Age: 25
Birth Date: 11/27
Height: 183cm
Bloodtype: Unknown
Birthplace: Western Koutu, Hin Tribe
Family: None(orphan)
Hobbies:Threatening Tamahome
Abilities: Psychokinesis
Nakago belonged to a race that was eliminated by the Kutou army.
He witnessed his mother being attacked by the soldiers; to try and save her life he unleashed his chi at a rate
that was too high for him to control. In the process he killed all of the soldiers and his mother. He was the only
one spared because he was a Seishi of Seiryu.
Nakago was raised in the Kutou palace by the perverted emperor(with the suggestion that he was sexually abused).
As a result of his painful past, Nakago appears to not have much heart despite the symbol.