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Dreams Are Today's Reality

For my beloved husband Ralph on your birthday.

Yesterdays Dreams

Dreams of yesterday are being lived today
I had only dared to imagine the possibilities
My heart knew not to accept disappointment
and against my will it ventured to hope
Did I whisper an unspoken plea?
Somehow you heard my muted voice
and came to deliver me from despair.
You brought with you light and sunshine
breathing life into my tired being
Your dreams and mine have merged as one
We are living them together.

Dreams Of Self

I once dreamt the dreams of self
My acquisitions lined every shelf
But as I grew my thoughts expanded
Encompassing more than I'd been handed
Worldly goods brought me no peace
My soul still searched for some release
Several ports and many a storm
I rued the day that I'd been born
Inside was restless, outside calm
I ventured forth with many a qualm
People came and people went
Leaving me unfulfilled and spent
Then one day I felt a churning
Inside myself a stronger yearning
The voice I heard was what I sought
My travails hadn't been for naught
For as I focused an image grew
From the fog of me, there came you
You spoke to me with quiet calm
The words you spoke were gentle balm
Soothing me with blissful peace
Your love brought me final release
No more searching, home at last
The dreams of self are in the past

Dearest Ralph,

Each year as your Birthday approaches and I hear the customary moans and groans of protest from you, I am reminded of the fact that it is I, above all, who celebrates the day you were born. Were we born with the destiny within us to someday meet? I don't know, but I do know that nowhere else in this world could there be two people who are more perfectly suited to be together. Our time with each other is joy in its' purest form. Perhaps others may see us as being codependent, in my eyes they are correct in their assumptions. I am as unashamedly dependent on you as you are on me. With you in my life, the sky is bluer, flowers smell sweeter and the evening star shines brighter. Each day is approached with renewed anticipation. In each other arms we find tranquility, security and our world is at peace. Yes, my love, I depend on you. You are my rock, my strength, my reason.

Happy Birthday Ralph, I celebrate you.

With love,


The original poetry on these pages may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. ©2002-2015 Laura

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