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GW Wins, MW Worries
Your Mr.Wonderful feeling fairly confident, turned off his Fox election coverage late Tuesday night to watch The Hitcher, a blood and guts DVD movie, while seated alongside the massive Mr.Wonderful III. Come to think of it, I'm wondering why some socialist-liberal from the Kerry Kamp did not portray The GW as The Hitcher hisself. At 4:15 Wednesday morning, I awoke and rejoiced when I realized an unashamedly beer-drinking, heterosexual Christian man, husband, father and most importantly, true leader who governs from the gut, remained in our White House. A Christian in the White House? Let me explain: If you were educated in the post 1950's public school system of these United States, you might mistakenly believe, because of what you were wrongly taught (by teacher's pining away their time until their three month summer vacation) that this country was NOT founded by men who held very strong religious beliefs. However, you would be incorrect. Perhaps a quick reading of the current book titled Alexander Hamilton would provide you with a dollop of truth about the incredibly gifted and spiritual individuals who founded this great nation. One of my client's, a loquacious and lovely former stewardess (who doesn't always shave her pits) and who believes the godless, New Age philosophy, while speaking with me about the election results came out with a sadly spoken, "Well, I guess we'll just have to live with it." To which I almost replied, "Or die without it." Does not she realize that 9/11 was invited by years and years of our Presidents' being more concerned with forging a One World Government than with protecting us? And that the back-boneless Kerry & Teresa would leave us defenseless and cowering like the Spaniards curled up in a corner peeing on ourselves? I am greatly distressed that so many millions of American citizens voted for a man who despises the United States military, a man who gathered up three Purple Hearts in one hundred and twenty days of service in Vietnam without a single visible scar or disability, a man who promises financially imbecilic voters the same health care plan U.S. congressmen receive (at a cost of $5,700,000,000,000) is more liberal than Ted Kennedy and would turn over the international decision-making of the only remaining Super Power to the members of the unbelievably corrupt United Nations who hate America even more than they hate C.P.A.'s?
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Debate Nonsense
The Presidential Debates are churning through the airwaves, cable wires and satellite signals of tens of millions of American households. Tuesday, we viewed the incumbent Vice President Cheney versus the challenger John Edwards. As far as swinging the vote of any physician to the Kerry-Edwards campaign it would be an impossible task, for attorney Edwards has single-handedly done more to damage the health care industry and skyrocket costs since Medicare was introduced. I find these pre-election debates about as senseless as taking a bottle of Febreze to a baked bean Arkansas fart contest. To judge what the Bush-Cheney team will do in the future all one has to do is review what they've done in the past. And, likewise for their opponent's, the big-haired Johns. However, in this 21st Century, where decades of public school educated voters, who graduated twelve years of instruction with no more than eight years of left-leaning learning, using their flaccid minds, the idea of what a person says and how a person says it, is just as valid as recorded history. We all realize why the unashamed liberal Howard Dean did not win the Democratic nomination. That is because this screaming Vermont banshee had the audacity to shriek out what he would actually do if elected. In contrast, the politically savvy Kerry-Edwards machine instantly realized that to utter the truth of their own designs for this Republic would likewise be fatal for their campaign. They knew that to run on Senator Kerry's more-liberal-than-Ted-Kennedy twenty year congressional voting record would surely doom them to an $800 blue backgrounded block on the 2006 Jeopardy!, instead chose to base their crusade for the Potomac using the traitorous and distorted claims of the hate-filled, depressed, despise-America, madfatman, Michael Moore. And then, for qualifications as a war-time President, they fearlessly dusted off John F. Kerry's meager, one hundred and twenty day, three and one-half decade old Vietnam experiences, while at the same moment absolutely knowing that the DeMedia would leave unmentioned Lieutenant Kerry's rabid and lying anti-war activities that resulted in the extinction of millions of innocent Occidental, men, women and children in addition to the needless deaths of hundreds of patriotic American soldiers.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Swift Boater's Sink Kerry's Hero Claim
Unfit for Command, a recently released book written by sailor's who served beside the swashbuckling John F. Kerry is generating incredible acts of insanity on the Left and in the DeMedia. It's so strange that in this era where libel lawyers outnumber Starbucks employees, that the Kerry campaign is only accusing the authors and the five dozen Vietnam veterans consulted for the book, who battled alongside the seemingly unsinkable JFK, of libel. But yet, the only lawsuits threatened have been not against the authors, officers and witnesses contributing to Unfit for Command but against television and radio stations playing paid ads using the book as their source. On August 20th, 2004, DNC and Kerry-Edwards lawyers have, Martin Luther-like, pounded on the the print house door of Regnery Publishing demanding the withdrawal of the book from publication. (As I compose these comments, on Sunday, August 22nd, the book is #1 at both Amazon and Barnes and Noble.)
Meanwhile : 1.) Al Gore has been claiming that this most truthful of President's, ". . . lied to us! . . ." 2.) Radical Lenin-like Michael Moore, via box office receipts from a supposedly documentary film that images falsehood after falsehood about the Bush administration, continues to add to his wealth and Burger King budget. His film even claims, by framing a Fahrenheit 9/11 created cut-and-paste newspaper headline (recall dear readers, a 'documentary' is by definition, full of facts, while this M.M. creation is full of a very smelly something else) that Gore actually won the election by winning the recounts in Florida. 3.) We have a novel being published that plots the assassination of a United States president remarkably similar to G.W. Bush. And 4.) A college English professor has assigned her students to write a fiction piece about the aftermath of the murder of President G.W. Bush.
While the DeMedia ignores or even promotes these slander-a-day rants against this elected President (that senior members of the Left liken to Adolph Hitler and claim is a book-burner and liberty looter) in response the Bush Administration has rightly done nothing.
Do you recall the July 1996 Chicago incident when the Latino-surnamed couple Glen and Patricia Mendoza were yanked out the crowd by Secret Service agents, arrested and held in the Cook County Jail simply because she yelled at President William J. Clinton, "You suck and those boys died!" (By the way, don't comb the internet for DeMedia articles confirming this well-remembered fact, because, after ninety minutes of searching, I have concluded this minor incident, after being culled clean of Meta-Name-Keywords similar to one chimpanzee picking the lice out of his partner's fur, has been quietly wheeled away into the dusty digital archives like the crate containing the The Ark of the Covenant was hidden among thousands of identical others in the 1991 film Raiders of the Lost Ark.) What the Bush Administration is and does has been front and center since year 2000. This group of mainly outstanding men and women have been given anal and gynecological exams unseen outside the pages of Larry Flynt's Hustler magazine. And while none have been proven infalliable, all-knowing, or saints, I would much rather the fate of my family, my country and my freedom be in the clean hands of the G.W. Bush Administration than the belly aching and lawyer laden Kerry crowd.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Stem, Stem cell Research
Amidst the snorefest that was the 2004 Democratic Convention (which your Mr.Wonderful did watch) Ron Reagan spoke of stem cell research. Because his father died of Alzheimer's disease, he is taken by the Liberal-Left as an expert. But then again, Meryl Streep was taken as an expert on apples and Alar by the entire US Congress in the late 1980s. An 'expert' because she had simply portrayed a farmer in a movie. Let me repeat: because she had simply portrayed a farmer in a movie, she was assumed, by many politicians in the halls of Congress, as an apple expert. Like Ron Reagan, my father, who would've turned ninety-six in February of 2004, and a member of The Greatest Generation, as was President Reagan (having worked as an engineer on the Manhattan Project - a project, whose funding Senator John Kerry would have voted against) also perished of this horrible, indescribable affliction. Does that make me an expert on stem cell research? No. However, I do believe that much of what the little, spoiled, ungrateful, bitch, ReaganSon uttered at the Democratic Convention was either less than the truth or an outright lie. I do believe that what the scientists Ron Reagan supports wish to use are fertilized human eggs. Fertilized eggs, that if left inside a womb, would have a 50/50 chance of developing into a viable fetus that would, in nine months time, miraculously enlarge into a slimy, screaming, mini-human, that for a moment would grace mommy with a head at both ends of her torso. (I was there, I saw it.) If you don't believe that Man has a soul, destroying embryos probably doesn't concern you near as much as why quarterback Quincy Carter was cut from the Cowboys Wednesday. But if you do believe that Man has a soul, you might also be concerned as to when this "soul" is united with the corporeal body. Many believe it happens at conception. At fertilization. Pushing that question aside, innumerable Christian's feel that any interruption of the gestation timeline is murder. (Of course, in regards to abortion, the claim of "protecting the life of the mother" is always raised when common knowledge is that ninety nine percent plus of the oddly named "life-saving" abortions are simply murders of convenience. Read about how a mother ruthlessly culls her triplets down to a single child. Will she ever tell that child? Will that child ever find out? What a horrible secret. Will Hollywood ever make a movie about it?) Over at Changing Hearts in Health Care you can savor just a taste of the extreme biological complexities facing embryonic stem cell research being performed in non-Christian countries. But this is all I need to know, and that is, if embryonic stem cell research is made legal in the United States, eggs will be fertilized and allowed to multiply to a certain point and then be harvested. And that harvesting, to me, as a Christian, is murder. And I also consider it murder when infertile couples, in an attempt at pregnancy, create and fertilize many eggs cells outside of the womb to eventually harvest and implant only the most viable fertilized eggs or the single most viable one, disposing or freezing the rest. There is a reason couples are infertile, just as there is a reason I am a security guard and not Emperor of this Solar System. Finally, consider the selfish cruelty of this: to kill an embryonic person in the hopes to cure an imperfect infant, child, adult or senior. To kill one person to possibly cure another person. No thanks. I will much rather suffer the incomprehensible ravages of the assumed-to-be-inherited disease of Alzheimer's, rather than be the cause of another person never have gotten the God granted gift of life.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Spinning Wheels and Spitting Blood
Your Mr. Wonderful apologizes for leaving you without political guidance for so many days <grin>. It's not that I have nothing political to write about, it is that I have too much to write about and instead have been spinning my wheels. I have, once again, been so mad at times I've been spitting blood. Hawkphooey! Until the 50% of American's, who take this Republic seriously enough to vote, have had their say in November, I don't know how many people favor the Kerry/Edward's presidential pairing. But if this unbelievably liberal and odd team makes any showing at all, I fear for the future of our America. Anyone who supports these two should seriously consider whether they wish to live in a Free Enterprise Democracy rather than a clone of dreary European socialism. On the radio, I hear our comfortable-shoe- favoring Arizona Governor talking about " . . . people not being able to afford health insurance . . . " Somehow she does not connect the fact that trillions of tax dollars have been poured into health care since the 1960s and that medical costs have simply continued to escalate at two to three times the overall rate of inflation. With the wealthiest one tenth of one percent of people living in Arizona as my client pool, I am not not at all surprised at how many of them are medical doctors or in some way involved with the health care industry. Dear Governor Napolitano, as a former salesman for a very well known individual health insurance company, I can tell you it is not that your citizens cannot afford health insurance. The fact is that driving a new car (or owning two, three or four cars) or having a remodeled kitchen, or a built-in swimming pool or being able to eat out at upscale restaurants on a regular basis, or go to the casino twice a month, or take a two or three week vacation, has a higher priority than a monthly health insurance premium consisting of the same aggregate dollar amount. Today's Democrat wants affordable health care provided by Big Brother Government.
We already have affordable health care available in the form of the Veteran's Administration. Yes, I realize that only veteran's may use the awful VA Hospitals, but all American's can visit a county hospital. There they can pay whatever they can afford, if they aren't mugged in the parking lot, or if they don't die while waiting. Understand that when everyone pays the same artificially low price for a product or service everything comes down to simply who got in line first. In the country hospital system medical care is denied no one. Not even if you are a felon who snuck into this country and were injured while sneaking into this country. "County" will take care of you. In reality, what the Democrats are proposing is forcing us all into a "county hospital" type system. And while the visible costs of health care are only promised to be far less, the amount silently removed from our paychecks cannot be anything less than immense. Imagine putting the costs of providing health care to the often quoted '42,000,000 citizens without health insurance' into the budget. Even at $100 each we'd be looking at an increase of 4.2 billion dollars in the federal budget. But I believe the realistic cost would be somewhere in the area of $500 to $1,000 per each citizen. That would result in a 21 to 42 billion dollar bloating of the budget. For every one million citizens who moved to government health care coverage, a minimum of $1,000,000,000 would necessarily be subtracted from our private enterprise system. One billion less dollars to purchase homes, cars, groceries, tuition, rents, vacations, travel and gasoline. Our entire health care system would necessarily deteriorate to the the level of today's county hospital network as qualified professionals, nurses and technicians abandon it to seek an easier living elsewhere. The Democrats whine about administrators and insurance executives making decisions on our health care. Who do you imagine would be making the decision on your health care if the federal government co-opted the entire medical industry containing a possible patient list of 300 million? Have you ever dealt with a government agency, say the IRS or the Social Security Administration? The cure for escalating medical costs is not to inject even more dollars into the gaping wound that is our health care system. It is true what the great Ronald Reagan said, "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Jockeys on Your Head, or Off with Your Head?
As my regular reader's are aware, after President Reagan used the word "Evil" and before Sean Hannity used the same adjective, your Mr. Wonderful was using "Evil" to label much of the DeMedia and Liberals in general. Because the word "Evil" is the only pejorative that fits and also explains, without further definition, why so many of the Left and the Major Media, aka: the DeMedia, continue to dredge up the Abu Gharib prison-taunting scandal. Just recently, three harmless contractor's have been kidnapped and had their lives ended by peers of the Abu Gharib prisoner's. Their lives were ended most inhumanely as their heads were sawed off by Muslim terrorists, who if they are captured alive, will also be housed in the AG prison complex. One American private, taken prisoner many weeks ago, and in violation of The Geneva Convention (gasp) was executed this week by his Muslim captors. It took me two weeks to finally locate a news story about the May 29th, 2004 attack on the Khobar oil fields that did not leave out the fact the al Qaida affiliated Muslim terrorists specifically targeted Christians. The DeMedia continues to rant and rave and demand the resignation of every and any member of the Bush Administration because of the silly and embarrassing treatment of a few Coalition prisoner's by seven prison guards. This is the same prison where, fifteen months earlier, Hussein's thugs delighted in severing fingers, heads and beating the jailed to death. This is a war folks. The vast majority of those imprisoned in Abu Gharib, would be more than happy to kill any Christian or Jew simply because their religion, for the last five centuries, has told them to. (For a moment, think about this religion that enjoys such an appeal to the world's illiterate and abysmally destitute. In the 21st Century, their god continues to demand that his follower's forcefully convert non-believer's (especially Christians and Jews, i.e., "People of the Book") to Islam. If these infidels refuse to accept Islam or to convert to Islam, they are to be subjugated and beat worse than Lisa Minelli lambasted ex-husband, the fruity, albino-freak David Gest. These infidel's may even be murdered outright. Or, again, with their 'Almighty's' blessings, they may shackle these non-believing infidel's, keeping them as slaves and by purposeful mistreatment, may literally work them to death. Does that sound like a god you would chose to worship? Does that sound like the God who created the beauty of a forest fire-singed scarlet desert sunset, the wonder of a platypus, the awe we feel as we gaze across the haze of The Grand Canyon or the love of a Nancy for a Ronnie?) Talk Radio fan's will recall when recently a soldier on leave from the war, phoned in and described why one particular citizen was held behind the bars of the Abu Gharib prison. This prisoner had raped and stabbed a young Iraqi mother and then raped and stabbed her two daughters. Apparently he thought Saddam was still on the throne. The Coalition troops found this evil carp shit passed out upstairs, inside the home in which these ladies were bleeding out. Can you believe that American Liberal's and the DeMedia are keeping the taunting of these dirt bags in Abu Gharib front and center in the news because they support these bastards? These Muslim's whose un-imprisoned cohorts are right now killing American soldiers? Sniping (not with language, but with scoped & cross-haired rifles) Coalition troops? Killing fellow citizen's and Muslim's? Does the Left support these terrorists manufacturing and detonating, homicide-bombs, car bombs and roadside explosions that splatter Iraqi girls, boys, women, and grandmothers against walls like some deadly Jackson Pollack portrait fed from a bloody corporeal pallet? Because they are wearing the homeplate-sized blinders that are allowed by those supporting liberal causes, they do not believe that their obscurantism is buttressing the actions of these ruthless murderers and their indiscriminate tactics. They just want George W. Bush out of office. And they do not care what they have to do to get it done. They don't care what emotional flaws John Kerry has, what insane ideas he embodies, or who at or why he yells "Fuck you!" They want John Kerry in the White House. If you ask the man on the street why, specifically, he personally dislikes George W. Bush and wants him sent back to The Republic of Texas, what you get is the unabashedly slanted DeMedia's version of The Nightly News regurgitated onto your thorax. Based on only the severely one sided information they are seeing on their television, hearing on their radios, they hate Bush and are convinced he is the worst President since Al Gore. They want him out of office too. I wonder if the publics opinion's might moderate if the DeMedia allowed them to see and hear all the facts? Do you imagine the public's thinking might change if it were made known that every Iraqi household in Baghdad, a city of five million citizens, is allowed to own one AK47 machine gun and one automatic pistol? Do you think they'd figure out that if the one million households in Baghdad did not want us there, our 115,000 troops would soon be looking down the rifled barrels of over 500,000 Soviet designed Kalashnikov's? Well, thank the Lord for conservative Talk Radio, the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, and a very few other conservative print media, along with the power of the Internet, where unregulated citizen-reporters like your Mr.Wonderful, Matt Drudge, and innumerable others report the whole truth. Because without them, the public might never learn that CBS, CNN, CBS, ABC, NPR and NBC are not telling the complete story. And since much of the public dislikes George Bush because of the single dimension coverage they see, hear and read, we need to ask why does the Major Media, the DeMedia, hate George Bush so much as to ignore virtually any sliver of good in any single arena his administration has accomplished and also demean the supreme sacrifice so many American men and women and their families have made? Think for a moment. These members of the Armed Services died in an attempt to exact revenge and retribution for the thousands of innocents murdered in New York City on September 11th, 2001. These servicemen and servicewomen died in a foreign land in the belief that their efforts would keep more innocent American's from dying within the borders of our fifty states. And the DeMedia, rather than honoring these citizen-soldiers made of the same stuff that has kept this country free for over two hundred years, uses their deaths as some sort of obscene and morbid tally to prove that the war in Iraq is a mistake. Is ill-planned and ill-managed. All this in an effort to unseat President George W. Bush in November of 2004. Why? Why do they act the way the do? Not only are they traitor's and seditionists, but they are demonstrating evil. Pure selfish evil.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Teens, Tuition and Taxes
Wednesday afternoon, in the midst of an after work 105 degree skin scalding Scottsdale afternoon, as I was preparing to exercise the summer legs of Mr. G's mothballed Oldsmobile convertible, I was also tuned to KFYI listening to the always book and concert promoting Sean Hannity. I've pointed out
elsewhere about how I feel Mr. Hannity has been seduced by his massive income and is more like an actor acting like a conservative talk show host, than a true fire breathing, spittle slinging, bitch-slap-the-bastards, uncompromising Conservative like your Mr.Wonderful or the angelic-tressed Ann Coulter. Regardless, I often listen to his program broadcast here in the afternoon, rather than nodding off at around Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard and Scottsdale Road on the way home, while the droner's over at KTAR 620AM are handling calls from Coolidge, Arizona to discuss whether or not convicted Bishop, Thomas J. O'Brien, continues to adhere the terms of his parole. On the 23rd of June, Sean entertained a female squad (and Nicholas) of junior and senior high school students who planned to attend Joan Rivers' alma mater, Barnard College, at an annual tuition cost to their parents of somewhere around
$37,000. Thirty-seven thousand dollars, which is at least 25% more dollars than your Mr. Wonderful grosses in an almost 3,000 hour work year. (Get that college education kids, you do not want to be in your 50's working a guard gate!) Sean was hitting these young people of elite parentage with simple, soft-spoken, uncomplicated questions about their attitudes and perceptions on politics, policies and the economy. The left leaning educational system and the DeMedia has certainly done a job on these young minds blessed enough to have been born in a nation where they are showered with freedom and wealth unknown at any time or place in the history of the planet. Freedom and wealth purchased, beginning in the midst of the 18th Century and continuing until this very day, with the dear and precious lives of hundreds of thousands of patriots who steadfastly put country before self. Having been about five years old at the time that President Ronald Reagan crushed the Soviet Union, they naively parrot the television news readers and liberal pundit's line about how the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Premiere Gorbachev, as counterintuitive as it sounds, had as much to do with the downfall of his Evil Empire in eastern Europe as Reagan did. Correct kids! Gorbachev, after presiding over the murder of hundreds, if not thousands, citizens and non-citizens alike, while concurrently maintaining the imprisonment of tens of millions behind the Iron Curtain, in his quest to maintain power and obtain peace, unilaterally stepped down from the position of the second most powerful person ever on planet Earth. These high schooler's have been educated to believe that our United States of America is a hungry imperialist power whose self-serving and immoral international policies can only be reigned-in by the Holy Roman United Nations. Reflecting the self conscious teenager's they are, they earnestly believe that American foreign policy should be absolutely determined by how our international policies make the rest of the world feel. How sensitive. How caring. But a plan of action like that would get us all killed and surely end this 'Grand Experiment' within their lifetimes. To clearly demonstrate, in black and white, precisely how out of touch these teens are with the real world, let's examine the perception of one of these young ladies. After telling Sean Hannity that she felt that the government should, in addition to the Social Security, Medicare, prescription drugs, and all the other benefits government currently provides, she'd like Washington to also deliver, to those demonstrating a need, day care, dental coverage and several other services, all at no charge. Sean asked her to imagine that at some point she'd be earning $100,000 in salary per year. Then he asked her what percentage of that imagined $100,000 she'd be willing to give up to fund all those governmental services. Her answer? After a very long pause punctuated with an attempted explanation and hemming and hawing, we hear her say, "10%." Ten percent. Your Mr. Wonderful, after a laughing fit and pushing my tonsils back into place, wait a second, I had them removed in 1965; regardless, your Mr.Wonderful, who earns a fraction of that fictional one hundred thousand dollars, grinds his teeth each Friday when he removes his mailed paycheck from his cigarette carton-sized mailbox, scissors open the envelope and notes that, without fail, once again, 16.5% of his gross income was sliced off the top of his meager earnings and is already floating its way to rapacious government treasuries in Phoenix, Arizona and Washington, D.C. That 16.5% I forfeit, is 40% greater than 'Ms. Barnard', at over three times the income your Mr. Wonderful earns, would be willing to part with in order to fund her share of her requested expansion of governmental services. Once our progressive tax system (where the more you earn the larger percentage the government subtracts in taxes) were to get a hold of her $100,000 salary, even today, I'd guess they'd take at least thirty percent of it prior to her selecting a single Nordstrom's $1,000 business suit. And then, again at the way things are today, once all the hidden taxes were to eat their way through the remaining portion of her salary, like the immense Michael Moore at an "All You Can Eat" pork-fat barbecue buffet, I'd be surprised if she was left with any more than one half of her original $100,000 earnings. If her social programs were then tacked onto the federal budget, after all is said and done, I would be astonished if she would see even $20,000 of the original $100,000. What these pampered East Coast teens need, is not a four year, two hundred and fifty dollar a credit hour, liberal-leaning higher education, but a good dose of economic reality.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Godspeed Ronald Wilson Reagan
February 11th, 1911 - June 5th, 2004
"America and the world lost a great man today. During his two terms as President, Ronald Reagan inspired this nation to greatness, comforted us during tragedy, defeated the evil empire, and promoted conservative principles that have transformed American politics."
The Heritage Foundation
President Bush's Comments
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
VH1 and Toby Keith's Boot
Thursday night, as your Mr.Wonderful was seated in front of his 17" flatscreen monitor, answering a score of the tens of thousands of daily emails from my well-deserved fans, the teen Mr. Wonderful III was enjoying our dishnetwork system. I was able to see VH1's The 50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs Ever in the reflection in the glass protecting a strategically placed poster. Number 20 on the list was the patriot-popular song "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" (The Angry American) by country western star, Toby Keith. Why was this song placed on this list? One reviewer stated that it was there because Mr. Keith, in a piece written shortly after the 911 Tragedy (In which, might I mention? more civilians were killed than were soldiers and sailors at Pearl Harbor ) sung about sticking his (platypus-skinned) boot up someone's ass. A reviewer haughtily told the listeners that, ". . . that's just not nice." These coddled commentators, who wouldn't know an IUD from an IED, were also in a tiffy because Mr. Keith promoted the power of the United States and, " . . . if that was the only way you could get respect . . . ", well! Another dumbass commenting on the number twenty ranked "Awesomely Bad Song Ever", in a lame attempt to be funny (for which he is probably paid more in a month than your Mr. Wonderful makes a year) stated, "Mr. Keith went out and did something patriotic. <pause> He enlisted in the Army. No! He wrote a patriotic song." Reviewing the Toby Keith website linked to the VH1 page, I saw there was an old black and white photo of Mr. Keith in Army garb, complete with a helmet, indicating that he had served in the Armed Forces. I smacked my media-inebriated son with this fact and he shot back, "Well, he wasn't in a shooting war." I parried with an irrefutable, "How the hell do you know, when you enlist, that you will or will not be in a 'shooting war'?!" This incident is witness to how even my own blood is being mislead by the DeMedia, his no-political-clue-peers and a handful of his teachers. However, I believe a turning point in his thinking and a time in which his political eyesight will become a bit more focused, will arrive this summer. This June of 2004 when, after laboring forty or more hours in a steamy, commercial gourmet kitchen, he receives his first-ever paycheck. And that paycheck will have a "gross amount" and "net amount." A net amount which is the much smaller and wounded result of the whithering ring of fire of taxes levied by the Coalition troops of Big-Government Liberals, Hollywood and the DeMedia on every American's income.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Al Qaeda Screws the PR Pooch
This morning at 0445 hours, I pulled the Time Magazine out of my cigarette-carton sized apartment mailbox and shook my head at the red bordered cover art displaying a charcoal-gray-hooded and naked Iraqi prisoner (oddly seeming much like a scene from "The Passion of the Christ".)
The white, forty-eight font headline asked: "Iraq: How did it come to this?" (Lest you think I subscribe to the magazine that demeans virtually every deeply held belief about decency and democracy held by your Mr. Wonderful and millions of others, let me explain that I have no idea why this putrid piece of left-leaning dog crap continues to stink up my mailbox. I surely don't subscribe to it.) The socialist-liberal's at Time Inc. chose to put the abusive-teasing of a captured Iraqi terrorist on the cover of their May 17th, 2004 Time Magazine. Now, Al Qaeda via the internet, has made known what they claim is fitting reprisal for the mistreatment of Coalition-held Arab's, one of whom was depicted on the front of the magazine in my hand. Their so called reprisal was the beheading of an unarmed and harmless American citizen who was simply in Iraq to make triple-time wages while installing satellite dishes. However, the blood thirsty hoods over at Al Qaeda, have scored a hat trick of faux pas ("foe paws") with their murder of the adventurous twenty-six year old Michael Berg. Their number one mistake is to imagine that the killing, certainly by beheading, of a United States civilian, armed only with an automatic sizing coaxial cable stripper and multiple phillips head screwdrivers, would ever be considered in any way commensurate to the mere teasing of captured Iraqi terrorists. This event clearly demonstrates just how out of touch these camel-rectum smoking bastards are with the mores of civilized society. They behave just as their Islamic forefather's did seven centuries earlier. Number two error was admitting, and then publicizing on the World Wide Web, that Al Qaeda was behind the beheading. Can I get a loud Farsi-version of a Homer Simpson "doh!" right here? Democratic presumptive Presidential candidate, John F. Kerry, and the entire Democratic leadership, from the bull walrus-sized, fire-engine-red countenanced Senator Edward Kennedy, to the freshest-faced congressional page, was convinced (and, hand in hand with the DeMedia) busy convincing all of America that Bush's Iraq war had absolutely nothing, zilch, zero, nada to do with the Al Qaeda who had toppled the Twin Towers. Here, these brutal, barbarous, damned-to-hell desert demons, their AK47 rifle-butts emblazoned with red, white and blue "Kerry for President 2004" stickers, blew their own cover. Al Qaeda's third error was an error in timing. This poorly timed beheading can only give Bush's "War on Terror" a fresh head of steam.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
The Insane Furor over Iraqi Prisoner Abuse
Oh my gawd. In a never ending attempt to besmirch President G.W. Bush, even during wartime the DeMedia is letting go another salvo of trifling claims and has even managed to bloat to Ted Kennedy-size another non-issue. Am I the only one who noticed the DeMedia's lack of objective coverage of the Fort Marcy Park death of then Hillary Clinton's lover? Or the absence of any coverage whatsoever when the brother of presidential secretary Betty Curry died in a traffic accident, coincidentally, the day before she was to testify before Congress about the bathroom & Silly-String brawls of William Jefferson Clinton and loose-lipped Monica Lewinsky? Where were these left-wing journalist bastards when a lapsed and loquacious ex-girlfriend of then President Bill Clinton was banged through the head and killed during a holdup of an east coast Starbucks coffee shop? A robbery which left behind no credible witnesses and an unopened cash register drawer? And in more recent times, where were the tenacious Tim Russert, Bob Schaeffer and the outspoken Sam Donaldson as the supposed extra-marital lover of John F. Kerry suddenly jetted off to vacation in the garden-spot of the Dark Continent, known as Kenya, leaving behind her furious father shouting that he would never vote for Mr. Kerry? Have we become a nation of pansies? Is the American Way of Life, while in the grasp of some nonsensical, insane, international-political-correctness, in danger of being shoved right down the shitter by the impotent squawks of these ballet-skirted, daffodil sniffing typists?
The prisoner's the Coalition Forces are holding, are not legitimate soldiers of the nation of Iraq. The prisoners are power-hungry, barbarous, hateful, Islamic members of the crazed and formerly spider-hole inhabiting Saddam-guided former State of Iraqi. These people are terrorists captured in the Middle East, and as such they have no rights. These evil creatures would as soon as toss a mother's soft, pink, bawling babe down the chute of a wood-chipper as they would wipe their hirsute crack sans toilet paper. I see nothing untoward with any treatment of these horrible individuals as long as such treatment does not permanently physically cripple them or break any bones. Remember, these are the people who are responsible for the combat deaths of virtually every one of our soldiers. These are the same criminals who plant roadside bombs that maim and kill curious children, drape-wearing Iraqi women, unarmed citizens and even the occasional combatant. Openly using Muslim mosques to squirrel away their weapons, these are the warriors whose battle ribbons consist of a four inch wide, backside, piss-yellow stripe, spanning from neck to navel. These evil s-o-b's care about human life, about freedom, about equity, justice and the strictures of the Geneva Convention about as much as the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee, John F. Kerry, cares about the gallons-per-hour his wife's $35 million Gulfstream V private jet guzzles as it squirts across the sky flicking from mansion to mansion. Our tens of thousands of soldiers have uprooted their lives and are, right now, living in conditions that would make "Sheriff Joe's Tent City" in comparison seem like the Scottsdale, Arizona situated Four Seasons Resort. Due to the fact that these Iraqi combatants are pirates and brigands and bound by no rules, any living being is fair game for their bulls-eyes, bullets, and bombs. Everyone is foaming at the mouth over this supposed less than kid glove handling of a few imprisoned Iraqi terrorists. Everyone, that is, except anyone who has, in either 1991 or 2003, battled this particular breed of unprincipled prostitutes of Satan. Everyone, except those who have been in a shooting war, fighting for freedom. Fighting for his very life. My younger readers may find it inconceivable that during the midst of World War II, the war that killed 100 million non-combatants, that United States citizens were protesting against America even being involved. War is ruthless, and individual soldiers, and nation's as a whole, must do anything they can to win. In my life-spanning quest for knowledge, your Mr. Wonderful has been amassing information at a prodigious rate and (in addition to reading the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal and scores of non-fiction books) has been, by feeding my mighty Hyundai's CD player with discs, and it, in turn, spewing out audio enlightenment has been harvesting knowledge while most people are zoning out trapped in traffic. Recently, while listening to the W.W.Two true telling of "The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors" by John D. Hornfisher, I learned how some of the combatants, soldiers and citizen's of these United States, commanded by the patron saint of all Democrats, F.D.R., fought and won World War II. An example: After a Japanese troop ship was successfully torpedoed in the Pacific, our U.S. Navy's submarine then surfaced nearby and noted the multitudinous survivors from the sinking ship bobbing amidst the flotsam and jetsam and dark diesel fuel. While these jungle-green uniformed Asian soldiers floated harmlessly and helplessly, like hundreds of tots barely kept above the warm waves by water wings, our sailor's trained their deck-mounted 20mm cannon and systematically slaughtered every one of these enemy troops. Our sailors turned the sea into a maroon-topped setting for a massive shark supper. That is how the Allies won World World War II. That is how your grandfather or your father fought the war. That is how your grandfather or your father might have died. It will take no less ruthlessness to win this interminable 21st Century War against terrorism. And to be distracted by the wartime hubris of a mere point - 0064285 - percent - of what our soldiers are accused of doing, accomplishes only two ends: 1) It gives solace and momentum to our enemy and 2) By dragging out this war (see #1 above) more of our troops will be killed. Needlessly. For a headline. For political partisanship. Listen to me now and hear me later, my friends. If Al Gore Jr., had indeed won the election of 2000, today, May 5th, 2004, these same terrorists would be calling the shots. Telling us what country to pull out of. Just like they do in Spain.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
DeMedia's Negative News Readers
While waiting for my friend to drain his radiator through a hose narrowed by eight decades of life, I gazed out the curved array of panoramic windows lining the living room wall of his mound-top manse. An array of glass that reminded me of the look of Morpheus's home in the 1950's movie classic Forbidden Planet. My gaze looked down upon his backyard; the richly green seventeenth tee-box and fairway of the world famous Tom Weispokf designed golf course. With Sol a full three hours from bobbing below the Martian-red horizon of the Sonoran Desert, my weary eyes were involuntarily captured by the oddly timed NBC Nightly News. The Nightly News, where every story, precisely enunciated by the wheezing Tom Brokaw, was served up with a virtually undetectable twist to the negative. A negative twist purposely generated by carefully chosen camera angles, intricate inflections of Tom's booming voice and the precise arrangement of the words. A negative spin that implied if John F. Kerry, the latest lovebird of the DeMedia, was in charge, all would be peace, rainbows and fat wallets. (But not too-fat wallets.) Since every story was tightly tinted by the pessimistic and morally ambiguous Saran-Wrap of liberalism, I was once again reminded why I simply do not view current events anywhere but on The Fox News Channel. Fox, where an intelligent and informed viewer can witness the half minute bites of the-more-than-one-side-of-the-story clips and then decide. Sadly, as evidenced by the fact that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Senator John F. Kerry, a kingly-sort, who, in his prescribed everyday life, would have no more to do with the common man than to flip him a tip after a shoe-shine of his hand-crafted $2,500 koala bear-skinned shoes or to scream at her after she serves up a slightly tilted bowl of steaming lobster bisque to his linen-topped table at the Four Season's, has millions of these same commoner's queuing up to vote him into the highest office in the land. That this snooty, condescending, Thorasonical spouse of the half-billionairess, Teresa Heinz-Kerry, even faces the same odds of a Scottsdale September not reaching 115 degrees Fahrenheit, as he does getting elected in November of 2004, proves our system of free education has accomplished its goals. Our public schools, our government funded and strictured educational system, propelled by its ruling population of tenured union teacher's, has done it's job. And that brave endeavor, ever since the made-mythic administration of the crippled Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has been to inculcate our children in the knowledge that our Judaeo-Christian mores, the prosperous few and the profits of private business are the cause for all the shortcomings and incredible hardships borne by so many American's. And that a Schwarzenegger-strong socialist, centralized federal government, expertly and perfectly managed although surreptitiously, by the privileged-ultra-wealthy-elites of the United Nations, would deliver from heaven the promised gold-walled New Jerusalem without all the unnecessary hassles of The Four Horsemen, The Lake of Fire or Armageddon.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
9-11 Commission Burns Rice
Your Mr. Wonderful is weeping once again. In a moment I will explain why. While at my post this Thursday morning I was squinting at the five-inch black & white screen of my silent television set while listening to the audio via dual AM radios of the clearly partisan witch hunt and the quizzing of the brilliant, Black woman, Dr. Condoleezza Rice. I specifically write that she is a woman and that she is a Black and that she has obtained a doctorate degree. Notice that the DeMedia could not possibly disguise the easily observable facts of her brilliance, her femininity or her racial heritage. However, they can leave off the "Dr." annotation to her name, which is exactly what they did.
Picture for a moment, that this person being grilled was not a Conservative Republican, but a Liberal Democrat. Can you even imagine the accolades, the deference, the flowery compliments that would have been heaped upon her as a network applied halo floated around her head similar to the yellow first-down-line cameramen paint on your television screen during NFL games? Early on, Dr. Condoleezza Rice diplomatically summed up the whole process when she rhetorically queried, during a pair of separate utterings, that the general threat from Al Qaeda and other (Muslim) terrorists was well known since before 1991. (Read my own 04/02/2004: "Ann Coulter Gives MW the Line" for further evidence.) From January 20th, 1993 until January 20th, 2001, a period of eight years, the William Jefferson Clinton administration fought relentless battle against terrorism aimed at the United States. Right. However, among many other pressing and time consuming domestic issues they faced these: The behind-closed-doors Hillary National Health Care Coalition. The problem of ancient Republican Senators making off-color remarks to female aids and the tying up the entire Eastern Seaboard contingent of our U.S. Coast Guard (at an unreimbursed cost of millions of dollars) searching for the son of the King of Camelot. He was also being kept busy dealing with the torso of a lover of his wife's laying dead in Fort Marcy Park. Fortunately, for Bill and the 35 miles-per-hour lamp-tossing Hillary, this sad incident, after being investigated by a team of Park Ranger's competent in only dealing with crimes no more intricate than Yogi Bear pilfering unguarded picnic baskets, was soon judged to be a suicide. A lonely suicide, consummated with a revolver that investigators could never again manage to let loose a bullet. While our final President of the 20th Century was enjoying no-swallow blow jobs on his pretzel-curved schneeval from the thong and blubber encircled Monica Lewinski (BJ's whose white raindrops nicely contrasted on a dark blue Gap-brand size eighteen dress resulted in his eventual impeachment) troops of our all-volunteer army were getting blown up and loosing their lives. Commission member Democrat Richard Ben-Viniste, in an easily discernible partisan effort to precisely shape Condoleeza's testimony for easy feeding to the ranting, raving and salivating members of the DeMedia hidden behind the cameras, kept trying to cut off Dr. Rice's answers. A cutting off she astutely did not allow. During the sainted, flawless and unassailiably good Clinton Administration, for eighteen months I was assigned to a Federal Grand Jury for the District of Arizona. To demonstrate how high the W.J.C. Administration held terrorism in was witnessed by the fact that when an FBI agent, giving testimony in front of your Mr. Wonderful (and the other, far less important twenty-three juror members), stated that while today he was before us testifying about a "Federal Dead-Beat Dad" case, his everyday assignment was the "Anti-Terrorism" task force of the FBI. Doing Hillary "It Takes a Village" Clinton's bidding, he was following the footsteps of financially recalcitrant parents rather than tracking down the incredibly dangerous and deadly Muslim terrorists. My weeping this morning began because of the applause that gathered around every comment that appeared to bolster the Democratic assertions that the Bush Administration, although having been in office only thirty-two weeks, could have surely prevented the 9-11 Attacks. Attacks that had been brewing and bubbling during the previous 416 weeks of the Clinton Administration. While remaining an obviously partisan 9-11 Commission member, Democrat Bob Kerry, clearly understood that this applause could only shame the memory of the thousands of the 9-11 Innocent's who perished in flames and smoke and in desperate fifty story leaps. He knew such applause could only incense the survivors of the multitude of heroic rescue attempts, immediately and sharply instructed, "Do not applaud!" As in the Democrats asinine questioning over whether George W. Bush had actually reported to National Guard service during the Vietnam War Era, where they demanded proof after proof after proof, document stacked upon document, testimony after testimony and witness after witness (as if Mr. Bush's knowledge of knowing how to pilot a supersonic jet fighter were not enough evidence - a skill not likely learned while reading an Archie comic book while sequestered on a commode squeezing out a fully processed Texas dinner of Angus beef, baked potatoes and hot buttered asparagus spears) are today shouting to make a specific P.D.R. (Presidential Daily Briefing) unclassified. They are implying that revealing this particular P.D.R. to the public would 'expose' the lackadaisical attitude the Bush Administration held terrorism in prior to the 911 Tragedy. What bullshit. Making that P.D.R. public, while probably exposing sensitive means and methods that our intelligence services employ to covertly gather facts (and possibly resulting in the death of informants or agents in our employ - are you listening Vanity Fair subscribers?) could do nothing to prove the Democrat's main and insane contention that the Bush Administration knew about the threat of commercial airliner's being hi-jacked by suicidal al-Queda members and flown into the Twin Towers during the second week of September in 2001.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Ann Coulter Gives MW the Line
(I apologize to my millions of readers across the solar system for leaving you without my advice during the past several weeks. My explanation is that, for example over the last fourteen days, not including the unpaid driving times in which I covered more than 900 miles, I'll have racked up almost 150 hours on the job. During these two weeks I discovered I could only squeeze in time to shovel some food into my shopping cart at the closest Safeway, eat the just-purchased food, drive to work, work, bail my teenager's blue origami-shaped axe out of guitar-prison located south of Camelback Road on 7th Avenue (a twenty-eight mile drive from work) slip the same son a sawbuck or two, throw a shot or two of Mescal down my gullet and then quickly drift off to dreamless sleep of less than five hours. Solely due to my extra efforts, our government's take of my weekly paycheck has rocketed to $170 each Friday, which, taken over a month's of paydays, is $210 more than I pay in rent for the MW two-bedroom apartment situated in tony Paradise Valley.)
Today I am addressing all the hub-bub over the Democrat-fueled 'independent 9-11 panel' investigating whether the then, seven-months-in-office Bush Administration did enough to either prevent the WTC 9-11 tragedy or to respond to terrorism in general. Anyone who has paid even the slightest attention to America's fight against terrorism since Democratic President Jimmy "Habitat-for-Humanity" Carter's shameful 1979 crashing of our Armed Services helicopter's into the Iranian desert, is, without a doubt aware that no one has done more in the fight against these Muslim Murderer's than our 21st Century G.W. Bush. The lovely Ann Coulter, in her April 1st, 2004 article titled How 9-11 Happened provided me the time-line and history I'd been needing to expose this 9-11 inquiry for what it is: a clearly transparent and virtually nonsensical attempt to smear the Bush administration as not doing enough fighting the terrorism delighted in by these Muslims. (Notice I do not prefix "Muslim" with "fundamentalist" or "radical" because I believe these disciples of Mohammed are indeed following the dictates of the Koran to the letter. Or letter-bomb, as the case may be.) As Ms. Coulter delineates in her article: from the November 1995 terrorist car bomb that killed five American's in Saudia Arabia, to the attack on the USS Cole by a suicidal Muslim in a child's inflatable wading pool, the Clinton Administration did virtually nothing to demonstrate U.S. anger at such actions. And who was advising President Clinton to take no action? His National Security Advisor, Richard Clarke. President Bush, most likely concerned that the Clinton appointed Mr. Clarke would not be able to make his monthly house payment should he be dismissed from his cush Executive Branch employment, kept this mealy-mouthed-moderate around the White House, rather than firing his spineless torso. Now, true to form as a typical liberal lacking any moral compass, the now unemployed Richard Clarke has written a tell-all book about the Bush Administration. An administration during which he was trusted to do no more than alphabetize the federal comic book collection at the Library of Congress. His New York Time's rated #1 selling book-account contradicts virtually every statement he made on record, while he was employed by the G.W. Bush Administration. Even though it is painfully obvious that this Em-Eff is one lying sack of excrement, whose breathless claims smell worse than being sprayed by a white-striped, cobalt black skunk force-fed a strict diet of baked beans, Brussels Sprouts and aged sauerkraut, the Dem's and the DeMedia are hailing Richard 'Dick' Clarke as a 21st Century Oracle. Using his absurd and contradictory writings they hope to prove the Bush Administration was and is soft on terrorism. Have the Liberal's gone totally insane?
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Sour Notes at the Grammys
The other day, I was reading a New York Times article featuring fabulous playwright
A.R. Gurney. Sadly Mr. Gurney is also an ignorant and hateful political partisan and could not hold back slanderous comments about President Bush while explaining his latest stage play. Chatting about his work, he felt he must promote the presidential campaign of the ultra-liberal and multi-millionaire cunning, Casonova, John Effing Kerry. It is just amazing that wise, educated and humble showbiz people who are also Republican's can keep politics separate from their work, while Liberals feel the need to spew their Marxist insanity from each and every opportunity. Later that same Monday, your Mr.Wonderful, tuning into the Grammy broadcast, why, I knew not, immediately witnessed "Mr. OutKast", a bouncing, shirt-less singer, with beyond shoulder-length hair flying beneath his wide yellow bandana, adorned in baby-shit green stipple-cut rag strips accompanied by a covey of almost-as-bare jiving, juking and jerking surgically-enhanced females. To the eduKated ears of this 50 year old, who grew up during the early 1960s listening to live performances of "In the Hall of the Mountain King", OutKast's music sounded like so much racket. (Maybe you have to be dosing on Ecstasy to appreciate it.) For the Eisenhower/J.F.K. era musical performances this pre-teen enjoyed, I was transported inside of a non-air conditioned, public school bus, because it was part of my-taxpayer funded cultural instruction. Later in the broadcast, a bearded representative of the Grammys bemoaned the fact that the current administration was cutting funding for the arts and rather than looking for weapons of mass destruction, " . . . blah, blah, blah . . . " With many of the award winner's of last night's performances sounding like musical gibberish it seems to me that funding for the Arts must have been mightily slashed during the eight year co-Presidency of the Clinton's. (That's the Bill Clinton who was caught spraying his white seed on company time and the Hillary Rodham Clinton who, like Jesus, with the loaves and fish, turned a $1,000 investment into a $100,000 profit. Note that Christian's don't question the former, while Clintonista's don't question the latter.) Certainly many of the songs we learned in grade school could not be memorized and sung today because they mention the Christian God or are antebellum Negro Spirituals hence racist. Why don't the powers that be in the entertainment industry attempt to convince individuals like billionaire Hungarian-born George Soros (who has committed to spend $50 million of his money to defeat G.W. Bush's 2004 re-election) and plead with him, and dozens like him, to instead turn their purchasing power into a helping hand for the struggling Arts? Of course, this would never happen. Why? Because Liberals honestly believe that all American taxpayers should pay for every one of their always expensive, feel-good campaigns. And because Mr. Soros isn't actually concerned with the Arts. He isn't concerned with American culture. He is concerned with obtaining raw power while working behind the political curtains of the mightiest country the planet has ever known. Judging from the attitude of this hirsute-faced wailer and the snide response by many of the hundreds of millionaires in attendance, Showbiz people continue to remain aloof and ignorant of what actually happened on September 11th, 2001. "911", when thousands of innocent citizens of New York City were shredded or burned alive or leapt to their deaths, billions of dollars were lost and millions of jobs evaporated. Since 911, in a purposeful attempt to prevent continued attacks, five hundred members of our volunteer armed services have given the only lives they had. These self-worshiping, coddled, vocal-entertainer's and those who are made wealthy by their semi-melodic efforts would still be dressed in black and sackcloth and in desperate and depressive mourning had even a baker's dozen of Hollywood's elites died in the New York attack of September 11th, 2001. Instead they have slipped back into their Cristal and cocaine fueled dream world that could only be conveniently and safely erected behind the resolve of a leader like George W. Bush.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Job's Americans Won't Take ?
Risking my life as a gate guard in tony north Scottsdale, for the last three years at eight unique, still being built-out residential communities, I have a different take on the undocumented-worker-slash-illegal-alien situation than President Bush and virtually everyone isolated from the street level of life in Arizona during Century 21. Not a day goes by when I don't admit carpenters, painters, drywall installers, roofers, masons, irrigation installers, swimming pool maintenance men, landscape installers and landscapers, newspaper delivery, and maids, all of whom appear to be legal-citizens of these United States. Conversely, I also witness, most certainly, illegal aliens laboring in the very same trades. I notice that for the gritty jobs of insulation and swimming pool installation, dominated by a handful of companies, illegal aliens are the only people I meet. The knowledge and regulation-heavy trades of electrician and plumber, in this 'Right to Work' state, are uniquely held by legal-citizen-types. Simply by the fact that I see American-citizens in the above mentioned positions, it clearly disproves the President's claim that American's don't desire employment in any or all of these different areas. If citizens are laboring in these professions, how can the President (and many unscrupulous business owner's) put forth the claim that American's will not accept employment in those same industries, so we much import foreign labor? I have little doubt, that if all American's had learned and retained the mandatory Spanish language classes forced on them during their twelve or more years in public education, that my own employer would today be utilizing the services of Spanglish speaking undocumented workers. Why? For the simple fact the business could lower starting pay by 43% and halt altogether any benefits (other than offering the six national holidays off, without pay of course.) Benefits that in year 2001, totaled between $600,000 and $1,000,000. These numbers and percentages reveal, in pure and simple archaic English, why any employer would be sorely tempted to utilize the services of illegal aliens, especially when his competition is hiring them. The employment of illegal aliens massively increases any businessman's net profits in a way that no other single cost-cutting effort possibly can. Notwithstanding, it is a violation of federal law to trim payroll in this manner. However, since "everyone does it", the law is commonly ignored by both the employer and the state and federal governments. I can understand the employer violating the law, but why is our government not enforcing the immigration regulations it implemented? Especially, when to imagine that the average income the vast majority of these same Illegal's will ever generate in taxable income over their working lifetime will even begin to pay back more than a sliver of the taxpayer-funded social services they've slathered in for decades, is a bigger dream than that of Al Sharpton becoming President of these United States. Many Arizona citizens do not realize that the children of these Illegals born within the borders of the U.S., even though their parents are undocumented aliens, qualify for full and sustained benefits under multiple welfare plans. And that there are scads of well-meaning, non-thinking, Spanish speaking individuals offering to educate these parents in exactly how to reap the thousands of dollars of benefits offered under the myriad of city, county, state and national welfare programs. These citizen-children of illegal aliens then crowd and confuse our public schools at a monetary cost to taxpayers of anywhere from $6,000 to $15,000 per year, per student. The educational cost to the lives of the English speaking students is devastating and incalculable and unforgivable. If the offspring of an illegal happens to be 'differently-abled' (read 'handicapped) the bill to the taxpayer could soar from $20,000 to $50,000 per annum. Now, does anyone honestly believe that the typical Latino/Hispanic/Mexican illegal alien, who hot-foots it across the southern deserts of California, Arizona or Texas, and is unable or unwilling to learn the language of our country, spits on our conception of morality, fairness and justice and therefore is forever destined to earn the Federal Minimum Wage or less, could be considered an asset to anyone other than the traitor-employer who hires him or the power-hungry-evil-bastard politician who hopes for his vote in the next election?
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @
Bush Buying the Hispanic/Latino Vote ?
Explaining that there are "Jobs American's are not willing to take" President Bush proposed Wednesday a temporary worker program. The President's statement should actually read, "Jobs American's are not willing to take because they cannot afford to." First, the federal government sets a national minimum wage of $5.15 per hour. Then, after thousands of employer-traitors ignored federal law by importing and employing illegal aliens who will accept less than the 'mandatory' wage, the President proposes transforming these border-busting criminals into law-abiding workers through a new government bureaucracy. A bureaucracy that is sure to grow to the size of Social Security paired with the complexity and cost of a Mar's lander launch. Is our Republican President actually concerned with American businessmen's profit margins or with buying the votes of employer-traitors of these Illegals and their legalized relatives? Let me explain. For many enterprises, labor costs are an unavoidably large debit factor in the business equation. GW is offering to lower this factor by making what was yesterday illegal, tomorrow legal, ie., the employment of undocumented immigrants who will accept very low per hour wages. This is clearly a partisan move that lowers labor costs for those businesses that can utilize the barren skills and mores which many undocumented workers possess. Auschwitz-slim skills which usually do not encompass the ability to read, write or speak English (and many times their native tongue) or the slightest desire to ever even learn the barest essentials of our native tongue. As my reader's are aware, Mr. Wonderful and his brother, Mr. Awful, owned and personally managed a wholesale electrical supply corporation for almost two decades. We never once employed, "knowingly or unknowingly" a single undocumented worker. Hell, even our incredibly efficient (but oddly enough, expensive) landscaper was an evil Caucasian-citizen and employed only other evil Caucasian-citizens. Our company's customers, from state-spanning utilities to multi-country high-tech manufacturers, from huge government contractors and state, county and city governmental units, to one-man shops, to corporations employing 150,000 workers, all depended on top notch service and communication from each of our employees. Top notch service and communication which included the ability to converse fluently in English. Bush's proposed immigration overhaul would not make any business such as ours any more profitable and would only bolster competitors with lesser standards of service. I now reprise the phrase: "Jobs American's are not willing to take." One of those "jobs" is certainly in the area of physical security. 'Physical security' as in the 'security-guard' industry. This is evidenced, on a global level, by the 50+% chronic employee turnover rate in U.S. based guard businesses and buttressed by the fact that your Mr. Wonderful has never worked a year that did not include at least 1,000 hours of overtime. This much appreciated overtime income began shortly after my hire, during which, from September 12th, 2001 until December 16th, I reported to my various posts for over one hundred consecutive days of which more than a score consisted of sixteen hours and 'back to back' eight hour shifts. All this transpired concurrently with my employer's frantic search of the job market for a single suitable employee. Certainly my current position could easily be termed "a job Americans are not willing to take." Why are these 'misera' from south of the Arizona border willing to take jobs American's are not? Is this solely because they are willing to accept 50% less in wages than an "American" employee, are willing to forgo overtime pay, holiday pay and any other employer funded benefits? But how can they accept these ridiculously low wages and afford to even purchase the bare necessities, because they too must live in Arizona under the same economic pressures legal citizens face. Illegal aliens accomplish this by squeezing five residents into a two bedroom apartment, eight into a three bedroom and fifteen or more into a 1,400 square foot rental home. This competition from the grouped purchasing power harvested by greedy home and apartment owners from these ignorant Illegals raises living costs for all Arizonan's and especially those just-starting-out-in-life and lower income individuals who typically live in apartments. Illegals face no day-care expenses, as one of the women is appointed to stay at la casa and watch while the bambino's run wild in the yards, streets, alleys and swimming pools of their chosen neighborhoods. Neighborhoods that quickly deteriorate as more and more Illegals immigrate to them killing property values and causing the lower-middle classes to move away to safer, more civilized areas in the city. Children of undocumented aliens, who are of school age, are dropped off at the local public school for babysitting behind desks. For food, the children of Illegals qualify for the WICS program, aka: Food Stamps. Illegals pay no auto insurance premiums because insurance companies are understandably reluctant to sell policies to criminals. Illegals are not faced with the expense of life insurance, health insurance or dental insurance. When their children fall ill, they simply visit the nearest emergency room where they are ensured the finest care for zero cost. Avoiding the $8,000 to $30,000 it can run to give birth, the pregnant mother-to-be simply waits until the very last moment and then shows up at the front desk of the nearest hospital. For clothing needs, Illegal's have no qualms about visiting the nearest Goodwill, Salvation Army or second-hand store to purchase collared shirts for $2.00 and slacks for $5.00. They simply delight in weekend yard sales, which remind them of their festive open air markets back home. Yard sales where costs are even less than the thrift stores. For transportation, they ride the public buses subsidized by taxpayer dollars. As they gain wealth they are eager to purchase and illegally register twenty to thirty year old vehicles which do not meet any air-quality standards. Vehicles, that other than being immediately fitted with shiny hub caps or wheels and the ubiquitous dual decals of Nike and the American flag, are mechanically left untouched. And when they finally cease churning out the ten to one-hundred times the pollutants properly registered vehicles emit, they are then abandoned by the side of the road for police officer's to investigate and city services to eventually tow away. Being I was seated on a federal grand jury for the district of Arizona I am also aware, as most Americans are not, that these money saving techniques are supplemented by drug dealing, shop-lifting, illegal firearms transactions, auto thefts, burglaries, home invasions and murder-for-hire. I see nothing in Bush's proposed temporary worker program that would cause these criminal activities to cease. I have explained why and how Illegal/Undocumented Alien's can accept very low paying jobs that hard-working, intelligent Americans cannot. If one considers the highly-visible per hourly rate the employer-traitor (the only true beneficiary of guest worker laws) of Illegal's pays and one were to add to that the invisible cost of public services that virtually all Illegal Aliens consume it would be immediately made clear that the very low wages these Undocumented Aliens are collecting is the smaller fraction of the true costs these individuals weigh on American society.
Mr.Wonderful Talks Politics @