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Poems By Steven Paul

The Pain of Love

As I look at her,
With these deep longing eyes,
I see the horror of thruth,
Not the beauty of lies.

Why does the mind neglect,
What the eye sees?
Blinded by what I'd love to hold and call mine,
And what will never be.

Why does the heart brush aside,
What the brain say's?
Listning not to the warnings,
Seeing her in an angelic haze.

But the haze is a tear,
The tear of disbelief,
How can something so lovely and pure,
Be the cause of so much grief?

Who's to say what hurts more,
That she loves another,
Or rather that the one she loves,
Is to me like a brother,

And to make it worse,
She saw me as angry rather than in pain,
But I was trying to choke back tears,
Not find someone to blame.

But it's all over now,
And again I've made a new friend,
The pain still lingers,
But I'll laugh, joke and pretend.

I'll venture fourth, on my foolish quest,
Of my sweet angel from above,
Untill next time I fall prey,
To the pain of love.

copyright © 1998 Steven Paul


I met a girl today,
She was sweet as a pear,
I thought she felt the same,
But their was nothing there.

For to her I am a stranger,
The friend of a friend,
An introduction was the start of our relationship,
And unfortunately the end.

Sometimes I tire,
Of playing this game,
Of being judged,
By apperence, reputation, and name.

But as I look at her I know,
That my mind wont decieve me,
I see what I would love to hold and call mine,
And what will never be.

copyright © 1999 Steven Paul 1992


Tranquilly trancending
Humblest humanist
Energetically endearing

Wakefully wandering
Aboundingly affluent
Roguishly romantic
Rhetorically revered
Ironically iconic
Obscurely obfuscate
Reassuringly robust

Passionatly patrimonial
Obscenely obdurate
Extremely ethereal
Truculently truthfull

copyright © 1999 Steven Paul


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