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Names extracted from the book "To Face The Maoris" by Michael Barthorp.

The story of the first New Zealand war - 1845-7
With thanks to Owen Clough.


AWARRE ( friendly Maori and guide )
ARNEY Maj Charles Augustus 58th Foot
ALLEN William. Drummer 58th Foot
ATKYNS  Capt  Auckland Volunters


BAKER  Rev,  Missionary, son of a native woman
BALNEAVIS  Henry.Colin, Lieut 58 Foot
BANNATIME Richard,Assist Surgeon
BARCLAY Lieut 96th Regiment
BARKER,  Edward Oliver. Ensign 58th Foot
BEATTY  Jack Lieut  99th Greadiers died of wounds
BEST A.D.W Capt Commander 80th Staffordshire Volunteers
BLACKBURN Ensign  99th Reg. Killed in action August 1876
BLAND Lieut  R.N. H.M.S. Racehouse
BOULCOTT  Hutt Vally Wellington
BOWEN M.L. General
BRADDOCK Edward. General
BRETT  Pvt 58th Foot Killed in action 16 May 1848 Hutt Vally Boulcott Farm
BRIDGE  Maj Cyprion  Commander 58th Foot
Born Canada 7 June 1807, died at Cheltrnham England 7th July 1885 aged 78yrs
His Records of  the campaign are held in theAlexander Turnbull Library
Wellington. Eldest son of Lt/Col Cyprian BRIDGE and Elizabeth Powell BRIDGE
nee GODDARD who's father emigrated to Canada in 1790. The BRIDGES were a
Suffolk family from Harwich. They Decend from John BRIDGE of Ramsey and
Dover Court who held the appointment of Deputy Commissioner for the
Suppression of Pirates in 1565 and again in 1577. Maj Cyprian BRIDGE
married Sophia Anne WALKER , she died in 1842.They had 7 children. On the
8th August 1843 he married again to Louisa BOWEN daughter of General M.L,
BOWEN. she died 29 July 1860.  They had 4 children 3 died at infancy and
the son Herbert Bowen BRIDGE born 1848 Bay of Islands and his first son
Cyprion both settled in New Zealand. Maj C. BRIDGE  married a 3rd time to
Mary Louisa
BROWN Maori Volunteer
BROWN George Sgt 58th Foot Reg No 1091
BROWN J. Pvt 58th Foot
BURROWS. Robert. Rev  Missionary
BUSBY James  British Resident Bay of  Islands
BUTLER William  Sir


CAMPBELL Cpt. Wanganui Settler
CHURTON Mr. Wanganui Settler
CLARKE  E.B. Archdeacon
CLARKE  H.T. Interpretur, Wounded in action July 1845. Civil Commissioner
at Auckland
CLENDON James Reddy. Pahia Magistrate
COCKCRAFT  William Wild Joseph Cpt  58th Foot detachment from Norfolk Island
COLLINSON T.B. Lieut  Royal Engineers
COMPTON George Capt. Built Fort Richmand, Commander Hutt Militia
CONNER James Pvt 58th Foot
COOK Mary married Cpt Charles THOMPSON
COOPER  Colour/Sgt  58th Foot
COOPER Isaac Rhodes Lieut 58th Foot
CREACY George Pvt 58th Foot
CROZIER Midshipman R.N


DAWSON Capt  Commanded " Slain's Castle
DENNY Richard Capt 58th Foot,  Light Company
DEERING R.B Lieut 58th Foot, 99th Reg
DESPARD Henry Col 99th Reg. Col in charge of all troops died 1858
DOCKRILL Cpl 58th Foot Killed in action 16 May 1848 Hutt Vally Boulcott Farm
DIGHTON Mr  Interpreter
DOHERTY Pvt 58th Foot died in action Ohaeawai June 1845
DRESING Charles Lieut 58th Foot
DREST Jerry Sullivan
DUFFY Hooks  Pvt 58th Foot


EDWARDS J.D.M.Bidwell Lieut 58th Foot
EGERTON Lieut R.N. H.M.S North Star
EYETON W.A. Capt  96th Reg


FALCON Lieut R.N.  H.M.S Caster
FELTER George Colour/Sgt 58th Foot
FIGG Lieut.   Commander Auckland Volunteers
FITZROY Robert R.N. Capt  Governer New Zealand
FLEMING James Pvt 58th Foot no 2053 killed in action 1845
FORTESCUE Sir John. Historian
FOWLER William Pvt 96th Reg
FREE William Cpl 58th Foot.  Light Company. Enlisted Dublin 1842
aged  17yrs. Commissioned in the  NZ Mitilia died New Plymouth NZ 1919 age


GALBRAITH. G.T.  Surgeon 99th Reg
GALLAGHER J. Pvt 58th Foot
GARSTIN Christophilus. Ensign 58th Foot
GILFILLAN. J.A.  Wanganui Settler.
GIPPS Sir George. Governor of New South Wales
GLEN.Pvt 58th Foot Tried for stealing 1p.4s.6p 150 lashes.
GRAHAM Capt R.N  H.M.S Caster
GRANT William Edward Capt 58th Foot.  Killed in action 30 June 1845.
GREY George Capt R.N  Governor New Zealand. Aged 34yrs Oct 1845
GREY Elizabeth . Wife of George, arrived Auckland 14 November 1845


HALES. T. Pvt 58th Foot  Wounded in action 8th May 1846 Ruapekapeka.
HALLAM Pvt 58th Foot
HANAH Pvt  Major's orderly
HANSON  Interpreter a Maori man.
HARA Maori Chief
HARDINGTON   ( Hotel Auckland)
HARDY Jonas Pasley Cpt 58th Foot
HATTAWAY Robert 58th Foot  Enlisted in Chatham 1842 just before 19th birthday
HAY Alexander MacLeod Lieut 58th Foot
HAY Commander R.N.
HENDERSON  Capt  Royal Artillery
HERBERT Charles St John  Lieut 58th Foot
HETE  Te Haara  Maori Chief
HIKA  Hone  Chief of Nagapuhi
HINTON Joseph Sgt  Returned to England 1850.
HOBSON William Cpt R.N. Governer NZ
HOBSON William Native Chief
HOLMES Lieut R.N. Used his gun boat in defence of Wanganui
HOME Sir Everard Capt  R.N  Commander H.M.S North Star
HUNT Pvt  Deserted 2 september 1846, recaptured within 2 days
HUNT.R Mr  Brewery owner St Martins Stamford England
HULME Lieut/Col 96 Reg
HUME George Ponsonby Capt
HYDE Pvt Deserted 2nd September 1846, recaptured 2 days later


INGATE Pvt. 58th Foot.  Light company. Shot on gaurd duty 1.30am 11 July
1845. Buried at Waimate on the 12th July in the church yard aged 22yrs.
Born in Kirby Cane in Norfolk was a farm labourer.
INGATE Debra only living relation to pvt INGATE living in Rumburgh in
Suffolk England.


JOHNSTON  Acting Commander R.N. H.M.S. Hazard
JOHNSTON Lieut 99th Reg


KAWITI.  Maori Chief  died 1853
KELLY William Cpl  96th Reg, killed in action 8th May 1845 at Puketutu
KEMP Pvt 58th Foot, deserted 2 September 1846, recaptured 2 days later.
KEMP. Rev. Missionary
KEPPEL Sir Henry, Rear Admiral. R.N.
KIDD Doctor. Medical Officer at Ruapekapeka
KING  George. Maori Chief
KIRBY Edward. Quartermaster


LANGFORD Capt Royal Marine
LARRETT  Andrew.58th Foot.   Died in action 8th May 1845 Okaihau
LAST  Maj  99th Reg
LAWRIE. T. Pvt. 58th Foot
LAYE  Joseph Henry. Capt
LEEDS  Lieut.  East Indian Company ship Elphinstone


MACATEER  John Pvt 58th Foot. Died 1876 Bay of Islands
MACPHERSON E. Maj.  99th Reg
McCLEVERTY W.A. Lieut/Col.  48th Reg Commanding Troops Wellington
McCONNELL I Sgt. Number 3 company
McIVOR.J.Pvt 58th Foot.
McKIERNAN Patrick Pvt
McKILLOP. H. F. Midshipman of the Calliope. Enterd the Navy in 1839, seved
on H.M.S Belleisle at the age of 19yrs on the China Station 1841-42. died 1879.
McKINNON Pvt. Killed in action 1st July 1845.
McMILLAN. John. Killed in action 8th May 1845.
MAHER Julia. John MITCHELL's Wife.  Married  in Sydney 26th April 1847.
MAHER  Sgt.  Julia's Father.
MAIN.  Robert.. Ensign
MAITLAND  Frederick. General. Died 1848 85yrs.
MAKETU. Wanganui Chief
MARLOW Capt.  Royal Engineers
MASTER. Frances Charles Chester. Lieut 58th Foot.
MASTER F.R.C. Ensign 58th Foot
MATHEWS James. Sgt. 58th Foot.  Light Company
MATSON Henry Capt. 9th company 58th Foot, with over 30yrs service in 1845
MIDDLETON Fredrick Dobson. Ensign
MILLS Pvt  Royal Marines. Killed in action 8th May 1845
MITCHELL John Cpl 58th Foot. From Staffordshire England, enlisted at
Uppingham 1841. Wounded at the battle of Ohaeawai in 1845. Became a Captain
in the New Zealand Militia. His diary is with the Museum Of the
Northamptonshire Regiment. Settled in NZ. Last time he saw his father was
21 June 1841.
MITCHELL. John Thomas. Nephew of John MITCHELL. Named after his Grandfather.
MITCHELL Mary. Mother of John Thomas, sister to John.
MITCHELL. William. Pvt 58th Foot. Brother to John MITCHELL
M'LERIE  John. Lieut .Adjutant. Born Brompton Kent 1809
MOIR William Sgt/Major.58th Foot. Reg No 1363
MONOGHAN Pvt.58th Foot. 5 Company.  Lost an arm.
MOORE Sir John. 58th Foot
MOORE William Pvt. Reg No 1674.  Killed in action 8th May 1845
MORGAN Lieut. R.N.  H.M.S Hazard
MORTON Thomas. Reg No 1366  Killed in action 8th May 1845.
MULLIGAN W. Pvt. 58th Foot.
MUNRO M. Pvt. 58th Foot
MUNRO D. Sgt  58th Foot.
MURRAY. Midshipman. H.M.S North Star. Died of wounds 11 Jan 1846.


NENE  Tamati Waaka   Chief of Hokianga
NOPERA. Brother of Tamati.
NOPPS Mr. Master of H.M.S. Racehouse
NORMAN J. Pvt. 96th Reg
NORTH  Christopher.96th Reg.  Killed in action 8th May 1845.
NUGENT  Charles Lavallin. Capt 58th Foot
NUMMINGHAN W.Pvt. 58th Foot.

O'CONNELL  C.P. Lieut. 51st Regiment.
O'CONNELL. Sir Maurice. Lieut/General.  Father to C.P. O'CONNELL Commanding
in N.S.W.
O'HARA Patrick. Drummer
O'REILLY. B.H.   Ensign  99th Reg.
OTWAY. Lieut. H.M.S. Caster
OXFORD Edward. Assassin

PAGE. George Hyde. Lieut.58th Foot   Married Charlotte PITT in NZ 1848.
PAINTER Pvt. 58th Foot
PALLETT Jonathon Pvt. Reg No 1086. Was son of a Sgt/Major killed in action
at Waterloo.
PANAKEREO. Tamati NENE brother
PATUONE.  Tamati NENE brother
PAUHA.  Relation to Te Rangihaeata
PAULET Lord William.  Crimean War
PEDDER Thomas. Lieut 58th Foot
PETLEY  John Alexander Charles. Lieut  58th Foot
PHILPOTS  G. Lieut. R.N.  Killed in action 30 June 1845.
PHILSON Thomas Moore. Asst Surgeon. 58th Foot
PINE Chilly. Surgeon. 58th Foot. Veteran of the China war 1841
PITT  Charlotte
PITT Maj-General
POKAI Hone Hika. Maori Chief.  Died 1850 Kaikohe aged 40yrs
POMARE. Maori Chief.
PORTER. Pvt 58th Foot.  Deserted 2 September 1846, recaptured 2 days later.
POWER.  Deputy Assistant Commissary General.
POWER.W. Pvt 58th Foot
PUNCHED John Pvt  58th Foot.  Reg No 1449.  Killed in action 8th May 1845.


REED. Capt. 99th Reg
REES Doctor. Wanganui Settler.
RIPA. Brother to Tamati NENE.
REWA ( Manu) Maori Chief
RIEL  Louis. (Rebellion in Canada).
ROBERTSON. Acting Commander R.N. H.M.S Hazard
ROBINSON Jack.  ( Hobbs)
ROLFE Reverand.  From Headcorn Kent.
ROPIHA Honi. Friendly Maori 58th Foot.
ROSS  Doctor.  Assistant Surgeon Calliope
RUSH Alfred. Lieut  58th Foot
RUSSELL Andrew Hamilton Capt. 58th Foot
RUSSELL. J. Pvt. 58th Foot


SCULTHORP Pvt. 58th Foot.  Died about 1847 Wanganui
SELWYN Bishop.  First appointed Bishop of NZ.
SHERA  Lieut-Col
SHIPLEY.  Pvt 58th Foot.  Friend of HINTON
SHORTLAND  Edward.  Interpreter
SIMMONS William Henry More. Lieut  58th Foot
SMITH John. Pvt 58th Foot,  Light company. Wounded in action.
SPEIGHT W.I  Sgt. 58th Foot,  Reg No 1542. Light Company killed in action
8th May 1845.
SPRATT Pvt  65th Reg   Killed in action 1847.
SPRECKLAND.  Pvt  58th Foot
STANLEY  Pvt  58th Foot
STAPP Charles. Pvt 58th Foot,  Light Company enlisted with FREE  in Dublin.
Died Auckland 1900
STEVENS Charles Pvt 58th Foot,  Reg No 1190. Killed in action 8th May 1845.
STEVENSON. T  Sgt 58th Foot
STEWART  Cpl. 58th Foot  Died Ohaeawai 1st July 1845.
STUART J. Pvt 58th Foot.
SULLIVAN  Sgt. 58th Foot
SUMMERS Edward. 58th Foot, . Reg No 318.  Killed in action 8th May 1845.
SUTHERLAND  Cpl. 58th Foot.  Married  Mrs YETTS who's husband was killed at
SUTTON  Pvt. 58th Foot.
SURREY. W. Pvt 58th Foot.


TANNER William Pvt
TAWHAI  Mohi or Moses
TAYLOR Richard.  Reverand. Wanganui Missionary
TE HARRE  Hete. Maori Chief
TE MAMAKU   From Upper Wanganui
TE RAUPARAHA  Maori Chief Wellington area
TE WAREAITU  Was hanged for the upraising in the Hutt Vally
THELWALL  Ensign. 65th Reg.
THOMPSON Charles William Capt 58th Foot, No 3 company,  Light
Company.  Born 22 July 1819 Market Hill county Armagh.  Married Flora COOK
THOMPSON Mary Jean  born 1842 daughter of  Charles and Flora
THOMPSON  Charles born 1844. Son of Charles and Flora.
THOMPSON L.J. Ensign 58th Foot.
TIGHE  Capt. 58th Foot.
TIMBRELL Thomas Richardson.  Paymaster
TURNER Mr  Deputy Assitant Commissary General
TURTON Richard. Pvt.  Died of wounds Auckland.


VOLKNER  Reverand
VOLTR R.H. Pvt  Wounded 20th June 1845.


WAAKA William.  Brother to NENE
WAKEFIELD Arther Capt.  Brother of Edward WAKEFIELD
WAKEFIELD Edwin Gibbon
WALKER Sophia Ann
WARDRUM Samual Pvt.58th Foot, Reg No 645. Known as Gunner. Died May 1845.
 From County Tyrone. Enlisted 7th Dec 1829. Left a widow in Parramatta N.S.W.
WELLER Pvt.58th Foot,  Killed in action 1847. 58th Foot
WESTROPP Micheal Loinel.  Lieut. 58th Foot
WHISKER Alexander Pvt. 58th Foot. born 22 July 1819 Markethill County
Armagh. His records and diary are held in the Auckland Institute and
Museum. He wrote songs and ballards describing the action of the war. Also
had one other son born New Zealand 1847
WHISKER Flora nee COOK. Alexander's wife.
WHISKER Mary Jane. born Dublin 1842. Daughter to Alexander and Flora.
WHISKER Charles. Born Dublin 1844. Son to Alexander and Flora.
WHITE Mrs. Bay of Islands Canteen Manager
WHITETHREAD Pvt. 58th Foot
WILFORD Mr. Bookkeeper St Martins Stamford England. He was a cripple
WILLIAMS Henry. Clergyman.Missionary, Former Naval Officer.
WILLIAMS John. L/Sgt.58th Foot. Sketched battles with water paints
WILLIAMSON Mary Louisa. 3rd wife Major BRIDGE
WILMOT Lieut. Royal Artillery. Son of the A.D.C. to the Governer of Van
Diemans Land
WILSON Doctor. Wanganui Medical Practitioner
WOLFE James. General
WOOD Lieut
WYATT Maj  65th Reg. In Command of Wanganui
WYNYARD George Henry.  Ensign 58th Foot.
WYNYARD H.J. Auckland Militia
WYNYARD Robert Henry. L/Col 58th Foot. .From 1842 Commander of the 58th.


YETTS  (Yeats) Robert Reg No 1352. Light Company. died of wounds 8th May 1845