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Government Appointments
1st January - 12 July 1862 - Wellington province

Persons appointed to Government office in the given dates;

5 Apr Dr Curl Medical Attendant Wanganui (new) £ 150
1 June R Chilman Treasury Taranaki (substitute)  
1 July Charles Sharp Treasury Wanganui (new)  
7 June WB Richardson Acting warehouse Keeper Wellington £180
7 June PW Cole Asst Landing waiter Wellington(substitute) £140
7 June W Burgess Locker Clerk Wellington £125
7 June R L Cook 2nd dom   £110
7 June W Bromley 3rd dom   £110
1 Feb CC Rookes Major Commanding Militia Dist. Wanganui £292
1 Feb LG Burr Coroner Hutt Paid by fees
1 Feb ES Wilcocks Resident Officer Taranaki £50
2 Feb H St. Hill Resident officer Welington £100
6 Mar JE Bates Bailiff - Resident magistrate & Dist Court   8s per diem