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Bengal Merchant

Arrived Port Nicholson 20th February 1840 from Glasgow;

Anderson; A

Branks; John 31, and wife 27
Brown; Adam 23
Brown; Peter 27 & wife 21, one child
Brown; Malcolm 20
Brash; William 39 and wife 28, one child
Bryce; John 33 and 2 children
Buchanan; WT
Burnett; Samuel 28 wife 28 & 2 children

Campbell; James 24
Colville; J
Cook; Mathew 35, wife 35 & 3 children
Cook; William 17
Crawford; George 27
Cullen; James 20

Dick; David & Robert 22 with one wife and 3 children
Dorrain (Doreen); Peter Snr 49, wife 49
Dorrain (Doreen); Peter Jnr, 24, wife 19
Dorsey; Dr & wife & 2 children
Drummond; Don 28, wife 22
Dugald; Elizabeth 19
Duncan; A Jnr & wife & 2 children

Eckford; Thos 28

Forbes; Ann 22

Galloway; David 20, wife 18
Garuth; John & Rebt
Gilbert; James 22, wife 24
Golder; William 19, wife 26 & 4 children

Hay; Mr 7 Wife

Johnson; David & Jas

Landsdale; James 31, wife 20 & 1 child
Leckie; William 23, wife 24
Lockhart; Isabella 21
Logan; Dr Francis & wife & FH

Macfarlane; Rev John
Marjorbanks; Alexander
McDowall; wife 2 children
McEwan; Andrew 45, wife 47
McEwen; David 21, wife 20 & 1 child
McGechean; John 20, wife 20
McLaggan; John 29, wife 25
McLatchie; George 20
Millar; Mrs (Widow) 57
Mitchell; James 23
Murray; Job A, 25
Murray; William 21, wife 19

Neilson; James 27 wife 27
Nisbet; John 40 wife 36
Nisbet; Thos 31

Pollock; Pollock Thos 21, wife 20

Rankin; Mary 22
Reid; Mr, wife and daughter
Reid; David 39
Riddle; James 27
Rowland; Andrew 22

Scott; Alexander 30
Scullers; Henry 25 wife 22
Simpson; Thos 21
Strang; Miss

Tannahill; Wm 20
Telford; John
Todd; Arch & G
Turner; Andrew 20
Turner; John 19 wife 19

Wallace; George
Webster; W
Wilson or Wilson (2 links to same passenger); 39, wife 32 & 5 children

Yule; J
Yule; Alexander 32, wife 28, 3 children
Yule Moses, 24

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