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I Celebrate You

Dearest Ralph,

Well my love, another year has passed. Another year of loving you and loving each moment of our lives together. My world centers around you. You set the pace of our lives, Like a drummer marking cadence, together we walk to the beat set by your calming nature. You instill in me, the peace of a moonlit desert. You keep me grounded and provide me with the strength to meet the challenges our lives have to offer. Our quiet times are the ones I cherish most, although, all time spent with you is dear to me. When I see you walking toward me, my heart still does the same little flutter that it did, years ago, when I saw you for the first time. The love I feel for you is ever constant and constantly growing. How fortunate I am to have the love of a man such as you. I celebrate your birthday my beloved Ralph, I celebrate you and I celebrate our lives together.

Happy Birthday darling. I love you.

Your wife, Laura

June 26,2003

A Place Of Love Called Home

Oh, he's no god this man of mine
just a mortal of blood and bone
But within his love my heart
has surely found its' home

His mind is one of inner-strength
He's a kind and gentle being
Many's the time he's gone great length
To keep from hurting feelings

Oh, he's no god this man of mine
but worship him I surely do
For my world centers 'round him
and his love so tried and true

He's said if I didn't love him
just an ordinary man he'd be
Perhaps it's so but it's no whim
he treats me tenderly

Oh, he's no god this man of mine
just a man of blood and bone
Within his world my heart will dwell
In a place of love called home


In early morn you reach for me,
I hear your quiet breathing
Your warmth provides serenity
Awake from tender dreaming
Although familiar is this path
It's one I've walked before
It sets the pace throughout the day
and will for evermore

The original writings on these pages may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. © 2010-2015 Laura Aden

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