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(This book is currently out of print, but is available in the Library of Congress and through some out-of-print publishers.)








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THIS record is the result of investigations begun in the year 1882 and continued, as opportunity offered, to the year 1932.

The information is taken from old family Bibles, tombstones, letters from interested relatives, notes made during personal interviews with some of the oldest living members of the family in 1882 and subsequently, as well as court records in Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Culpeper and other counties in Virginia. Research has also been made in the Congressional Library at Washington, D. C.; State Library, Richmond, Va.; and other public libraries.

Among the relatives consulted in 1882 were Dr. Samuel Gibbs Rixey of Missouri; Mrs. Frances Rixey Morehead, the widow of James Morehead; Mrs. Martha Frances Rixey of "Rose Dale," the widow of James Richard Rixey; and Presley Morehead Rixey, who was blind and lived at Culpeper, Va. Besides the above there was also my father, Samuel Rixey, Jr., who lived at "Hilly Farm" about two miles north of Culpeper, Va. All the above have now been dead for many years.

Among the Bibles consulted were those at "Hilly Farm" and "Rose Dale," as well as those belonging to Richard S. Rixey, Charles William Rixey, Thomas Cornet Rixey, William Rixey, and others, Some of these Bibles are still to be found. There are several at "Rose Dale." The Charles William Rixey Bible is in the hands of his daughter, Mrs. Edgar Wayland. The Thomas Cornet Rixey Bible is held by his granddaughter, Mrs. Andrew Taylor of Whites, Caroline County, Va. The "Hilly Farm" Bible is in the possession of my sister, Mrs. R. F. Pitzer of Washington, D. C. Mrs. C. P. Everett of Camden Point, Mo., has the Bible of William Rixey, her great grandfather.

I am greatly indebted to all the above mentioned sources of information, as well as to many members of the family, who by letters and otherwise, have assisted me in this undertaking.

This investigation was begun at the suggestion of my father, Samuel Rixey, Jr., and Dr. Samuel Gibbs Rixey of Gower, Clinton County, Missouri. Dr. Rixey was on a visit to relatives in Virginia and visited our home at "Hilly Farm" in the year 1882. In a conversation there at that time the importance of this research was mentioned, and I made my first notation of names and dates. After his return to Missouri, Dr. Rixey wrote me several letters which I still have, and extracts from which will be found later in this book.

Link to Chapter 6 of the Rixey Genealogy:    Nationality


Chapter 46

      SMITH HENRY RIXEY, the seventh child of Charles and Lucinda Johnson Rixey, was born and raised at "Pleasant Hill" near Rixeyville, Culpeper County, Va. The exact date of his birth is not known as his family Bible, as well as that of his father, has been lost, but the year of his birth is believed to be 1824 or 1825. On pages 192 and 193 of Mrs. Price's book is a record said to have been copied from the Bible of Mrs. Henry Marrs Lewis of "Cedar Hill," Smith Henry Rixey's sister, which states that he died April 19, aged 48 years (no year given). The record of the license for his second marriage, under date of June 4, 1868, gives his age at that time as 43, and his daughter, Mrs. T. C. Hatcher, states that she thinks he died in 1872. These statements together with the fact that he came between his sister, Martha Frances Rixey, born in 1820, and his brother, Joseph Milton Rixey, born in 1828, would seem to establish the year of his birth as 1824 or 1825.

         Smith Henry Rixey was married twice, and his home near Rixeyville, Va., was known as "Woodlawn." It is understood that the home was destroyed by fire many years ago and that the family Bible was lost at that time. For this reason the dates of the birth and death of many of his children are also lacking. On December 15, 1846, he married his first wife, Catherine E. Triplett of Fauquier County, Va., and from this union there were nine children, as follows:

(1.) Elizabeth Ann Rixey, called "Lizzie," born January 22, 1848, married her cousin, Richard Henry Rixey, son of Richard S. Rixey. A record of their family has already been given under the descendants of John Rixey. (I.)

(2.) Charles William Rixey, born August 10, 1849, married Hannah Primrose Allan, born June 16, 1862. They had two children, one of whom died in infancy. Their first child, Elizabeth Adeline Rixey, was born September 26, 1884, at Wheeling, W. Va. She married January 17, 1909, Cassius Ellery Clovis, born July 23, 1875, near Wadestown, W. Va. They live in Hundred, W. VA., where Mr. Clovis is Cashier of the Bank of Hundred. They have five children, as follows:

          Catherine Rose Clovis, born December 1, 1910, near Wadestown, W. Va.

          Nora Virginia Clovis, born May 27, 1912, in Hundred, W. Va.

          George Washington Clovis, born February 24, 1915, in Hundred, W. Va.
             Died November 12, 1982.

          Mabel Adeline Clovis, born June 24, 1917, in Wheeling, W. Va.

          Sarah Mae Clovis, born April 20, 1922, in Wheeling, W. Va.

          Charles William Rixey and his wife were divorced some years ago. She lives in West Virginia and he is in Maricopa, California.

(3.) Lucinda Rixey died when about fourteen

(4.) Martha Jennings Rixey, called "Matt," born July 25, 1853, was married by the Reverend William M. Smoot on April 20, 1876, to Henry William Klipstein. Mr. Klipstein was born February 13, 1851, in Fauquier County, Va., and died at ten o'clock, a. m., April 7, 1931, in California, where he had lived for many years and had been quite successful in business. There were seven children born of this union, three sons and four daughters. Under date of March 2, 1931, Mrs. Klipstein furnished the following information as to her children and grandchildren:

          Thomas Engle Klipstein married Louise Wilson and resides in Bakersfield, Calif. They have three children; Margaret Louise (15 years), Martha Jennings (13 years) and Thomasine (11 years).

          Catherine Hampton Klipstein (deceased) married Jack Hillard. They had two children; Frances Ramona and Ruth (deceased). Frances Ramona married Roland Curran of Bakersfield, Calif., and has three children, ages 11, 9 and 6, respectively.

          Henry W. Klipstein, Jr., married Florence Cox. They had two sons; Henry W. Klipstein, III, and William Cox Klipstein. They were divorced and he married Rita Wilson.

          Phillip Augustus Klipstein resides in Bakersfield, Calif. He married Angela Divine and has three children; Eugenia Adele, Phyllis and Blye, ages 16, 15 and 7.

          Geane Adele Klipstein married G. E. Ruckstell, and has one child, age 16 years. They reside at Belair, California.

          Mildred Moss Klipstein married John H. Bacon, and is now divorced. They have two children; William Bacon, Jr., and Martha Bacon, ages about 20 and 18 respectively.

          Martha Rixey Klipstein married Homer Johnstone, and resides at Los Angeles, Calif. No children.

(5.) Eugenia Adele Rixey, called "Jennie," fifth child of Smith Henry and Catherine E. (Triplett) Rixey, was born August 7, 1855. She married her cousin, John Walter Smith of Fauquier County, Va., and a line engraving with accompanying sketch will be given later showing their family.

(6 AND 7.) The next two children of Smith Henry Rixey, Lillie and Susan, died in infancy.

(8.) Amanda Murrell Rixey, called "Minnie," born April 18, 1862, was married at Rixeyville, Va., by the Reverend F. G. Ribble, on November 8, 1900, to Thomas Clinton Hatcher, son of Mahlon G. and Bettie W. Hatcher. He was born August 31, 1866, in Louisa County, Va. He died October 22, 1909, and was buried in Fairview Cemetery, Culpeper, Va. There were no children, and Mrs. Hatcher now lives with her nephew, John Rixey Smith, in Washington, D. C.

(9.) Catherine Rixey, the youngest child, died when about nine or ten years of age.

          Smith Henry Rixey's wife, Catherine E. (Triplett) Rixey, died March 24, 1863, according to the diary of Mr. William H. Morrison, and was buried at "Pleasant Hill."

          On June 4, 1868, Smith Henry married Virginia Emeline Richards Lee, daughter of Hancock and Susan Lee, who owned the Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, formerly called "Lee Springs." The officiating minister was the Reverend John Cole, and the record of the marriage stated that both were 43 years of age. There were no children by this marriage. He died at "Rose Dale," about 1872, and was buried by his first wife at "Pleasant Hill."

          Virginia Emeline Richards Lee Rixey, after the death of her husband, was married on October 23, 1877, to Captain Archie T. Richards of Warm Springs, Bath County, Va., son of George B. and Catherine Richards. She outlived Captain Richards and died in West Virginia, where she was living with her niece.


Compiled by Patricia A. Clovis Foreman


Elizabeth Adeline Rixey & Cassius Ellery Clovis were married January 17, 1909.

George Washington Clovis & Dorothy Young were married November 1934.

Catherine Rose Clovis & Hubert D. Griffin were married December 29, 1934.

Nora Virginia Clovis & Philip A. Mascioli were married March 18, 1939. They were divorced.
         She married Stuart Dillon June 11, 1960. He died April 11, 1984.
             No children either marriage.

Mabel Adeline Clovis & Roger Emanuel were married October 20, 1945.

Sarah Mae Clovis & William Wallace (Skip) Smith, Jr. were married April 14, 1946.


Stuart Dillon, born November 11, 1899.

Hubert Griffin, born February 8, 1912.

Dorothy Young, born April 11, 1915.

Roger Emanuel, born May 5, 1919.

William W. Smith, Jr., born January 7, 1923.


If you have current information on family members not list below who have passed away, please email me: (only if you have pertinent information to this subject.)

Hannah Primrose Allen Rixey died Thursday, November 6, 1941, @ Hundred, West Virginia, aged 79 years, 4 months, and 21 days.

Charles William Rixey Kern, California Mar. 16, 1940
Elizabeth Adeline Rixey Clovis Hundred, West Virginia May 11, 1950
Cassius Ellery Clovis Hundred, West Virginia Feb. 07, 1957
George Washington Clovis Tucson, Arizona Nov. 12, 1982
Stuart Dillon Sun City, Arizona Apr. 11, 1984
Dorothy Young Clovis Tucson, Arizona Jan. 02, 1990
Hubert Griffin Sun City, Arizona Sep. 02, 1990
Jane Griffin Hamner Phoenix, Arizona     
Roger Emanuel Salinas, California Oct. 1997
Loramay Harris Foreman Vogt Paradise, California May 10, 1999
Virginia Clovis Dillon Sun City, Arizona Oct. 18, 2001
Mable Clovis Emanual Salinas, California Oct. 30, 2003
William Floyd Foreman Tucson, Arizona May. 05, 2004
Catharine Clovis Griffin Sun City, Arizona Mar. 01, 2005
William Wallace (Skip) Smith, Jr Sun City Center, Florida Jan. 05, 2007
William Wallace (Skip) Smith, Jr Sun City Center, Florida Jan. 05, 2007
George Michael Clovis Ontario, California Jan. 09, 2016

I am greatly indebted to the Rixey book [Originally printed by J. P. BELL COMPANY, LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA, 1933; and Copyrighted 1933 by MRS. ANNA W. RIXEY of Culpeper, Va.], my family, and other relatives who, by email and otherwise, have assisted me in compiling this addendum.       PACF

Rixey Web Pages created by Patricia A. Clovis Foreman

This page created November 1999, was updated February 2016