NEW! Well, isn't it about time the mainpage got a facelift? Evie has mentioned before that she'd like to re-do the mainpage so we'll see. I am sure it will look nice. I know she plans to change the layout and text. I pray she keeps the background, but I think she is moving the direction of her page into other anime territory instead of Fushigi Yuugi. Whatever she decides, I am sure it will look great!
I was first introduced to anime in 1996 when my
wonderful husband Jacob took me to my first TASS screening.
I remember the screening room was a small and uncomfortable classroom with about 30 to 40 people attending, sitting on the floor. Their eyes were glued to a 27-inch TV screen. Many of the animes, though I can't recall all the titles, filled the room with laughter, boos, and excitement. Nowadays, TASS typically, albeit regularly has an attendance of about 100 to 200 people. TASS currently shows anime for 12 hours straight, twice a month, in huge auditoriums. After the first screening I was hooked!!! I can't get enough!!! I need more anime!!!
NEW! **At the time I started this website we were going to TASS regularly, but ah last we have not gone to a screening since 2000. We have grown older and much has changed since the good old days of TASS screenings. We are now married (since 10/2000) and we have two children, girls ages 4 and 2.**
It was either that first screening or the next that I was introduced to Fushigi Yuugi.
Which is what this page is mainly about. (That is, before Jacob took over this site.)
Shortly, after seeing a few episodes of Fushigi Yuugi,
Jacob and I got the whole series from a wonderful lady named
Karen Duffy.
Karen Duffy isn't fansubbing Fushigi Yuugi anymore, because it is commercially available. Well, she unfortunately isn't fansubbing at all nowadays, go to her webpage to find out why.
Check Out Pioneer's Web Site For More Details!
They've brought Fushigi Yuugi right to you at most major video outlets. No word yet if Pioneer is going to put the Fushigi Yuugi OVA to video.
NEW! **They have released the series on dvd including the OVA.**
So far Pioneer has produced about half of the entire TV series to dvd which includes: Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play: Boxed Set 1 Suzaku, Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play: Boxed Set 2 Seiryu, Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play - Eikoden Vol. 3, Fushigi Yugi OVA Boxed Set, as well as single dvds volumes 1-7. Volume 6 released May 17, 2005 and Volume 7 will be released on July 16, 2005. Hopefully they will finish releasing the rest of the series soon.
Here Is A List Of Fushigi Yuugi Characters I Adore!
These guys are not too bad!
Last modified 03/25/2025 10:38:46