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Ralph & Laura, Ever Constant

Ever Constant

Day by day, side by side we go forth into our
lives together
Still with us is the warmth of spirit when you
glance at me with now familiar eyes,
so reflective of the feelings between us.
Still thrilling is the depth found as I gaze
deeply into the beautiful blueness.
Comfortable with ourselves, we are comfortable
with each other.
Tender daily ministrations given without
thought have become part of who we now are.
The words, "I love you" still bring the same
little twisting inside as I again, as always,
thrill to the words spoken aloud.
Still and always fresh in my mind is the
aloneness I felt before we met,
This thought is a constant reminder to cherish
the love we have now.
Can a love between two people be so perfect,
so unique and still be of earthly origin?
The answers we may never know but always we
feel guided to choose the proper path,
the road toward togetherness.
Neither riches, nor treasure could be as
precious a gift as the life we share.
The sound of your voice, the resonance of it's
manly timbre echoes in my mind and evokes
images of tender moments.
The feel of your skin beneath my fingers
touches the very core of me with emotions,
ebbing and flowing.
The scent of you fills my senses with ripples
of pleasure, the need continues and grows
stronger my beloved,
ever constant .... ever one.

You Keep Me Grounded

You keep me grounded when the world around seems to be spinning in a tumultuous whirl. I turn to you for stability and you never fail me. You steadily hold your course as though guided by an ageless star. You are my rock, my reason, my everything. You make sense of the nonsense, you calm the storm, you are my anchor. The eternal optimist wages war on pessimism and emerges victorious. Where only dust blew silently, you create a glorious symphony in flowers. You bring love and life to a once empty shell, you are my existence. I find shelter, serenity and security in your arms as you bravely keep the world at bay. With the sweat of your brow you make life worth living. You and only you keep me grounded, you are my love, you are my life.

The Marsh At Night

As night falls upon the marsh, it comes alive.
After a long day of rest under the glaring sun.
Frogs and crickets sings songs in perfect harmony.
An eerie mist hangs over the landscape
shielding our view from what lies below.
Dank darkness permeates the air with a sense
of mystery as the night creatures go about
their quest for survival.
The night bird calls to his mate and awaits her answer.
The owl swoops on silent wings upon prey only he can see.
This oasis in the city is a necessary place,
a place man is not invited to enter, a place guarded by secrets.
These wetlands are a place of sanctuary for it's inhabitants,
we are only the keepers, entrusted to protect it in our own meager way,
to keep it pure for the future.
Amid a world of concrete and steel,
the marsh survives to pass on the wealth of lushness for generations to come.

People Say...

People say our happiness is contagious.
Our feelings of warmth overflows and spreads a
calming sensation to others.
Perhaps our world is tinted a gentle shade of
rose and we must try to pass the hue as a gift
to those we meet.
Just as a small plane seeds clouds, hoping to
bring more rain, we seed those around us with
the offshoots of good feelings.
As watchful as a gardener tending the fertile
garden, we plant the seeds of contentment and
cultivate them until they blossom into

Start The Day

As darkness still covers the landscape
The alarm signals us awake
Sleep has separated us briefly
We are anxious to greet one another
Turning, reaching, stretching and smiling,
We hold each other close in warm relaxation
We start our day much as we end it...together
The rich aroma of coffee lures us but still we linger
From you, I gather strength to stand tall throughout the day
From me, you reap softness to temper your manly dealings
We face what life offers us because we have each other
Prepared for the world, we start our day

The original poetry on this site may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or used in any way without the express written permission of the author. ©1999-2015 Laura

We invite you to visit our other pages by clicking the links below

Laura's Love Notes
Ralph & Laura, Whispers Of Love
Ralph & Laura, Welcome To Our World
Ralph & Laura, Pages Of Our lives
Ralph & Laura, Forever Together
Ralph & Laura, Venturing Forth
Ralph & Laura, We Announce .....
Desert Dreams
Ralph & Laura, Lighting The Way
Ralph & Laura, Cool Walks, Warm Feelings
Ralph & Laura, Treasures We've Found