MW Attends Dr.Neon's Bash, Page 2
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Mr. Wonderful

Mr.Wonderful Attends Dr. Neon's
December 1999 Bash ! Page 2

last updated: August 29th, 2000


(Photos, Click & Enlarge)


(Looks Best Using MS Internet Explorer 5.0+)
Tom Hanks & Lady

Tom Hanks & Lady Guest

Fellow Thespian, Mr.Hanks, asked Mr.Wonderful to take a photo.
One Limo in MW's Livery

Mr. Wonderful's Back Up Limo

Mrs. & Dr.Neon

The Mrs. & Dr. Neon

(Ok, so it's not the greatest picture! These were taken with a one time throw away camera, okay? My Rolleiflex 6008 was in the shop.)

Dr. Neon

Dr. Neon enjoying a Cuban, er... Honduran cigar.
Yes! A Honduran cigar and a Heineken.

His Eminence John Paul II

John Paul II sent his regrets via Mr.Wonderful's Vatican connections
MS.Wonderful & Bodyguard

MS. Wonderful with Bodyguard

Here we see Ms. Wonderful seated beneath paintings authored by Dr. Neon. Note the priceless Marx, the well endowed Welch and the mammary burdened Madonna. (Not shown: Velvet Elvis)
"I Despise You Mr.Wonderful!"

The Actress Jody Foster

Due to an ongoing spat with Mr.Wonderful the very beautiful and talented Ms. Foster was a 'no-show.' Jody, what's the rumour with Russell Crowe being the father of your latest child?
Worshipping at the Ivory Stool

The End