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The Cost Of Wellington

September 27th 1839; First deed of purchase of land occupied by Wellington City & suburbs was paid for with;

10 doz looking glasses...
2 tierces of tobacco
48 iron pots
60 red nightcaps
100 cartouche boxes
15 fowling pieces
1 keg lead slabs
1 doz shaving brushes
1 doz shaving boxes
2 doz adzes
10 doz prs scissors
1 doz pairs of shoes
10 doz pocket knives
1 case pipes
50 steel axes
40 pipe tomahawks
12 bullet moulds
20 jackets
1,200 fish hooks
1 doz umbrellas

2 cases of soap
1 doz sticks sealing wax
2 doz handkerchiefs
21 kegs gunpowder
100 tomahawks
1 cask ball cartridges
2 suits of clothes
10 doz combs
6 doz hoes
1 doz razors
100 yards ribbon
1 gross jewsharps
200 yards calico
100 yards check
2 doz slates
200 pencils
2 dozen spades
12 doz shirts
300 yards cotton duck
1 doz hats