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The new Dr.Quinn Barbie Doll Series by Matel®. In this series you will receive the Dr. Michaela "Mike" Quinn Doll. She has her own medical bag that includes all the necessities of a frontiers doctor. You will also receive the Sully doll. He has his own Indian medicine pouch, tool belt, buckskins and of course long curly hair. Katie is the third installment, or should we say Katies. You get not one, not two, but three of these adorable babies, just in case the child labor laws apply to you (toy rabbit now included). The town also includes Colleen (two Colleens, one with blond hair and one with red) and her new love Andrew (baby not included,but includes floppy hair and fists for knocking out Colleen's "suitors") as well as their medical supplies. Brian and wolf come with Matthew (still unmarried as usual) and they come with school books and busted sheriff's star.

In the town set you get Jake (bottle of whiskey not included, comes with barber shop supplies), Grace (now including a bottle of "elixir" from Andrew, and the supplies needed to run a good Cafe, even special dishes and meatloaf), Robert E.(horse shoes included), Loren (including grumpy face and apron), Dorothy (and a small replica of the Gazette and press), Cloud Dancing (nothing included), Hank (including watered down whiskey and two "hank's gals"), Horace (complete with telegram and gun), Miss Teresa (chalkboard and school books), Daniel (complete with wallet and engagement ring just in case), The Reverend (with cane) and Preston (snide remarks not included, money clip is).

You can also get the Colorado Springs play set, a complete replica (including Cafe, Church, Chateau and School house, plus furniture) of the town and The Sully homestead (furniture supplied). Horses and wagons are ordered separately.

Jane Seymour said this about the dolls, "They look so real. I am sure any Dr.Quinn an would love to have a small version of gorgeous little me in their home."

Joe Lando said, "Me as a doll....what will they think of next?"

All the stars agree the Dr.Quinn Dolls (a mere $1999.99) are a great addition to any collection.

"I created these dolls for me and my friends," designer JD said. "I never thought they would be popular. I hope everyone enjoys them."

Call 1-800-1DQ-Doll for information and orders of Dr.Quinn Barbies.

This story in is in no way meant to infringe upon the rights belonging to Beth Sullivan, CBS, or any entity thereof. All rights to Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and any related content, including characters used, belong to "Sullivan and Company" and "CBS Entertainment Productions."

Celebrity quotes are used as paradies only and are in no way meant to insult or offend the actors themselves.

This story is the property of the author. Copyright 1998. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without the written permission of the author. DQ Barbies - Copyright © 1998 - All Rights Reserved - Janine D.