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Turn Off That Radio!!!

OK! At last, the radio station is live and uncut over the net! You can hear my show weekly on Thursdays now. The next one is on at 11 January 2001 at 7pm GMT (UK) / 2pm EST (New York City / Toronto).

I play predominantly Hip Hop & R&B, and not all of it is of the commercial variety. So make sure you peep it!

This message was posted on 27th December 2000

To listen to the LIVE radio broadcast, as well as live pictures straight from the studio, you need an MP3 player. If you don't have one, download WinAmp from here, it is FREE!

Ok, now to listen, you can either go direct to the radio station's page, in which case, check this out:


or direct from this page by clicking here.

If you have problems with this and you already have winamp, then open winamp, and hold down the Control and L buttons together and you will see a "Open Location" dialogue box. Now simply type in:

If there are still problems, contact the technical department by e-mail.

I have found problems with the broadcasting as it is, due to the nature of streaming over the net and your internet connection as well as the radio station's server, there can be slow down, and the broadcast can appear to stop or jump, so please bear with it. If it gets real bad just contact the technical department by e-mail.

You can make dedications direct to me by e-mail, make sure you include your name and dedication to who.

I am usually on Thursdays 7-8pm GMT, or 2-3pm Eastern Time.
Any scheduling changes will be on this page, so make sure that you check back!

I may post up a play list of the weeks show here, but we will see :)

Don't forget to check these pages: (these are old though)

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