Mr. Wonderful Talks Arizona Politics & Happenings |
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10/27/2000: Alt-Fuel Flap Bankrupts State!
The Arizona 'alternative fuel' flap has opened a black hole of which at least $483 million of the state's budget will spiral into. I read of one company purchasing 600 vehicles that under the rebate plan would cost the State of Arizona $18 million!
These morons in the Arizona State legislature apparently know nothing about the emission levels of the modern gasoline engines produced by Japan and Detroit. For instance, Mr.Wonderful's ancient 1988 fuel-injected, 5.7 liter V8, Suburban displaying 149,954 miles on the odometer, churns out emissions 90% below the maximum allowable! Newer cars eke out so few emissions that to offer incentives on alternative fueled vehicles is ridiculous. As a matter of record, my neighbor's 1995 Lexus emission printout showed a negative level of emissions.
And get this: while the State would pay for the "Alt-Fuel" conversion, there was no mandate that the vehicle ever, ever be run on any propellant other than gasoline or diesel fuel! The only way, other than having another bus strike, to significantly lower emissions in this Valley, is to wait for the older, pre-fuel injected automobiles to be crashed and totaled by the drunken illegal aliens who purchase and pilot the majority of them! Illegal aliens are the main cause of our vehicle emissions problems. This is because they purchase cars that are barely driveable wrecks (but still better than anything south of the border that wasn't stolen from north of the border) and they drive these cars, without insurance, without driver's licenses, without valid registrations, while spewing out emissions that are equal to anywhere from 100 to 1,000 properly tested and certified automobiles. Do the math. If we have 10,000 illegals driving cars that pollute 'only 100 times' as much as cars that you and I, citizens of these United States, operate, we have increased the pollution level in the Valley just as surely as if there were 1 million more autos burning through a gallon of gas every sixteen miles.
8/31/2000: Federal Government Fines City Government !
Isn't this great?! The EPA has fined the City of Phoenix for apparently not conducting some federally required tests on the Valley's water supply sometime in the mid-1990s. So $350,000 of revenue collected from Valley residents will now be shipped off to Washington, D.C., to be spent as they see fit. What a scam! This is another example of why a strong federal government is so very dangerous. Will the next fine be $3.5 million, or $35 million, or more? These EPA fines, if imposed on private enterprises would certainly cause change, but when the EPA attempts to punish and fines other governmental units, in this case the Water Department of the City of Phoenix, who pays? The citizens of Phoenix! The citizens of Phoenix who have nothing at all to do with the tests run or not run by city employees at the Department of Water!
8/17/2000: Arizona Senior Senator Discovers Skin Cancer !
John McCain's doctors discovered skin cancer on his arm and head the other day. While skin cancer only accounts for 4% of all cancer cases, it racks up 78% of the casualties. Our prayers are with the Senator. It concerns me that Senator McCain is relying on doctors at the Scottsdale Mayo Clinic because this is the same outfit who misdiagnosed former Phoenix Jeweler Paul Johnson (R.I.P.) and also insisted my neighbor Grace couldn't have Lyme's Disease because we were "too far West." But, today's statement isn't about Lyme's Disease, skin cancer or jewelry. It's about how today John McCain confirmed to me he is indeed a Republican. How did he confirm this? He pulled away from the Mayo Clinic in a gas guzzling, scenery blocking, 21 speed bicycle eating Ford Excursion!
Way to go Senator McCain!
8/15/2000: BATF Investigates Hate Crime !
A church burns in Phoenix. Investigation 'proves' it was done out of malevolence and the BATF is called in to investigate another 'Hate Crime.' The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms ? Remember those gentlemen from Waco, Texas? With their burning penchant for pursuing the accused, I would shoo those bastards away from the threshold of my church as if they were demons from Hell. Understand the reason I am absolutely against the creation of these federal felonies (such as 'hate-crimes') is that the Fed's can twist the evidence of any misconduct so that it will match the latest federal crime-dejure in order to allow the FBI, the BATF, the S.S. or the Park Service to vigorously investigate and then prosecute the accused. Even though local law enforcement can do more than an ample job under state statutes. Federal crime legislation is nothing more than the codification of a politically animated Federal police force, similar to Nazi Germany's World War II Gestapo. How long will it be before you hear a strident voice from behind you, ask, "Can I see your papers?" Remember, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Har!
8/14/2000: N.A.B.J. Meets Downtown
The National Association of Black Journalists are meeting in downtown Phoenix this week. Why do you imagine they are grouped together as 'Blacks?' Do they all have the same interests like dentists or Mary Kay distributor's? What do you imagine they have in common with each other?
Their commonality is that they are 'Blacks' and since they are, they are naturally discriminated against solely due to the color of their skin. Right. Like Alcoholic Anonymous members are they going to sit around and bemoan the imagined unassailable power discrimination / alcohol has over their lives? The only function an association like this one can accomplish is to continue to keep 'Blacks' separate from 'non-Blacks' and enforce the false belief that "all Blacks think exactly alike." At this juncture I must defend the 'racist' people of my state on the controversy surrounding Arizona's Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. To those of you in the forty-nine other states, ask yourselves why, if Arizona is jam-packed with racist red-necks, why, WHY, is Arizona the only state in our Union where the citizens cast their individual votes to create an MLK holiday? I'll tell you why the legislators in the forty nine other states decreed an MLK holiday. It was because the politicians inhabiting the state-houses weren't entirely sure, that, unlike the citizens of Arizona, their constituents could be 'trusted' to vote for a Martin Luther Holiday. Where are the racists?
7/26/2000: More Feel Good Poof !
While tail gaiting a car today I was delighted at the newly designed State of Arizona license plate it wore. That is, until I could make out the "It shouldn't hurt to be child" imprinted across its bottom edge." This is addressed to whom? To people who abuse their children? How is this statement possibly going to help the situation? Isn't it in our genes to protect our own children? This is just another example of government feel-good poof, being eaten up by well meaning, but non-thinking citizens. It won't do a thing to lower child abuse. But imagine how many people visiting Arizona who upon reading these plates come to the logical conclusion that Arizona is a state populated by child abusers?
7/19/2000: Former High Ranking AZ Official Speaks Out !
"In Arizona we don't punish the innocent children who have no control over where they live or their parents' immigration status. We educate them because they need to learn. We can't deport them without their parents. We obviously should do a much better job with the adults, but in the meantime we will not deny their children health care or an education."
So writes a high-ranking former Arizona State elected official. This is exactly the soft-headed, soft-hearted attitude that will destroy the Arizona we love. You must understand that government's solution to most any problem is not to solve it at the least cost, but to raise taxes and then throw money at the it. In this case, with Arizona being flooded with illiterate illegal aliens, how can higher taxes help? Via mandates from faraway Washington, D.C., Arizona can't deny illegal aliens access to our educational system or our hospitals or our social services, but we can allow our own children's education to be stifled by children of illegal aliens who refuse to learn English and are handcuffed to a vicious Third-World mentality and morality? What does this gentleman say to the teenage girl who quits her job out of fear of being raped by a coworker who happens to be an illegal alien? What does he say to my friend who was run down and crippled by an illegal, who then vamoosed to Mexico? What does he say to the dozens of store managers who watch their merchandise pilfered on a daily basis by these illegal aliens? How does he respond to the middle class residents who see their neighborhood destroyed when multiple families of these undocumented workers infest a residence and let their feral offspring run free to drown in backyard pools and wreak havoc? The 'cheap' labor these criminals supply is offset many, many times by the invisible and expensive burden these individuals are placing on our society. A society that has become so affluent and soft, that when the absurd charge of racism raises its head in tandem, whenever the challenge of dealing with the tens of thousands of illegal aliens in Arizona is broached, forgets that it is not a question of racism but the absolute right and duty of citizens of any country to maintain their nation's sovereignty. How very sad for Arizona and America. How very sad for America's children.
7/8/2000: "Random Gunfire Coming Down !"
Har! Can you believe radio person Camille Kimble announced the news phrased as above? Lets see, this year, after the passage of "Shanon's Law" (which made random gunfire a felony) there were 295 "random gunfire" calls to police.Last year there were 409 reports of "random gunfire." In both years there were no deaths and no arrests. The law is being hailed as a stunning success! Our legislature has enacted a law that is 100% public relations. They created a felony act, whose every prosecution would be entirely based on doubtful hear-say evidence. That is, unless a moron pulled out a weapon in front of a law officer and began shooting the moon. I believe our police have more pressing tasks than chasing down reports of "random gunfire." For instance, chasing down the three Mexican Nationals who ambushed and using "directed gunfire" attempted to murder a Phoenix Police officer earlier this week.
7/3/2000: Hull Patches School Ship.
Governor Hull, like any unqualified administrator, believes she can fix the sad state of affairs in our schools by throwing money at them. Our money via a .6% sales tax increase. Added to the recent .4% Phoenix City Sales tax escalation, taxes in Phoenix will have gone up a numerical 1%. Resulting in an actual 14% increase in taxes inside of eleven months. Hell, gasoline prices increase that much and Congressional investigations are rushed to the scene of the 'crime.' Not with taxes, eh? I know that the voters will get their say on the proposed .6% increase come November. But Arizona citizens are typically more concerned with voting Diamond Back Luis Gonzales onto the All Star Team than with tax increases. And Governor Hull knows this. Increased funding will not solve our public schools sad educational status. Expelling the thousands of illiterate illegal alien children and restoring absolute discipline to our classrooms would rectify most of Arizona's educational challenges. But, Governor Hull, with the power to tax and the power to make needed cut backs, reorganization and enemies, takes the road more traveled, increased taxation. Increased taxation without any demonstration that higher funding in the past has resulted in any positive changes. This governor and this legislature, can be likened to a teenager tearfully promising to do better in the future if she can only have her allowance today.
7/1/2000: State May Fail AIMS Test
Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards, the AIMS test, may be scrapped and totally revised. It seems the professional educators who assembled the exam failed to take into consideration that many questions involved skills or knowledge that Arizona students had not yet been taught! With unlimited funds and no accountability, Arizona government can push out crap like this. In private industry the individuals behind this fiasco would now be combing the "Want Ads" in the newest Gannett publication. This reveals one more reason to oppose any federally generated national quiz for our children. If Arizona's professional educators cannot design a test that will actually evaluate our children on subjects and methods they've previously been taught, can you imagine what a test designed by Washington bureaucrats would smell like? Remember, that as with any comprehensive test, a test whose results could be used to grade the educational system or the educators, what will be taught during the school year is the answers to that test. And if the answer is "William Jefferson Clinton was the head of the most moral administration since the founding of the Republic" that, my friends, is what will be taught and what will be learned.