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My Beloved, Happy Anniversary

My beloved Ralph,

It's hard to believe it's been a year since we married. Time has swept by us as though carried on the winds of a gale. Each moment with you has brought me the greatest joy I have ever experienced. Your strength, gentleness, sweetness, intelligence and passion never ceases to amaze me. The way you go through life hearing your own drummer drum and marching to your own internal beat, not trying to win approval but always getting it. You are respected and admired by all for the caring, honest man you are. The pride I feel in being your wife makes my heart swell with good feelings. You alone understand me. You know the workings of my mind and the innermost secrets of my heart. You have the power to move me deeply with just a word, a glance or a gesture. The security I experience in your arms can't be compared to any other feelings of this earth. To simply say, I love you seems trite, three small words to try to convey the wonderment of loving you. I continue searching to try to express to you the depth of what I feel. Perhaps someday, new words will be invented, until then my darling Ralph,
I love you so very, very much.

Your wife,

With Love

My love for you is sacred
It reaches a higher plane
You are a special part of me
That no one else can claim
When I awaken in the morning
And you are by my side
My body pushes closer
With emotions I can't hide
Not only are you my lover
But also my closest friend
I can always be myself with you
For your love will never end
We are so good together
The disappointments we've endured
The successes we have smiled at
Though sometimes we were unsure
And now as I grow older
My love for you grows too
With every year that passes
I fall more in love with you

If I Should Lose the Whole Wide World

If I should lose the whole wide world
And still have thoughts of you,
I'd think myself the richest girl
Tho' poor, it might be true.

I would not mind the poverty
For love, they say, is blind,
I would find my wealth you see,
Of quite a different kind,

If I should lose the whole wide world,
Yet know you loved me true,
I'd feel that I had found my wealth,
The day that I met you.

The original poetry on this site may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. ©2000-2015 Laura

Please journey to our other pages.

Laura's Love Notes
Ralph & Laura, Whispers Of Love
Ralph & Laura, Welcome To Our World
Ralph & Laura, Pages Of Our Lives
Ralph & Laura, Forever Together
Ralph & Laura, Venturing Forth
Ralph & Laura, We Announce...
Ralph & Laura, Ever Constant
Ralph & Laura, Desert Dreams
Ralph & Laura, Lighting The Way
Ralph & Laura, Cool Walks, Warm Feelings
Treasures We've Found
Ralph & Laura, Soaring
Me And Thee And Bailey Makes Three