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Step Lightly

skidding along sorta sideways
long straight object lesson of life
cringing sometimes under the weight
treading the surface of a maelstrom
charred & buttered by fate
fed to lions
or stoned by whimsy unkind
but still living on
down each new present

they say get a life
and sometimes that's the way we feel
just getting the life
can take all your time
but that shall be
our primary focus

anything else is fodder for the trees
or pointed more specifically
sometimes you can find change
crawling thru the pews
but you'll be eaten by chance
unless you eat first
as you skim along at orbital speed
long arc of truth
sweating in our labors
roasted, salted, sliced by it
but still stepping lightly
when necessary

we and the written

live the life &
live the dream &
dream the dream
the dream within the dream
each night
and take girls into deserts
and speak with coyotes
sit back & listen
listening for the rain

go quickly
quietly thru the hall
down the path &
out into the moist day
buy the food
feed the girl
and only she will ask,

"Whatcha typin?"


until your whole insides ache
lots of illumination
imaginary happiness
a lonely crowd
be open

just like any damn factory
make signs out of bird tracks
a fear of flying

hang out with people who know the value of time
but know nothing about it
so according to your religion
you could just kill me

like the very first time
release all from pity
until all your insides ache
until the season changes

but after saying all this
let me refrain
cut off the south half
look at the light & space & half filled rooms
a sure sign

like when you were a dozen years younger
and your neighbor saw
existing merely as an animal
for that brief time


it's right where you are & 
it won't forget
talk it over before you come see me
hold back til it's too late
then let it go
tell your mother yes

but pretend he doesn't know
be frankly erotic
or your sleep levels
will never drop so low

the month of June
is the counterpart you seek
yet in cohesion with it
bearable yet very light
like sand
try sand painting
like an indian
native American
let's be correct

go every day to the same place
or experience the new germination
but don't spawn

if we close the door
we'll never hear the telephone

I'll be up

easing out into the drizzle
running from the cliff face
down along the sidewalk
my bag on the floor back home
just wondering
and being
happy that it's all here

sure to find a spot to sleep
amongst friends
sit by a wood fire
like old Chinese Mexican beggars
or like the telephone lines
strung like totems

a happy little sage
wandering alone thru a crowd
wondering aloud
all the boulders to surmount

so gladsmiling I go
saying "that's right"
just going right gone going
just right there going gone
dharmic night of nondescribable
     nofingeronit ness

St. Raymond of the Dogs
was there in the rain &
Coyote grinned from his butte top
looking down & olfactoring in
all the hotdogs hamburgers fries

tiny wild flowers grew in tiny rockcracks
caused by the rain and nourished by sun
even the sidewalk breathed
and heaved just a bit & sighed
easy to be free of gravity for a moment
if your socks go over your knees
never had a better time

when the whole town & county sleeps
call me

I'll be up

Superior Player

something bitter
something sweet
light came up on the apple

in the process of discovering
even for a young one
can't stand it
stretching out toward it, then
ascending the foothills
rolling out like a fog or a carpet

until he got a cramp in his calf
the thud of a lion's paws on asphalt
so much for all that, yet

he never heard the boom
was nobody's idiot
scorched with pain
stinging his throat as he swallowed
stiffening with anger
what he'd lost or left behind

something salty
something sour
light came up on the apple

a process for discovery
why the old folks don't like it
didn't have to work too hard
no water anywhere around
just kicking ability
and a will to stand

so much for all that, but then
they misinterpreted the love-rites
they never heard it coming
neither did he
and there it went

rolling out upon the night like fog
quick enough
this time maybe
to surprise them

Tinpot fragments

tight little crosses on chains
really pits
of holy land olives
basic black cut high
a little navel showing
tall silk socks & her vow
kept only by leather straps
     & locks

virginity healed
thru years of silence
tiny bound volumes lote
among folds of canvas
tar babies in corners sob in verse
regional pain
verdigris fields of total recall
the mind, open, begs
     & steals

diving beneath a frozen wave
but in retrospect
Venus sighs w/laughter
moving closer
viatic scribblings on granite walls
homunculi just out of sight
dragged out
eyes tightly shut
the vampire screams &

finally coming to grips
w/the central desire
diverse reasons why
now moot in the moonlight
due regard for the young girl's flight
or that famous feeling
that comes of breeding
for taste 
as well as touch


a crease in the multiverse
wrinkle of time
well-worn groove in the orbit of
a conventional earth
spinning calmly
across the void there is nothing
     everything always
a play an unfolding drama
unfolding unveiled unconcealed
literary secrets & dust
quantum realities and absurd
pornographic jokes

nothing here spells out

charming candy-coated concealments
toothy grins & friendly wigs
trembling handshakes gorgeous nails dripping
tipped in poison
well-washed goodies &
porcelain plates doll faces
coffee mugs staining amid whirling papers
electric fans & gaily colored inks