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Businesses: Martinborough - 1870's TF EVANS saddlers shop; 1880 G PAIN storekeeper: 1907 Mr Bill SMITH, lamplighter: 1907 Arthur DOHNT, night-watchman:

Cemetery;(Martinborough) Early interrments at the cemetery include Brian WILSON, a child who was thrown from his horse. A 16 year old who died in the dentist chair in 1899 from the effects of gas:

Coach Services - Martinborough - 1896; H McKAY first passenger coach service and mail delivery to Featherston:

Library Committee, (Martinborough) 1910; Misses DYMES & McMAHON, Messrs CW LEE, Rev A TENNANT & G COBB. Mr FOSSEY completed the building additions in 1916.

Medical: (Martinborough) Midwives in the early 1900's inc Mrs MCKAY & Mrs SCARLETT in Daniel St. The first chemist was TF VALENTINE and that practice was bought in1907 by Charles Randall POULTER and wife Jessie. Early visiting dentists were Mr HW RAIT and Mr AB BALFOUR in the early 1900's.

Oddfellows: - Martinborough - First Noble Grand was Brother Bernard PLANT until 1893, followed by Bro Mitchell TAIT who rode his horse from Featherston each meeting night. Prov Sec was Br J KERSHAW:

Police: Martinborough - Constable Joseph MAY took up the post of policeman for 7 years:

Postal Workers: Martinborough - 1896, PJ (Frank DE LA COUR delivered coastal station mail via packhorse: 1876 R BRIGHT was postmaster: Early mailmen included J CORRIGAN: W WRATTON: & Edward HARRIS:

School:(Martinborough) First school was held initially at the Presb. Church in the 1870's, first full tinme Headmaster was Mr J BADLAND who koved from Johnsonville in 1874 then a Mr WARDLAW in 1890 and Mr Clement W LEE ex of Chelsea England in 1894.

Town Board (Martinborough); 1905, G PAIN: W AITCHISON: R SMITH: H MCKAY: T HAYCOCK: C HARRIS: TF EVANS: 1906 - inc T KENNEDY: J MCLEOD: ROSS: JW KERSHAW: John BOYD: JJ JACKSON; C HARNS; & Mr F MCALLUM was appointed clerk: