There was a lot going on tonight, alot of it caused by the ghosts that follow the Giovanni around. They didn't hurt anyone, but they did cause chairs to fall and have blood squirt out from the floor, and stuff like that. It kept everyone entertained, and added a bit to the social atmosphere.
Now, tonight I even did stuff. I met a lot of kindred, that I normaly woundn't have known who live in Martinsburrough. Most of them were kind enough, except for the nazi that claimed he was a doctor during the second world war, he was a bit of a prick. All and all, I had a lot of fun socializing and enjoying the service. It was two of these kindred that kept me occupied though. I managed to stage a fight between a Caitiff named Fire whom I have never really liked and a Brujha named Guy. It was quite interesting. I invited the Giovanni from Regina as whell as Ricky the Hand to watch and make bets. Things turned out rather well, and I even made $3000 out of the deal
Well, that's all the important stuff that I can remember now but man, I tell you if you ever get a chance to go to a Giovanni hosting don't pass it up.