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Faith Evans - "Keep The Faith"  Bad Boy


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Faith is more famous for being the former wife of the late Notorious BIG aka Christopher Wallace and also the mother of his child. She is also known by many during the so-called "Coastal Wars" involving her husband and another fallen hip hop icon, Tupac Shakur, who claimed to have bedded her, but no one ever did know what really happened. Puffy's tribute to BIG, "I'll Be Missing You" had flung her into the mainstream spotlight, while in the past she had been recognised as a vocally-superior Mary J. Blige, with her brand of street soul and soulful ballads. Her previous self-titled debut album was solidified her reputation and her billing as the first lady of Bad Boy. A few years have passed since the last album, and most people recognise her as the best vocallist of the younger generation, but ability doesn't always equate to great music, it also depends on the producers and writers around the songstress.

This album kicks straight off into hip hop/R&B territory with the advent of "Love Like This", embodying samples from "Chic Cheer" which some may recognise from Jane Blaze and Noreaga's "J-A-N-E Meets N-O-R-E" on the "Woo OST". Obviously this is different in that there are no rapped vocals, all are sung, and with a hooky chorus, it is a big tune for the clubs if nothing else.

Amidst rumours of a split from Bad Boy, and non-payment of previous royalties, Puff Daddy appears on "All Night Long", a sort of mid-tempo track which is only marred by the appearance of this materialistic rap, although it is likely to gain recognition for this appearance. Such is the power of fame and fortune. Of course, the sample is recognisable, as is the one used in "Sunny Days". This sample was used recently by Will Smith ... why is another pop producer using it so soon after that ? Yes, the vocals are well sung, but when you hear the music, it just gives a feeling of deja vu from that song, detracting from an otherwise tight song.

The age old themes of Love are obviously used in copious amounts here. Check titles like "My First Love", "Never Gonna Let You Go", and the already-mentioned "Love Like This". "My First Love" is pretty self explanatory, a reminiscence of a time gone past but forever cherished, and then the subsequent break-up of the relationshhip. Some would feel that this is a song for BIG, but Faith maintains that this is not the case (remember, she had kids coming into the marriage with BIG). This is a running thought throughout the album, where you feel like this is talking about him - no, no... maybe it's this one; but a lot of the songs were apparently written before that fateful day in March 1997. "Never Gonna Let You Go" is a song that really seems to encompass her feelings, but who knows ? And why should we really want her to explore her pain for everyone to see ? Babyface produces this track and also helps out with background vocals.

She gets personal on "Life Will Pass You By", singing about her problems and life experiences, and how she had to move on, a demonstration to people perhaps that if she can do it, they can do it. The title track continues in a similar vein, showing how after all that has happened in the past, she had to "Keep The Faith", her hold on to her love of God seeing her through the tough times, and eventually she will see the joy. "Caramel Kisses" is a duet with label mates 112, a slowed down song about, guess what?, making love. Diane Warren pens the closing "Lately I", a typical song that she is renowned for, and yeah it is good. A slow song with complementary production by Stevie J. Faith sings well, and her voice soars through it, as with the rest of the album.

A lot of people will say that this album isn't as good as the last one, but after all the tragedy, you have to cut her some slack. The only real low point is the appearance of Puff Daddy, as he just doesn't fit into the whole scheme of things ... well maybe just the production. Thankfully, this isn't an album riddled with re-used beats, though where they do appear they can frustrate. Obviously the plus is that Faith sings great throughout, and fans of her previous album will be happy with some of the songs retaining the style she had: the way she sings with the backing vocals like a backdrop for her. - Roni

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