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National Politics: Where, risking a .25 calibre bullet to the head, I tell it like it really is
Current Events: including happenings over the entire Solar System, International & National
Arizona Politics & Current Events
Photos by Mr.Wonderful
MW Review of Books by Mr.Wonderful
Prelude to Mr. Wonderful's Biography
Oh yes, I hear that Ann Coulter is so wonderfully outspoken and while Mr. Wonderful recognizes her as an extremely capable (and now wealthy) partner in the fight against socialism, liberalism and the DeMedia, if she is considered "outspoken" then I must be a screaming, maniacal madman on the order of a methamphetamine-drip powered English-speaking hybrid of Adolph Hitler and the 1964 Barry Goldwater.
After wrapping up a working week that included 32 hours of overtime, while driving home bone-weary, eyelids occasionally too heavy to remain open, hands sometimes sliding off the steering wheel of my paid-for $11,300 Hyundai Sonata, I had a thought. And that thought was how could conservative Sean Hannity could sit across from the far-left Alan Colmes, on their nightly television show, without leaping out of his chair and strangling the lazy-eyed-liberal bastard. I realized that Sean is out of the loop. Tony Snow is out of the loop. Rush Limbaugh is out of the loop. And oddly enough, Walter Williams, Tom Sowell, Ken Hamblin and your Mr.Wonderful are in the loop. We are in the loop because we aren't extremely wealthy individuals who can write, pontificate, and communicate the emotion-packed moral truths a free society needs to hear and then carefully disappear behind bodyguards, gated communities, bomb resistant SUV's and private jets. We can't escape. We have nowhere to run and we would not run given the chance. We are out on the firing line every day. Mr. Wonderful doesn't need to hear second-hand from others about the crime, about the illegal alien problem, about the cancerous, rust-like destruction liberalism rains on the American soul and economy. Mr. Wonderful is so passionate because he dwells in the midst of the problem. I weep, I cry out, I wail for the country godly men founded and God has so richly blessed. A nation which I now witness being destroyed by power-hungry politician's promising the greedy, the lazy, and the ignorant something for nothing in exchange for our guns and our freedom. (Our guns and then our freedoms, in that order, my friends.) My soul is enraged by the DeMedia (aka: "Mainstream Media") spreading lies, ignoring facts, re-writing history and providing, without charge, hundreds of millions of dollars, of what amounts to, advertising for the political left they so adore. While Sean Hannity argues with Alan Colmes, it's just a job. While Chris Wallace points out that the picture NPR's Juan Williams paints is simply a 21st Century Stalin Stillscape, I'm sure, after the studio lights cool down, they pour over the Arbitron ratings together. Because it's a job. To them it's entertainment. Just today, February 29th, 2004, Fox TV's, Chris Wallace, admitted that two of his children attend Washington, D.C.'s, ultra tony Sidwell Friends private school. That translates to tuition costs alone of $40,000 per year, seven thousand dollars more than you MW grossed in 2004. How can he relate to a property tax increase of $165 per year when his children's weekly school expenses must run at least that much? To myself, to Sowell, to Walter Williams and to Ken Hamblin (who owns several Quizno's franchises) we face life everyday down in the trenches battling these evil bastards. These liberal sons of bitches, whose every desire is to end America as we know it, erase God and morality from every facet of American life, vilify the successful and shout down public discourse are no friend's of mine. And while I will be civil to them, I will never be friendly towards them.