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Leila's X-Files Homepage

leila's x-files homepage

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Leila's X-Files Homepage

Welcome! You are at Leila's X-Files Homepage, a humor site featuring illustrated parodies of the X-Files, a popular television show on the Fox Broadcasting Network from October, 1993 to May, 2002. The X-Files followed the exploits of F.B.I. Agents investigating crimes involving unexplained phenomena. There were six new episodes put on in the beginning of 2016, and 10 more were aired in 2018.

The music available is "Twilight Time" By the Platters. Very romantic! It was used it the 1998 X-Files Episode "Kill Switch". My sister helped me by finding it and putting it on.

I recommend the x-ISH stories-small stories with X-Files Characters-as a sampler. :)! There is a Menu below with links.

If you came to this site from certain search engines-Duck Duck Go and Dogpile, maybe others, this site has the title of a Star Trek discussion forum site attached to it. The search engine has been attaching a site (The Trek-BBS) to lots of Angelfire sites. My site is called "Leila's X-Files Homepage", but the search engines list it as "Leila's X-Files Homepage-The Trek BBS". If you came here for a discussion of Commander Riker or The Borg, you will need to go to The Trek BBS. You're welcome.

In addition to stories written during the original broadcast, I have written a new story in 2016, and a new story in 2017, plus a new small x-ISH story (number 9) and two new stories in 2024-2025. The two stories, called Season 12, Cabinistas and X-Files TNG are actually one big story that began with the story Season 11 Old Wine in New Skins, about Mulder and Scully as they get older. Those thinking about an X-Files Redux...would they like help to get their redux in a row? In these three stories Mulder and Scully get to pass the torch in a way that pleases them. The stories introduce some old characters I wanted to see returned. They might have to be re-cast with look-alikes. I dunno. They're not themselves anymore, so that might fly.

As we all learned a few years ago with the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe firing and subsequent lawsuit, the FBI has a mandatory retirement age of 57. What I am doing here in these new stories is to keep the original leads as background characters, but introduce a whole new setting, with new leads. At some point, the new series could have only the new leads. In defense of this proposal here, I want to refer everyone to what happened when the people behind Star Trek wanted The Federation continue to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before: what did they do? Did they envision continuing with the first cast, maybe eventually having space age walkers, communicators with a hearing aid function, mid-calf skirts for the female crew, soft food in the replicator, etc...? No. Look at what they did...three times.

In the new series, the new leads could continue to fight the Alien Conspiracy, just not in the Hoover Building. They would have a new office, but the location and look of that office, well, I would be giving you spoilers to continue. Also, out here in the real world USA, both my sons work at home or wherever they can get WI-FI most of the time, and they send in electronic reports, or do a Zoom meeting. In this day and age, there's no reason why the new leads have to actually be anywhere in particular to do their office work.

For the record, I don't see how a re-casting of the two leading roles could even be done. I see problems everywhere with that. I do wish that the original leads could be talked into making a few episodes, a pilot and two or three episodes as a segue. Then they could literally "phone it in" or "Zoom it in" every once in a while, from in front of a blank wall that could represent...anywhere. Oh-they could be doing something in the background if they wanted that, too. They could "do research" or "interview witnesses", something like that. They could even be doing retired people stuff, doing hobbies or ordinary household chores. It would be their choice on how much more they did after the segue. The new characters would, of course, have to be very carefully cast. From then on, they would make or break the show. But I think people would recognize Ms. Anderson and Mr. Duchovny as having helped the two new leads. It would be generous of them to help. They would be welcome in cameos. They don't have to be the ones on the set for 10 hours.

So, please enjoy these new stories, and e-mail me if you discover any problems.This is a 25 year old site. Things sometimes are slow. You may have to go out and get yourself a soda or do something else while stuff loads. Please note that every once in a while there is a glitch that pops up whereby a string of what looks like cartoon swearing-a clump of marks (�) replaces apostrophes and quote marks. Eventually it self-corrects. Very strange.

Thanks for visiting!

You may contact me at


Mulder and Scully in Retirement!
Click here to go to my Season 11 story called Old Wine In New Skins

Click here to go to my Season 12 story called Cabinistas

Click here to go to my new X-Files Season 1 called X-Files: TNG

Season 10
Click here to go to my story called Are You Being Served?

Seasons Eight & Nine

Click here to go to About The Opening Sequences
Leila Explains Why There Will Be No Second Or Third X-Files Movie

Click here to go to Memento Mulder

Click here for A Recent Portrait of Jeffrey Spender

Small Stories with X-File Characters
Click here to go to x-ISH Stories 1,2,3
Click here to go to x-ISH Stories 4,5,6
Click here to go to x-ISH Stories 7&8
Click here to go to x-ISH Story 9

Mulder and Scully
Click here to go to Mulder and Scully
Click here to go to A Scully Moon Over Mt. Mulder
Click here for The Torture Of Mulder They Will Not Show On TV!
Click here for The Green-Eyed Monster

Hey, Chris Carter...Here Are Ideas for New Shows!
Click here to go to New Show Ideas!
Click here to go to Two More New Show Ideas!

More Stories

Leila Reveals The Future!
Click here to see The Re-Make of the X-Files

Leila's Myth Arc
Click here to go to Leila's Myth-Arc! Yes! I have a Myth-Arc!

Leila's Lone Gunmen Stories
This section has stories about The Lone Gunmen

Click here to go to a Re-creation of the Original Homepage of The Lone Gunmen site
Click here to go to The Three Moscateers
Click here to go to A Hunter Thompson Weekend

Click here to go to one of the two different treatments of the ending of the story My Friend Flicker
which has Scully/Doggett
and A Wild Hair Day, the continuation of the story of Flicker,
with Doggett/SecondAgent

Click here to see one of two different treatments of the ending of the story My Friend Flicker,
which is a Scully/Mulder story and then there is
This Case is Closed, which is the continuation of the story of Flicker,
with Scully/Mulder

Click here to go to A Cruise To Nowhere

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Thanks for visiting my site-Over 1013 served :-7
Updated October 13, 2015 and October 13, 2018 and will be updated again on October 13, 2024, or thereabouts.


All characters from "The X-Files" are the creation of Executive Producer Chris Carter and
the many talented Writers, Producers and Directors, past and present, at Ten-Thirteen Productions.
"The X-Files" is owned by Fox Television. Many ideas about Aliens
are the creation of British Science Fiction Writer Nigel Kneale.