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Do You Have the Spirit of Wonder?

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Sailor Moon Quiz

1. You believe that wishes on stars come true.
Yeah right.
Never. That's not realistic.

2. Do you go to the flower store and ask if "the stuff" has come in constantly?
Like I'd annoy the clerk like that.
Well, maybe once or twice.
Of course! I go everyday after school.

3. Are you certain that destroying your home will bring you true love?
Doesn't it?
I'm certain it raises the insurance.
Well, maybe just one room...

4. Anything you invent will work perfectly.
Some of them.
Darn right they do! Let me show you this one...
Only if mathematically proven.

5. How often do you make a wish?
Every night.
Once a month.

6. Every story has a happy ending in there somewhere.
No. That's not realistic.
Some yes, some no.
Oh, yes!

7. You lob rocks at the moon so that it will shatter and they will name the resuloting ring after you and your true love will see it and and and....
Um...I might.
Like that'd happen!
Definatly. What do you think I do every night?

8. You are convinced that the rings around Saturn bespeak life on that planet because OBVIOUSLY they were a birthday gift to someone.
Everyone knows they're gas.
How'd you know!?!
Yes, but its all gone now.

9. You vow never to love a man/woman who does not give you the moon.
At least a piece of it.
Oh, that's just what I was telling my best friend last night!
Its impossible to give the moon, so it is therefore impossible to recieve it.

10. Any and every situation is magical.
There is nothing magical about the world.
Everything but math.
