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1877 (Second Voyage to NZ )

Captain Joss ; 1015 Tons
Wairoa was a full rigged ship of NZ Shipping Company which made 19 voyages
UK to NZ from 1876 - 1894

Dep London      7th July 1877
Arr Plymouth     9th July 1877
Dep Plymouth   15 July 1877
Arr Wellington  19 Oct 1877

Last Name First Name Age        County                   Occupation   
Status Contacts
Stevens Joseph  27      Staffordshire   Farm Lab        Single
Stevens James   20      Staffordshire   Farm Lab        Single
Stevens Sarah   11      Staffordshire   Child   Child
Stratford       John    24      Kilkenny                         Gen Lab 
Sullivan        Timothy 20      Cork                    Farm Lab      
Wood    Edward  34      Gloucestershire Carpenter       Single
Wood    Henry   35      Middlesex       Carpenter       Single
Bourke  Thomas  21      Kerry        Gen Lab    Single
Connell William 20      Kerry         Gen Lab   Single
Connell Honoria 18                          Child       Single
Doherty Michael 19      Kerry      Farm Lab     Single
Fitzgerald      David   23      Kerry        Gen Lab    Single
Fitzgerald      Michael 19      Kerry        Gen Lab    Single
Fitzgerald      John    20      Kerry        Gen Lab    Single
Hickey  John M  20      Kerry        Gen Lab    Single
Hickey  John C  21      Kerry        Gen Lab    Single
Hickey  Margaret        20      Kerry                                Single
She brings the following passengers in addition to the 193 government
Mrs Price, Mr R Hargreaves, Mr A.C.R Drewe and servant, Mr Rowles
Miss E Spooner, Mr and Mrs J Webber, Mr A Webber, Mr and Mrs Cucksey and
daughter, Dr. Hamilton.


The New Zealand Shipping Company's fine ship Wairoa, 1015 tons arrived off
the heads early this morning, and her numbers were run up shortly
afterwards. She is announced as having left London on the 7th July and
Plymouth on the 15th of the same month, which would give her a passage of
93 days from the latter port. She has a large general cargo, several saloon
passengers and a number of Government immigrants.
In consequence of strong N.W wind today, she had not been able to get into
port up to the time we went to press, but will probably beat in this
She brings the following passengers in addition to the 193 government
Mrs Price, Mr R Hargreaves, Mr A.C.R Drewe and servant, Mr Rowles
Miss E Spooner, Mr and Mrs J Webber, Mr A Webber, Mr and Mrs Cucksey and
daughter, Dr. Hamilton.

Evening Post Newspaper article

THE WAIROA, FROM LONDON     ("New Zealand Mail" 20 Oct 1877)

Captain Joss 1015 tons
Dep London, England                       7 July 1877
Arr  Plymouth, England                    9 July 1877
Dep Plymouth, England                   15 July 1877
Arr Wellington, New Zealand     19 Oct 1877
All Wednesday the ship Wairoa was outside the Heads awaiting the flood tide
to enable her to beat into port. At 6 o'clock that evening she commenced to
work up with a fresh N.W. wind, and an hour afterwards was inside Barratt's
Reef, where, however the breeze fell light and it was not till half-past
two on Thursday morning  that she came to an anchorage in port abreast of
Somes Island. The Wairoa , as is already known belongs to this port. She
brings 175˝ statute adult immigrants, and as clean, healthy and desirable a
lot of people as ever arrived here. They comprise 22 married couples, 48
single girls, 65 single men, and 43 children. Some of them (about 15) are
destined for the Fielding settlement. Dr. A. Hamilton, the
surgeon-superintendent, who has previously visited this port in the
Collingwood, reports that the health of the passengers throughout the trip
was most excellent, and that no serious sickness of any kind was
Two deaths occurred, viz that of an infant three months' old from marasmas,
and a single man named William Muir, aged 22, of consumption. Of amusement
there was no lack, for when the ship was fairly at sea, concerts, penny
readings, and Christy Minstrel entertainments were held weekly which tended
greatly to relieve the monotony of the long sea voyage. Captain Joss and
his officers amongst whom we might mention the chief one , Mr Neven, have
evidently made themselves very popular with the immigrants during the
voyage, a fact which ensued when the passengers were leaving the vessel
yesterday. Referring to the Wairoa's passage from London , it may be
mentioned that it was fine weather throughout. She never experienced a gale
of wind during the whole time, moderate winds with fine weather seemingly
having prevailed, which, although it made things pleasant to those
travelling in the vessel, must have at least annoyed her worthy skipper,
who instead of finding strong winds during certain portions of the trip ,
met with nothing but light and baffling breezes. Her royals were only
furled once from the time she left Ushant till she made Cook Stait. The N.E
trades were of a very fickle nature indeed, while the S.E trades although a
good wind , did not last sufficiently long to bring the ship within the
belt of the westerly winds which in their turn were of no account. Taking
everything into consideration the passage of the Wairoa is by no means a
bad one. It occupied 92 days from land to land, and 95 from anchorage to
anchorage: and her run across the southern ocean was unusually long
occupying 35 days. She left London on the 7th July , adjusted her compasses
at Greenhithe same day and then proceeded in tow to Plymouth, arriving
there on the 9th. Embarked immigrants on the 14th, and proceeded down the
Channel at 6pm next day with fresh westerly winds. Took her departure from
Ushart at 4pm on the 17th and thence till Madiera was passed on the 26th ,
had moderate and light N.E and westerly winds, the barometer during the
time ranging high. On the 27th what might be called the first of the N.E
trades was met with, which proved from first to last to be very light. The
southing was made on the meridians of 23 deg to 23 deg W, and the Cape
Verde Islands were passed about 90 miles to the westward on the 4th August.
The N.E trades were lost in 12 deg, where the wind shifted suddenly int o
the S.W, carrying the vessel to 5 deg N and 18 deg W. Thence it worked into
the south, and the vessel stood on a S.W course for some time, when the
wind gradually hauled into the south-east , which proved to be the trade,
and thus the equatorial calm belt was got through without her having any of
the calms and baffling airs which are so frequently found in that latitude.
The Equator was crossed in 25 deg W  29 days out. The S.E trade proved
brisk, and gave out in 20 deg S. and 35 deg W on the 20th , and was
followed by light and variable winds , mostly from the northward, until the
26th when the westerlies were found. Tristan d'Acunha was sighted on the
31st August, and the meridian of Greenwich crossed in 41 deg S on the 4th
September, and six days afterwards she had passed the Cape. On the 43rd
parallel principally she hauled off the balance of the casting, the wind
experienced being exceedingly light, accompanied by frqunt and long
continuing fogs, in one case lasting for 8 consecutive days, and on two
other occasion 5 and 4 days respectively. No ice was met with, and but one
easterly wind. The Meridian of the Leuwin was passed on the 1st inst. and
Tasmania on the 7th. Land was made in the vicinity of Cape Farewell at noon
on the 12th, but owing to a clam-the first experienced during the
voyage-Cape Farewell was not passed until noon  of the next day. S.E winds
and fine weather were found to Stephen Island, where a nor'wester was met
with, which ran her down to the Heads, arriving there on the 14th inst. At
7 o'clock next morning took Pilot Holmes on board, but was prevented from
beating into port owing to the very heavy N.W winds blowing, and the same
night very thick disagreeable weather came on. She went half way across the
Strait, and next morning came back to the Heads and waited for the
evening's tide, when she commenced to work in arriving here yesterday. The
Wairoa comes into port in good order , both above and below. Her immigrants
were landed yesterday by the Moa. She has entered at the Customs, and will
in all probability be berthed at the wharf today.

Source: New Zealand Mail 20 October 1877- Alexander Turnbull Library,
National Newspaper Collection, Wellington, New Zealand.

Immigration Office
Wellington 2nd Nov 1877

We have the honour to report the arrival on the 18th October of the ship
"Wairoa" from Plymouth, with 174˝ adult immigrants = 200 Souls, there were
three births, and two deaths during the voyage, one being that of a young
man by name William Muir who died of consumption, the other was a young
We boarded the ship soon after her arrival, and were pleased to find
everything well arranged, clean and orderly,  there being no complaints of
any kind, it was arranged to land the people on the day of arrival, which
was accordingly carried out, the "Moa"
being sent off, by the agents of the ship, for the purpose.
The Surgeon Superintendent Dr. Hamilton has made three voyages with
immigrants, he therefore understands the management of them. The surgeon ,
Captain and officers of the ship appear to have carried out their duties in
a very satisfactory manner , the Fire and Boat Drill was carried out
according to instructions.
In conclusion we beg to recommend that all gratuities be paid, and that Dr.
Hamilton should again be employed if he desires it.

We have the honour to be Sir
Your obedient Servants

Alexander Johnston MD
John Holliday
James B Redward
Source: National Archives Wellington IM 77/1014

Wairoa was a full rigged (f.r) ship of 1050 tons built in 1875 owned by the
NZ Shipping Company.
On a typical voyage in 1882  the Wairoa with Captain Barclay in command
left London on 1st July 1882 and arrived at Lyttleton in 92 days. There was
a diary kept by William Harding on this voyage now  at the Canterbury
Museum Library of this voyage.
John Michael  Hickey (1855-1927) was a passenger on it's maiden voyage to
New Zealand in 1877. He  landed at Wellington. 
He settled in Opunake, Taranaki.
Source : Log of Logs Vol II By Ian Nicholson (National Library of
ISBN 0 646 0918 2 4 Roebuck Books (1993)
Wairoa was a full rigged ship of NZ Shipping Company which made 19 voyages
UK to NZ from 1876 - 1894
Source: Log of Logs Vol I     ISBN 0 7316 6543 1