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Calling the Sidhe

You will need:

a 4 inch wreath taken from a tree of your choice (ask permission of the tree spirit first),
a small pouch just big enough to hang inside the wreath,
1 mistletoe leaf or berry (for healing),
1 oak item (to protect),
1 small buttered bread crust rolled into a ball,
1 small bottle, tightly corked (containing equal measures of whiskey, honey and cream/milk).

Set up your alter and bring all your items to the workplace.

Cast and consecrate the circle.
Invoke the God and Goddess, particularly faery related deities according to your tradition.

Have a single white candle burning at the centre of your circle.

Lay our all the items in an orderly cluster and trace a spiral on the floor with the items at the centre of it.

Call upon the spirits of nature, the sidhe, the shinning ones of ancient lore and invite them to observe the rite.

Retrace the spiral from the outside inwards while saying:

"I call to the warrior spirits of nature and light,
I summon the sidhe - the shining ones of ancient lore.
I call to those who believe in protecting what is noblest and best in existence.
By following this line, I show to you the offerings I have made, from this wreath you may come and go as you please.
You are free spirits, you are not bound. But only one may take this place."

Relax and wait until the presence of the "one that feels right" is felt.
Say "Hello" to the light body and invite them into the sacred circle.
Explain the purpose of each item, and find out if they require anything else.

"Do you accompany me of your own free will, knowing full well that you may leave and return at will, and understanding that we both serve a higher purpose?"

On receiving a "yes", say the following..:

"This wreath to be your abode.
You are protected by its circumference, yet you can see from all sides.
This pouch is to carry the items you may require during our journey together.
These items I place within your pouch and secure with this cord.
This pouch I attach to the circle.
I thank you for your kindness and courage.

Blessed Be!"

Celebrate the simple feast and end the rite.

Following this, hang the wreath somewhere safe within your house, but not necessarily out of site.
If at a later time you wish to communicate with your visitor, this can be done by casting a circle and placing the wreath in the centre.

