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The Night Before the Wedding by M Harris


Michaela tossed and turned through the night. In the back of her mind she knew that she should try to sleep for she had a long day ahead of her. Not that she wasn’t looking forward to the wedding… and of course the honeymoon – but it would be tiring all the same. Her dreams were somewhat stress filled – usually having to do with some catastrophe that could accompany the wedding. As she shifted to yet another position she became aware that a deep sleep would elude her this night. She sat up from the bed, her white night shift hanging at her shoulder. She looked around at the cabin, realizing for the first time that this would be her last night there, her last night in a bed by herself. As she swung her feet over the bed she began to seep into deep thought, her worries surmounting. Her mother had hurt her quite deeply, more than anyone would ever know, when she turned down her request. She had so wanted her mother to give her away at her wedding. She was also worried about the wedding in general, but she somehow knew it would work out, her mother giving her away or not. She had grown accustomed to the way her mother had hurt her and made her feel throughout her entire life. “Oh Mother!” she said in a barely audible whisper, not characterized with anger, but hurt. On an opposite note, she could not stop worrying about the honeymoon expectations, about living with a man who had not even know the comforts of a traditional bed for years, and about how they each, independent as they were, would function together in a union. Staring into the darkness, she felt the knots twist into her stomach. Her eyes adjusting to the blackness of the room, she could now make out objects and suddenly remembered the first time Sully had brought her here. “Oh, he had such a presence over me even then,” she thought, remembering how everything she did around him at first felt so awkward. She wanted to hide under the nearest rock the first time she met him, when she tumbled face first into the mud. And then, to make matters even more embarrassing, she fell off her new horse when he brought her to the homestead. Her thought now quickly shifted back to the impending marriage and honeymoon – and then, without realizing it her thoughts abruptly turned to David – the man she once loved and was engaged to. She now realized she loved Sully in ways that she never could have loved David. She often wondered what happened to her first loved, and oddly enough, she wished him well. She knew, however, she had made the right decision, for she so fervently loved Sully, he challenged her in so many ways. He made a passion kindle in her that made her blush just to think of it. She smiled crookedly in the dark, calmer now for the moment, but knowing well that she would not be able to sleep. She looked out the window. It was still quite dark outside, but away in the corner, where the sky met the earth, a little light spread across the clouds. She stood from her bed and had a sudden cramped feeling. She desired get out of the house, to ride out somewhere – she also thought that it might cure her restlessness, or at least take her mind off her worries. She looked down at her apparel and was quite aware that she was not dressed for such a venture. She thought of what her mother would say if she knew her daughter was evening thinking about such a trek in this outfit. With that thought a hint of defiance took hold of her and she quietly threw on her robe and gently opened the door and walked out toward the barn. It really was pointless, she thought, to get dressed, for she only was going to ride out and see no one. Besides, she would have enough dressing and primping to do before the wedding. Even though it was May, Michaela realized on her way to the barn it was quite chilly and was glad she had thrown the robe on. She open walked into the barn and began saddling Flash. “This really is absurd,” she told the horse, “I should be asleep.” Flash neighed in accordance. But no sooner than she thought this she remembered she could not sleep if her life depended on it. “How about taking me to the new homestead, girl?” she asked Flash as she climbed upon her back. With that, she swiftly exited the barn, hair flying in the breeze. She was shocked at herself for her actions and she galloped away atop Flash, but she realized that she just had to get out.


Sully lay in his make shift bed looking at the sky. Wolf lay sleeping at his side, but soon awoke sensing his master’s sleeplessness. Sully breathed steadily, an occasionally caught a glimpse of his breath in the air. How cool the May morning was, but he hoped the day would turn out to be beautiful. So far he surmised that the sky was looking as if it might only be a prelude to a magnificent day. To view his face, his thoughts looked serene, but inside his mind he was at torrent. Why? He could not even figure this out himself. A knot twisted in his stomach. His thoughts, were of course, on Michaela and the wedding; but mostly just Michaela. He was sure he loved this woman, and knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her – no doubt. He remembered with distaste what Hank had ventured to say to him earlier – a comment making jest, that his worries were associated with the upcoming wedding night. That certainly was not was on Sully’s mind… or was it? He was worried about Michaela’s nervousness, and a little worried himself that he may not be able to control himself. This woman was the most beautiful thing he had laid his eyes on, her hair was his favorite, and her small, delicate body excited him. Why everything, even her Irish temper which often flared, excited him in way he never though he could feel again. This woman meant everything to him. He would give his life for her. He would do anything for her. He hoped that the wedding went smoothly, but anything was possible with Michaela’s mother here. Sully could not understand how Mrs. Quinn could be so cruel to Michaela – sometimes he felt as if he’d like to tell her to go back to Boston, but he knew the woman meant well. Her precious “propriety” got in her way though – and it was in everybody else’s way too, he thought. His thoughts returned to Michaela, and how much love and faith he had in here and their upcoming marriage. Then suddenly, his thoughts turned to Abigail. He did not feel guilt – only respect for the woman he first loved. He felt sure Abigail would want him to move on with his life, after all, she was a kind, sweet woman. But he ventured to think that he loved Michaela in ways he never could have loved Abigail. Michaela had often challenged him – she fiercely angered him at times too with her stubbornness, but he loved her for that. He would not dare tell Michaela, but he found her especially beautiful when angry. Wolf gently whined and picked up his head looking into Sully’s face. “You a little restless too, boy?” Sully quietly said. “Come on,” he said standing up. Wolf still sat there staring at Sully standing over him. With a click of his tongue and a slight wave of his hand he followed Sully as he mounted his horse and rode off.


Michaela was immensely enjoying her ride. Flash was the best horse she could ever have, she thought. The air was cool to Michaela’s face, but it felt refreshing. Several times along the route she was taking she smiled and spoke to Flash, complimenting her. Although still quite dark, she knew the homestead had to be close by. “Take me on to the new homestead, girl,” she said. “I suppose you better get use to this route.”

Soon she was at the bottom of the front stairs of her lovely new homestead. She dismounted Flash and tied her. She ventured up the front steps and came to the door with her window, their window. She ran her hand across the glass remembering what it truly signified to her – that her and Sully were truly in this together, emotionally and financially. She grasp the handle and opened the door. Reaching into her robe she found matches and lit a lamp that was sitting just inside the door. She paced thoughtfully around the house – the house that Sully had put together with his own two hands. She was at awe in its beauty – Sully was talented, she thought. Although still a little empty of the normal, everyday clutter that made a house, many things were in place. She had an entire new life here awaiting her. She walked around the kitchen and the living room. She stood by the fireplace and looked forward to sitting in front of it one day with Sully and the rest of the family. She ran her hands over much of her husband-to-be’s handiwork and smiled. She carried the lamp up the stairs to the second floor and peered in each room: Brian’s room, Colleen’s room, and then the empty room. She stood staring at the vacant room and thought for a while about who might inhibit it later – who she hoped might anyway. She moved down to the master bedroom.


Sully galloped on thinking of how glad he was that he finally overcame his fear of riding a horse. He did it mostly to impress Michaela he had to admit. But he then ventured to think that he really didn’t want to impress her, it was something that Michaela had brought out in him. A desire to try things and break old habits. He galloped on to the homestead, his eyes aware that the dawn was not too far away, but still not too close to be very light. As he approached the place where he would live out his life with the woman he loved he saw a horse. After dismounting his horse he went over to it, and patted its head, “Flash, whatcha doin’ out here this time a’mornin’?” He smiled as he realized that although Michaela and himself differed on so many things, they were still very alike. He opened the door and looked around. Not seeing Michaela upstairs he assessed she must be upstairs. He inhaled deeply as he looked around – thinking of the future before he ascended up the stairway.


Michaela stood motionless at the doorway of the bedroom; the bedroom that was meant for her and her husband. It hit her then and there what a prodigious step this was for such an independent woman. Sully seeing her standing at the doorway of the bedroom went directly too her and put his hands around her waist. Michaela jumped and screamed in fright and fell back. Sully caught her before she could spill over, “Its just me.” “Oh my, Sully, you nearly scared the life out of me,” she breathed. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinkin’,” he confessed. A smile crept upon his lips. Michaela caught the expression almost immediately. “Just what are you smirking about, it wasn’t funny at all, you had absolutely no business sneaking up on me like….” “Settle down, Michaela,” he interrupted her. He slowly said, “I was just thinkin’ how beautiful you are even when you’re white as a ghost,” he grinned. Although she didn’t want to, she sheepishly grinned and looked up into his eyes. She giggled a bit and then turned a little more serious. “I couldn’t sleep at all, I just had this desire to ride out here,” she looked down, “but as you see I’m not appropriately dressed.” Sully lifted the robe and white strap of her night shift that had fallen down over her shoulder with the excitement. “I can see that, don’t matter though, ain’t like Mrs. Quinn is out here,” he smiled. “Thank goodness. Mother would get quite upset!” she laughed. He touched her chin as she smiled. Realizing she was a little uneasy about the bedroom itself he led her down to sit right outside the doorway. “What are you doing out here?” she queried. ” “Having a little of the same problem myself,” he confessed. A few moments of silence passed between them. Sully and her both sat outside the doorframe looking outside the window of their bedroom. They watched as the light crept closer to the cloud. “You know,” he spoke softly, “you don’t have anything to be worried about.” “Oh yes, well, I know. Grace will fix a delicious meal, and Mother and my sisters will be fine. Everything will go fine, and it looks like its going to be a nice day…” He interrupted her, “That’s not what I was talking about.” She looked down and blushed and he placed his hand on her back and drew her too him. She sat there, content for the while, Sully holding her, and she holding to Sully. Sully wouldn’t admit it, but he truly needed to be with Michaela right now. Even though he was obviously comforting her, she was comforting him as well. For when Michaela was close to him, all his doubts subsided. Sully looked down and lifted Michaela’s chin, as so her eyes would meet his. He glanced at her lips, slightly parted and began to kiss them. Michaela felt her heart flutter with delight as she slowly inhaled and exhaled. Their kiss intensified and soon Michaela ran her hands through his unruly hair. With one arm, Sully encircled her waist and pulled her closer. As Michaela kissed him, she unknowing leaned farther and farther back until she felt the coolness of the floor on her back and neck. Sully continued the kiss, and he breathed deeply. His hand trailed from her side down her thigh and found the end of the cotton gown amid the calf of her leg. He slid his hand up her leg, not wanting anything else at the moment other than to feel the coolness of her flesh. She as well slid her hand down from his hair, to his shoulder. Soon her hand was underneath the back of his shirt and exploring his bare shoulder blades. Before he could let himself go any farther, he undertook the difficult task of pulling away. He stared straight down into her eyes and smiled. Michaela, realizing what had occurred blushed immensely and looked down at her current state of ill dress, and blushed even more. “Its okay Michaela,” he said, comforting her. Somehow his words proclaimed that it was in fact all right but her blush became deeper. She looked up at him. “I don’t know how you can find me attractive looking like this. My current state of dress is not the most becoming,” she said. “I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he slowly said. He kissed the tip of her nose and pulled her up with one sweep of his arm. Michaela sat there silently cradled in Sully’s arms. The previous weeks had taken its toll and now she realized her tiredness. In the warmth of his arms she became sleepy. She slowly began to drift off to sleep in Sully’s arms. Realizing Michaela’s breathing had become more even and her muscles relaxed her peered down to see her face. As he suspected, she was exhausted and was just about soundly asleep. The last few weeks had been hard on her. And today, when her mother turned her down from giving her away at her wedding, well that had secretly crushed Michaela. Even though he was eavesdropping, he was glad he heard it. He knew Michaela wouldn’t tell him, but he also knew how it hurt her. All her life she tried to please her mother and all her life Mrs. Quinn was never satisfied. When was she going to see her daughter had turned out to be a wonderful, caring and beautiful woman? He hated to wake Michaela, but dawn was fast approaching and he hoped to get her home so she could have at least a little sleep before the big day. “Michaela…” he whispered, waiting for a response. “Hmmm,” she roused a bit. “Michaela why don’t I take ya home so you can get a little rest,” he whispered into her ear. “Okay, I’m sorry. I just became so sleepy,” she yawned. “No need for apologizin’, been a long few days,” he said. “Yes, yes it has. Sully, I’m still sorry about us quarreling earlier. I shouldn’t have pushed the ring topic. And I’d let mother really muddle up things. So glad we decided to do things ‘our’ way,” she paused, still half asleep, but rambling. “I was so sure you wouldn’t come back for me….” She droopily said, not knowing exactly what she was saying. “Mother said I could be jilted, but then I wouldn’t have blamed you…”she said, not full aware of what she had actually pronounced through her lips. Sully just sat dumbfounded. He didn’t realize his affect his absence had on Michaela. At first he was somewhat slightly mad. But then he understood how she must have felt. He smoothed her hair with his hand. “Michaela, I love you, and I would never – will never leave you, you know that.” Michaela snuggled back up to him, wanting to sleep, although she knew she shouldn’t. But propriety was far from her mind now. Sully lifted her to her feet and she woke up enough to blush slightly and to return a sudden kiss. They walked down stairs hand in hand and out the front door.


“Michaela, I’ll take you home,” Sully said. “Oh that’s not necessary, Sully, I’ll ride Flash,” she yawned after finishing the sentence. Sully led her to his horse and helped her upon it. He sat behind her and held her and clicked he tongue and the horse began to trot along. “Sully, thank you for taking me home,” she said. “Glad to do it. We have a big day tomorrow. If we go along now you should have a few hours you can sleep before ya have to get up an’ go into town,” he confirmed. “Michaela, are you feelin’ okay about everything that’s gonna happen tomorrow, really?” Michaela awoke a little more to feel her stomach twist a little, but then upon thinking about the question, remembering what a kind gentleman was here with her now, carrying her home. The man who had never taken advantage of her, who had always cared for her, who had saved her life more than one time. The same man who had stood up for her when no one else did, who had appreciated her efforts, even when others shunned her. The same man who had stuck through her through thick and thin. The same man who had given her the choice to marry him or David and told her he only wanted what would make her happy. The same man who told her he loved her only minutes before. Suddenly the twist in her stomach subsided. She felt warm and safe. “Yes,” she looked straight into his eyes and said.

They arrived at the homestead only shortly before dawn. Sully helped her down from the horse, and walked with her in the old homestead. He pulled the covers over her as she lay down. He kissed her tenderly on the lips, “I love you,” he said. “Mmm, I love you too. See you tomorrow, I’ll be the one in white.” Sully smirked and before he knew it, Michaela pulled him down for a long slow kiss. He almost fell over at first with surprise, but happily accepted it. She looked at him with a slight blush in her cheeks, and smiled. With that, she closed her eyes. Sully watched her fall asleep for a few moments more then quietly left shuting the door of the homestead that Michaela lived in for the last time. He looked forward to the day he would be carrying over the threshold of their new home. And that day was very close….

Questions? Comments? Email
M. Harris

This story in is in no way meant to infringe upon the rights belonging to Beth Sullivan, CBS, or any entity thereof. All rights to Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and any related content, including characters used, belong to "Sullivan and Company" and "CBS Entertainment Productions."

This story is the property of the author. Copyright 2000. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without the written permission of the author.

The Night Before The Wedding - Copyright © 2000 - All Rights Reserved - M. Harris.