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Douglas Attia (OOC Mike Lenzen) Born and raised in Lethbridge Douglas participated in several sports and activities but manly he enjoyed Boy Scouts. When he turned 19 he started going to university in Lethbridge working on his bachelor of education. During the summer of 1997, he was participating in a national Scout Camp. There he was embraced. He can not remember anything about his embrace except the fact that he was missing for an hour one night during camp. When daylight came, he left the camp and found a cave to hid in.

Unknown to him, his sire had been watching over him and continued to do so for two months before he believed it was time to bring Douglas into kindred society. So on August 1st 1997 a letter was left in Douglas's haven by his sire's ghoul. It was an invitation to attend Elysium, which was being held at the first of every month. Of course he went.

Earlier that night while Douglas was still sleeping his sire was hunted and slain by the kindred of Lethbridge for charges of diablerie. When Douglas entered the Elysium, he was questioned several times as to his clan and could give no answer. He was directed toward a Caitiff named only George. George was kind enough to teach Douglas about the traditions and ways of the Camarila. He also took Douglas under his accounting for 13 months. George however had been often confronted by city officials about crimes brought against him by kindred who viewed him merely as a scapegoat. This caused both George and Douglas to become untrustworthy and disliked amongst the kindred of the area.

Douglas began to gather influence within the city and became more used to the idea of living "life" as a vampire. In the fall of 1998, Douglas left Lethbridge tired of the way he was viewed by the kindred and decided to take up home in Regina, SK.
