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January - 1998

NADS Look Good Early

The NADS 'Brain Trust' inked several new faces in the off season....and the new talent, in camp with returning players, has looked impressive. So much so that Coach Tom "Kat" Mobley was overheard reserving extra rooms for "family" at the Holiday Inn for tournament time; a bold move, considering the NADS have only been in camp three weeks. It does, however, speak volumes about the optimism surrounding the '98 NADS. "I haven't cleared a spot on the mantel for the trophy...yet," Coach Mobley said at the close of workouts, Sunday 1/25/98. Privately, he expanded that comment, telling this reporter, "If we don't come in first this year, I'll cut off my 'good' leg and feed it to the dog..."

[EDITOR'S NOTE: All you animal rights folks out there... do not be alarmed and please don't make emergency calls to the Arizona Chapter of the SPCA. Coach Mobley has, as long as this reporter has known him, referred to his ARTIFICIAL limb as his 'good' leg....and though he's tried this before, his dog "Monty" has few, if any, teeth and therefore only licks and "gums" it for a short time, then loses interest and takes a nap.]

NADS Lose Veterans / Ink New Faces

The NADS Softball Club will look different again this season. Due to the losses of fan favorite Juan "Bugsy" Piede to injury, the retirement of Scott "No Knees" Wruck and the commitment of Doug "Motor Mouth" Witt by a Superior Court judge Coach Mobley was faced with a crisis in depth management. His efforts over the off-season are evidenced by the signings of:
1 - Bruce "Bad-to-the-Bone" McClain who will start at short, relief pitch and with his shotgun batting style will hit in the all-important 3-spot - - - (This is a huge addition to the lineup)
2 - Perry "Flash" Gordon will once again be terrorizing fly balls and line drives in right center at venerable Daley Field, and we expect, be leaving big chunks o' flesh in the chain link fencing as well...his 'rat-a-tat' .600+ bat will fit in the bottom of the lineup nicely, thank-you...
3 - Ward "Da' Board" Cauthren, will lay down his world class ski board for a stint at 3rd base where, if early workouts are an indicator, he's got a vacuum glove and the proverbial big caliber arm....the kid's been dropping 'em on the railroad tracks beyond the left field fence in batting practice as well. Coach Mobley commented "Ward brings the same attitude on the diamond that he showed on the mountain...and he's got nice legs too!"

Pre-Season Meeting Set

The annual pre-season meeting will be held this year on Sunday, February 15, 1998 at the home of catcher Krusty Riddle. His wife Lulu will be contacting other players wives, girlfriends and in two cases, boyfriends (you know who you are) about the theme for this years gala. As in past years, all attendees must be clothed below the waist throughout the entire dinner. Official business to be conducted will include the announcement of schedules, discussion of road trips, tournaments, etc.....please RSVP no later than Tuesday, February 10.
NOTE: We've chosen a private residence for this year's pre-season meeting to discourage fans and gawkers, and hopefully the Maricopa County Sherriff's Office, from trying to "crash" the event.

[ DATELINE - 2/8/98 - 8:25AM (MST) ]
NADS Call Off Sunday Practice

In a move unheard of in recent memory, Coach Tom "Kat" Mobley called off Sunday's scheduled practices just one week before the season opener. Citing the rain and slick infield conditions he said, "We just got new uniforms and I don't want to get them all muddy." But this reporter has learned of injuries to more than just a few key players which may have played a significant role in Coach Mobley's decision. Most players when questioned about the development declined comment but this reporter did get an exclusive for "NADS News" from star left-fielder Clay "The Stickman" Rosborough, seen rubbing 'Flex-All 454' on a noticeably tender elbow in the training room. When asked about the situation and the nature of his injury The Stickman replied, "....some of these other guys may have softball injuries, but I was out until 4 o'clock this mornin' shootin' pool and my right elbow ain't used to it, and I'm gonna' do it again tonight so I thought I'd better rub some liniment on it...". There you have it NADS fans, we'll keep you posted on this or any other breaking stories as they develop.

[ Update - March 26 , 1998 ]

Tournament Update

Coach Tom has announced the intention to participate in the annual "Del Webb Classic" 1-pitch tournament....this is an "invitation only tournament" so I guess we are supposed to feel honored. This also costs $250 per team for entry fees which includes a free barbeque and all you can drink (my term, not theirs). Del Webb Corp. is picking up the tab for the tournament and for the most part, (appx. 85%) all fees goes to Sun City Charities so as Martha would say "it's a good thing". The location is Liberty Park, world class facilities, and is scheduled for May 9, 1998 starting at 8:00 AM and will run to appx. 11:00 PM. A free t-shirt for all players and trophies for winners are promised and a warm and fuzzy for helping a solid charitable organization is promised for all. Anyone wanting to play must contribute $20 each (deadline - 4/14/98)....Coach Tom says he has to have the money into the tournament organizers by April 16, 1998 to secure our place. There will only be 25 teams allowed into the tournament so this will fill up fast.

[ Update - April 9, 1998 ]

Make-up Game Schedule

The three rained-out double-headers have been re-scheduled by the Tempe Parks Department....please check the schedule for the new dates. All times remain the same as they were originally scheduled. The Spring Season Tournament has, obviously, been pushed back to the week of May 2, 1998 (also noted on the schedule page).

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The "NADS NEWS" is a periodical publication. Lucas Redo will take sole responsibility for its content unless someone is offended, then he'll most certainly point the finger at some "source", who's identity he's not 'required' to divulge. In other words, don't try to pin anything on the editor, he doesn't care whether you're offended and if you try to nail him for something, he'll weasle out of it using the 1st Amendment.

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