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Grand Canyon Backpacking Checklist - Personal Gear

° Sunscreen or sunblock (sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 of higher is advisable)
° Chapstic or lip balm (advisably with sunblock)
° Hat (for sun protection)
° Sunglasses
° Backpack
° (4) Four Canteens or water bottles (1 qt. each)
° Insect repellent (non-aerosol only)
° Water purification tablets or water purification pump
° Pocket knife
° Band-aids, antiseptic and moleskin or molefoam

Personal affects, including but not limited to:

° Soap, biodegradable only, bar or liquid (Ivory and Dr. Bronner's are both inexpensive and come in small sizes. Ivory is available most everywhere; Dr. Bronner's is available in some grocery stores and camping supply stores).
° Toothbrush and toothpaste, etc
° Small towel
° Dress for the season. Be prepared for brush, wind, rain, cold and heat. Bring only what you need, but keep the weight down. You'll need pants, shorts, socks and hiking boots
° Poncho
° Lightweight tent
° Sleeping bag
° Foam pad
° Ground cloth

Optional items (depends on your preferences)

° Small fishing rod and tackle (Colorado  River has rainbow trout, bass, and catfish; fishing permit is included in cost of trip)
° Binoculars
° Camera
° Shampoo, biodegradable only


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Oak Tank Outfitters
Mike Jackson
P.O. Box 55
Peach Springs, AZ 86434
Phone: (520) 769-2817 Want to make a reservation? E-mail us!