECTION. The second you would be a flesh-and-blood "reflection" of yourself. That is, it would move as you did, but it would have substance.

The Space Reflex Telescope operates on the same principal as the Space Reflex Lens, but makes the "reflected image" a larger version of itself.

Floyd 1 is a matter compressor invented by Jim. It doesn't work.

Breconridge Broom is a broom that flies. Sadly, it is overenthusiastic.

Floyd 2 is a gravitational disrupter invented by Jim's father, Dr. Jan Floyd. It is basically a rocket in that it leaves the Earth's atmosphere and goes into space for a limited amount of time. Eventually it crashes back to Earth, appearing as a shooting star.

The Astounding Instananeous Matter Transmitter is a teleporting device. When the transmitter is set up, it is invisible, so that it is possible to teleport someone without their noticing it.

The Miss China Mood Cam is a combination of all of the above inventions. It uses the relection theory and the matter transmitter to create a large picture of Miss China, which is then projected on a billboard in downtown Bristol. Jim added a tracking device so that the camera will always follow Miss China.

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