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Love Spells 2

Bide The Wiccan Laws Ye Must,
   In Perfect Love And Perfect Trust.
Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill,
As It Harm None,Do What Ye Will.

Love spells are considered manipulatory, Use this spell at your own discretion!

A Basic Love Spell

Be Careful How You Use These
Take three cords or strings of various, pleasing pastel colors- perhaps pink, red, and green- and braid them tightly together.
Firmly tie a knot near one end of the braid, thinking of your need for love.
Next, tie another knot, and another, until you have tied seven knots.
Wear or carry the cord with you until you find your love.
After that, keep the cord in a safe place, or give to one of the elements- burn and scatter the ashes in the ocean or in a stream.

A Fiery Love Spell

Create or find a charred stick. You will also need a few dried rose petals & a piece of paper.
Using the charred part of the stick as you would a pencil, draw two inter-linked hearts on paper as you visualize yourself enjoying a satisfying relationship.
Draw with power.
Hold the rose petals in your projective hand & send fiery, loving energies into them.
Sprinkle the petals over the linked hearts.
Do this with power.
Wrap the package around the petals.
Still visualizing, throw the package into a fire. (Or, light it in the flame of a red candle & throw into a heat proof container.)
As it burns, the power is released.

A Love Sachel

1 tbls hibiscus flowers
1 tbls passion flower
1 tbls strawberry leaves
1 tbls poppy flowers
10 drops or more of rose oil
10 drops of strawberry oil
8 drops of musk oil
Mix all the ingredients together.
Say out loud while visualizing on the person you wish to attract or the kind of person you wish to seek.
" I ask that a lover be attracted to me and that there be love between us.
I ask that this be correct and for the good of all people.
So mote it be. "
Carry in a red or pink bag.

A Love Spell

What you'll need:
A Small Pot
Basil Seeds
Rich Soil (using soil that your loved-one walks on often helps)
Sow the seeds in a small pot thinking loving thoughts about your love.
Put the pot in a warm place and water them frequently.
Keep them in a warm safe place.
Eventually the person will start to show feelings for you and the spell has worked!
IMPORTANT!!! Do not let the plants die, for with them, so will the love if it is not yet firmly rooted.

A Seduction Spell

What You Need:
A red candle
Piece of paper ( something pretty, no previous writing on it )
A little info about the object of you affections.
Light the Red candle.
On the paper write your full name.
Under your name write the person's name you are attracted to, their birthday then your own.
Draw a heart around the information then write the names and birthdays again directly on top of the heart.
Do this 3 times.
Don't worry if it looks like scribble.
Fold the paper small and burn it in the flame of the candle.
As it burns say...
"Light the flame bright, the fire Red is the color of desire."
Repeat 3 times.
This must be done each night for 9 consecutive nights.


You may use this only 3 times in bewteen each new moon.
  Gaze at the moon and repeat:
"Moon moon, beautiful moon
Brighter than any star
Goddess of light and love
Diana if it might be
Pay bring ____ unto me."

Apple Love Spell

Cut and apple in half.
Offer half to your desired.
If he or she accepts the apple and eats it, he or she will be yours.

Another is .. Simply twist the stem of an apple, on each rotation call out a letter of the alphabet. Begin with A. The letter you call as the stem breaks apart from the apple will be the initial of your true love.

