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The Daily Southern Cross
March 25, 1865
Page 4 Column 1


the P., N,Z., and A.R.M. Co.'s s.s. Prince Alfred, Captain Machin,
arrived in port at noon yesterday after a good run of six days.  She
left Sydney, with the English Mail on board, on Saturday, the 18th at
noon, and was detained beyond her usual time of sailing in consequence
of the non-arrival of the mail from home.  During the early part of the
passage, she experienced light variable winds, with heavy cross sea. 
For the remainder, strong winds from S.E., veering gradually from S. to
N.W.  At noon on the 23rd, passed the Three Kings; at 5pm rounded North
Cape in thick weather, which continued along the Coast.

At 2 a.m. on the 23rd, Edmund Tye, aged eight years, son of Daniel and
Eliza Tye, was taken suddenly ill with the croup, he having been
subjected to it before; and although all possible means were used for
his recovery he died at 4 a.m., his body being committed to the deep at
5 p.m. the same day.

Mr. Foley has again arrived by this vessel with his unique troupe,
consisting of ten first-class performers, fourteen horses, two African
zebras, and one pony; also, his celebrated group of performing dogs and

The Prince Alfred brings a full cargo of general merchandise and the
following passengers.
Mrs. Guynneth, Ann Guynneth, James Guynneth, Mrs. Fitzsimons, Rupert
Bedford, Mrs. Bing, Mr Havert, Mrs. Evans and three children, Mr.
Ridings, Mrs. Ridings, Mrs. Stavely, Mr. McClear, Mr. W. H. Foley, Mr.
Raphael, Mr. Christock, Mr. Falk, Mr. Turrell, Mr. Partington, Mr.
Dilworth, Mr. Jenkins, Miss E. Murant Robert Giles, Mrs. Hogan, Mr. J.
Clark, Mrs. J Clark, Alec Clark, Mrs. F. Moore, Michael Gallacher, R.
Robson, A. Robson, Rupert Bell, M. Jones, Peter Lock, James McGraught,
P. Owen, J. Peterson. Mr Rowley, John Macarthy, Daniel Tye, Eliza Tye,
Thomas King, Selina King, Jane King, Edmund Tye, Kate Tye, Pearl Tye, W.
M. Robertson, Victor Franck, M. E. Bryant, J. Waters, F. Williams, Mr.
Shannon, Charles Sleth, Master Hart, Miss Hart, H. Mathers, Master McClear.

We are indebted to the purser for our usual files of Sydney Papers.

Contributed & transcribed by Maureen Donwen