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Desert Nourishment

Dark clouds roll across the arid landscape casting moving shadows
Desert creatures normally asleep poke sniffing noses from snug dens
Winds increase as the storm draws nearer,
tumbleweeds earn their name
Droplets of rain fall, land flatly upon the desert floor
Small dust clouds rise in puffs as the rain's tempo increases
Soon, a barrage of liquid nourishment is coming in sheets
While the ground greedily drinks in the welcomed moisture
Boulders wear a sheen of vibrant color as moss is cleaned and renewed
Hues of green, blue and purple appear splashed across distant vistas
Lean cacti now begin to plump while gorging their fill
Excess water fills dry washes, splashing over rocks,
worn smooth by ages past torrents
Just as tears can ease a heavy burden,
clouds weep down upon the earth to ease the desperate dryness
Green is the predominant color now, belying what is soon to come
The desert appears costumed and welcoming to those who pass
Yet all who wisely venture know how quickly the welcome is withdrawn
As the desert heat again forbids those who dare to enter.


Rain patters a soft beat upon the roof
In this world there is only you, only me
Content within ourselves and within each other
Our time is not spoiled by the week-long deluge
It is enhanced by the warmth we feel together
Snug and cozy, we watch the patterns of the
drops as they dive into the pond's dark stillness
We don't seek the entertainment of others'
Peace is our enjoyment as together we
enjoy the increasing tempo set by the rain

The original poetry on these pages may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. ©2010-2015 Laura

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