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{Last Updated: May 20th, 2002}
DAMN .. I have completely abandoned this place! You know what though? I’m sick of it. Really. No I am. I first ran a BSB site, because there was way too much crap out there that needed to be set straight. So I started it. Same with *NSYNC. People are confused, all the lies and stuff. I set it straight. But you know what? I’m getting tired of all this. There’s all this info, pictures, takes up a ton of my time, I’m busy as it is anyway. I go to my cottage every weekend now, [I just got back from the May 2-4 long weekend too], and I don’t want to sit here for an hour and fix up my site. Who knows.

*NSYNC aren’t doing really anything now. Except for Lance having heart sugary a couple weeks ago, Lance going into space, this Justin/Britney fiasco [I am just totally sick of], that’s about it. I’ve missed a lot as there is too.

I’m going to dessert this place for a while now. Who knows, I might surprise you or even MYSELF and come back in two days to update it.

We’ll see.

~ Updates May 2nd ~

- NSYNC & Disney!

~ Updates ~

- Justin & Britney break up [inside page]

Thank you for sending all your emails! And for having such great patience as I try to put my site back together! It is taking me awhile to respond to your emails, so its not that I don't want too, its because I'm so busy! I will get back to you though! Thanks again!

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Sleep?...what's that?

If You would like to vent out your anger, sadness, respect anything at all, your feelings, please feel free to Write Down Your Thoughts & Feelings on this tragical event
If you would like a banner on your website, sig for a message board, email, ect, please go here, I have collected some around the net for you to share.
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Copyright Andrea 2001.

NONE Of my pictures, or information may be
used without my PERMISSION FIRST! May result in legal action. Thanks.

"*NSYNC Girls" Have Partyed Their Way In Here.
