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Welcome To Palm Springs?

Land carved, marred, scarred
Tall palms rustle their decorative skirts
swaying to the brassy nightclub music
Hauty women carry trophy shopping bags
along with smug, surgeon created expressions
Shiny autos bear clever license,
proclaiming the already obvious
Rolling greens sculpted to unnatural perfection
surround pristine traps of imported sand
Golf carts trundle silently over muffled greens
conveying sweaty executives
earning clubhouse bragging rights
Appointment minded women cue for the privilege
of soaking sagging skin in brown sucking mud
Pitbull ladies and Poodlish men
vie for attention in vintage ragtops,
parading leather and plumage
Faded stars from bygone eras
wait for silent phones to ring
Equally passe' agents pace well-worn carpets
Aged couples anxiously count coupons
waiting in cold, sterile grocery isles
splurging on artificially sweetened sweets
Iron-barred gates slide closed across
flower bedecked entries
denying access to pinstripe suited salesmen
selling cut-rate cemetery plots
Droopy mustachioed legions of beer bellied
bikers ride into faded glory,
tattoos vibrating on once firm biceps
Snooty waiters wearing formal attire
and exasperated expressions
barely wait as plaid shirted, Midwest tourists
place their orders in fractured French
Sticky, prickly heat coated kids
whine and wail, tagging behind parents
anxious for a family fun vacation
Amputated one-arm bandits bear only buttons
and bells as they noisily mug worried gamblers
Aqua pools, burbling spas and spewing
sprinklers change arid desert into tropical humidity
The sign proclaims, "Welcome To Palm Springs"

The original writings on these pages may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. © 2010-2015 Laura

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