Mitsukake : Myou Juan
Age: 22
Birth Date: 5/7
Height: 199cm
Bloodtype: O
Birthplace: A manor near Choko of northern Konan Empire
Family: Alone all of his life. His late girlfriend Shoka was a daughter of a lord of the manor
Hobbies: Taking care of animals
Abilities: Healing powers
Mitsukake was found by Miaka and with Nuriko,Hotohori,Chichiri
and newly found Tasuki.They traveled to the town because they heard of a
woman who could bring back the dead. The woman that could raise the dead was Mitsukake's girl friend
that was possesed by a deman before she died. Mitsukake's girlfreind waited
her last moments to see her lover one last time. She was unable because he
was in a far away town that needed his healing powers and came to late. She
became a demon and faked bring people back from the dead. Miaka was ill and
almost died discovering that Mitsukake 's girlfriend didn't die because she
wanted to say good bye to her love. Mitsukake then came to help Maika and
killed the demon and said good bye to his love.
-information provided by OKiaLee@aol.com