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Objective/Disclaimer: These are new show ideas now that the X-Files, which is owned by Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and Fox T.V., is going to end. Producer Chris Carter still owes Fox TV a year of SOMETHING, so it is critical for him to get some new show ideas! If you know him, send him here at once! Remember...These are shows that have been proven to be what the public wants! Executives at Fox will be pleased! Unfortunately they will impose strict budget cuts, because, as one of them recently revealed in an interview, "We aren't bankrolling any more Chris Carter shows that turn out to be mostly a bunch of costly props inexplicably being blown up by the dozens during some sort of poorly explained heroic quest into an expensive digitally-created parallel cyber-universe that no one around here understands...or likes." ![]() Chris Carter pitches, and gets, a variety show. To save money he will Produce, Direct and be the Master of Ceremonies of the show. The show will be on Sunday nights. He promises the Fox Executives that he will be the "new Ed Sullivan." It is apparent that the Fox Executives didn't bother to look at any of the old Ed Sullivan shows prior to agreeing to this. (Leila's note: because of repeated and strategic Botox injections, Chris Carter no longer suffers from the many facial tics and twitches caused by being fired upon by phasers while shooting the pilot of "StarTreX," (See "New Show Ideas." This is #2.) When given a "choice of facial expressions," he chose "happy grin.") Chris Carter had let off of all the writers at 1013 Productions during the production of "So, You Want To Be Stranded On A Deserted South Seas Island With A Knife-Wielding Psychotic Millionaire" (see "New Show Ideas." #4) so there is no one around to write intros and jokes. He decides he will also be the Head/Only Writer. The show makes Television History, sort of. It makes Television History by being cancelled during its premiere. ![]() Chris Carter decides that he can get around strict budget cuts imposed by Fox by re-using monster costumes left over from The X-Files. In a new show, "Touched By A Yentl," the monsters are brought in to be counseled by Mrs. Rosenblum, who works for the federal government and with various law enforcement groups. This is called the Sordid Varmints Unit, or SVU. Mrs. Rosenblum helps rehabilitate the monsters by finding them employment that uses their "special talents" for good! Chris Carter is able to convince an X-Files fan who is the web-mistress of a parody fan site to play the part of Mrs. Rosenblum for very little money. She's not Jewish, but critics agree she is very convincing as the bossy, meddling title character, which requires no acting ability on her part. (On her website, she actually has the audacity to suggest "new show ideas" to Emmy-winning Producer Chris Carter! Unbelievable!) In the opening story, Mrs. Rosenblum brings in all her middle-aged women friends and together they teach the Fat-Sucking Vampire to suck fat selectively-a little off the thighs, a little off the tummy, etc. She then introduces him to her cousin, a plastic surgeon, and they form a lucrative partnership. She gets the Lizard Guy a job with her nephew's catering service. His job is to snatch flys and ants away from the buffet table. She gets Billy Miles a job as chef in a Japanese restaurant. He slices and dices barehanded, without a knife! Fans! Help Chris out! E-mail Chris at my e-mail if you have any ideas for more "Touched By A Yentl" episodes! Please include whether you would be willing to portray the monster for the "experience." Thanks! Leila 04/06/02 Season 12 Season 11 Season 10 Click here to go to x-ISH Stories 4,5,6 Click here to go to x-ISH stories 7&8 Click here to go to x-ISH Story 9 Click here to go to New Show Ideas! Click here to go to Mulder and Scully Click here to go to A Scully Moon Rises Over Mt. Mulder Click here to go to Memento Mulder Click here for The Torture Of Mulder They Will Not Show On TV! Click here for A Recent Portrait of Jeffrey Spender Click here to go to About The Opening Sequences and Leila Explains Why There Will Be No 2nd or 3rd X-File Movie These are stories about The Lone Gunmen Click here to go to a Re-creation of the Original Homepage of The Lone Gunmen site Click here to go to A Hunter Thompson Weekend Click here to go to The Three Moscateers Click here to go to one of the two different treatments of the ending of the story My Friend Flicker which has Scully/Doggett and A Wild Hair Day, the continuation of the story of Flicker, with Doggett/SecondAgent Click here to see one of two different treatments of the ending of the story My Friend Flicker, which is a Scully/Mulder story and then there is This Case is Closed, which is the continuation of the story of Flicker, with Scully/Mulder Click here to go to A Cruise To Nowhere