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Intimate Tracings

Your Garden

A rose needs water and sunshine to bloom its brightest
'neath your tender attentions I blossom into the person
you knew all along I could be.
The arid soil of the past where nothing thrived
has given way to fertile ground upon which all
Your gentle manner and tender touch brings
forth newness and rejuvination to my spirit.
The warm ground of your love nestles me in
comfort as I branch out toward the sun.
You choose not to pick that which you have planted,
instead you nurture it and take joy in reaping what you have sown.

Intimate Tracings

You trace your love over my face,
down my neck and over my body
I can feel the love emanating from your
fingertips as you soothingly caress those places
only you can reach
I respond in kind and we are taken to familiar
plateaus of sensuality
In each other's arms we delight in the warmth,
the oneness and the feelings of tranquility.
Intimate tracings carry us through our day
until the time we can once more meet in the
place our hearts know as home.

All things are possible

The optimism we feel when we are together
makes all things appear possible.
We have only to dream them aloud to each other
Our world is built upon the firm foundation of
our love and our horizons are within our grasp.
Perhaps our need for each other seems distant
to some,
but for us it is the security we base our lives upon.

Quiet Time

The beating of your heart lulls me
as I pillow my head against your chest,
in this, our quiet time.
Your strong arms encircle me,
drawing me closer. I relish your gentle touch
as you lovingly stroke my hair.
Sleeps sneaks in and tries to overtake me,
but I struggle against the temptation,
not willing to give up the all encompassing feeling
of being wrapped in pure comfort and love
I don't want even sleep to come between us
in this, our quiet time.

The Dozen Roses Of Loving

The first rose holds the joy that's in my heart today,
The second is the love I feel for you in every way
The third rose is the sunshine around me when your near,
The fourth holds the shedding of every joyful tear.
The fifth rose is the patience in your heart for me at times,
The sixth is the rose that has lovingly made you mine
The seventh rose holds the caring I give to you so free,
The eighth one holds the loving you give so much to me
The ninth rose is to forgive me when I'm harsh or wrong
The tenth is to thank you for loving me your whole life long
The eleventh rose is to say I love you each and every way
The twelfth is to carry these feelings from day to day to day.
Another dozen roses, a dozen reasons shared,
Of love, life and friendship with my love who always cared.

The original poetry on this site may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. ©2008-2015 Laura

We invite you to journey to our other pages.

Laura's Love Notes
Ralph & Laura, Whispers Of Love
Ralph & Laura, Welcome To Our World
Ralph & Laura, Pages Of Our Lives
Ralph & Laura, Forever Together
Ralph & Laura, Venturing Forth
Ralph & Laura, We Announce
Ralph & Laura, Ever Constant
Ralph & Laura, Desert Dreams
Ralph & Laura, Lighting The Way
Ralph & Laura, Cool Walks, Warm Feelings
Treasures We've Found
Ralph & Laura, Soaring
Me And Thee And Bailey Makes Three
My Beloved, Happy Anniversary