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Exploring The Wonders

The Sequoia

In deep green splendor you stand defiant
Among all others you are the giant
Scarred and burned and torn asunder
By wind and lightening, storm and thunder
Your bark is burned, but you survived the fire
You refused to perish upon the pyre
Furred and feathered they came to rest
And to some you opened your arms to nest
They came clad in homespun and out of place
but you sheltered travelers venturing to your space
Mother Earth assigned to you the age long task
of protecting those whom on your branches bask
Men with buck saws came and eyed you
But they felt small as they stood beside you
Many a home could have been rough hewn
Had they cut you down, your branches strewn
But in awe and reverence men will stand
as they gaze up at you so tall and grand
At your feet they made their beds
The lovers came to rest their heads
Down at them you would gaze
You thought of them during lonely days
You've watched the ages come and go
and gained the knowledge only you can know
If you knew the foolishness man had wrought
Would you share the wisdom that age has brought?
Some things we may never know
but seeing you steadfast makes our conscience grow.

An Alpine Meadow

Colors riot in fields of glorious wonder
Gentle breezes caress petals,
bearing their scented gifts upon the wind
Tall aspens shade tender seedlings
in their quest to reach skyward
Granite boulders strewn as if placed by a
playful hand to decorate this place of peace.
Steady buzzing is heard
as bees flit to perform their rituals of gathering.
The air is crisp, clean and cool as it soothes our brows
Wanting to run and leap joyously through the meadow
We refrain from the impulse
to preserve the purity of this untouched treasure.

The original writing on this site may not be copied or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.

©2002-2015 Laura Aden

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Laura's Prose And Poetry