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Gameshark Codes

Get Master Ball in any markets for FREE: 01017ccf Unlimited Life: 01ff16d0 Unlimited Money: 019947d3 Start with any Pokemon - 01xx1ED1 (the numbers beside the Pokemon names are supposed to be put in the xx's) Bulbasaur-99 Ivysaur-09 Venusaur-9a Charmander-b0 Charmeleon-b2 Charizard-b4 Squirtle-b1 Wartortle-b3 Blastoise-1c Caterpie-7b Metapod-7c Butterfree-7d Weedle-70 Kakuna-71 Beedrill-72 Pidgey-24 Pidgeotto-96 Pidgeot-97 Rattata-a5 Raticate-a6 Spearow-05 Fearow-23 Ekans-6c Arbok-2d Pikachu-54 Raichu-55 Sandshrew-60 Sandslash-61 Nidoran(female)-0f Nidorina-a8 NidoQueen-10 Nidoran(male)-03 Nidorino-a7 NidoKing-07 Clefairy-04 Clefable-8e Vulpix-52 Ninetales-53 Jigglypuff-64 Wigglytuff-65 Zubat-6b Golbat-82 Oddish-b9 Gloom-ba Vileplume-bb Paras-6d Parasect-2e Venonat-41 Venamoth--77 Diglett-3b Dugtrio-76 Meowth-4d Persian-90 Psyduck-2f Golduck-80 Mankey-39 Primeape-75 Growlithe-21 Arcanine-14 Poliwag-47 Poliwhirl-6e Poliwrath-6f abra-94 Kadabra-26 Alakazam-95 Machop-6a Machoke-29 Machamp-7e Bellsprout-bc Weepinbell-bd Victreebell-be Tentacool-18 Tentacruel-9b Geodude-a9 Graveler-27 Golem--31 Ponyta-a3 Rapidash-a4 Slowpoke-25 Slowbro-08 Magnemite-ad Magneton-36 Farfetch'd-40 Doduo-46 Dodrio-74 Seel--3a Dewgong-78 Grimer-0d Muk-88 Shellder-17 Cloyster-8b Gastly-19 Haunter-93 Gengar-0e Onix-22 Drowzee-30 Hypno-81 Krabby-4e Kingler-8a Voltorb-06 Electrode--8d Exeggcute-0c Exeggutor-0a Cubone-11 Marowak-91 Hitmonlee-2b Hitmonchan-2c Lick0itung-0b Koffing-37 Weezing-8f Rhyhorn-12 Rhydon-01 Chansey-28 Tangela-1e Kangaskhan-02 Horsea-5c Seadra-5d Goldeen-9d Seaking-9e Staru-1b Starmie-98 Mr. Mime-2a Scyther-1a Jynx-48 Electabuzz-35 Magmar-33 Pinsir-1d Tauros-3c Majikarp-85 Gyarados-16 Lapras-13 Ditto-4c Eevee-66 Vaporeon-69 Jolteon-68 Flareon-67 Porygon-aa Omanyte-62 Omastar-63 Kabuto-5a Kabutops-5b -Aerodactyl-ab Snorlax-84 Articuno-4a Zapdos-4b Motres-49 Dratini-58 Dragonair-59 Dragonite-42 Mewtwo-83 Mew-15 Missingno-34(if you do the missingno. cheat, it will screw up your game, so I recommend you not to do it) Catch any wild pokemon - 01xxD8CF (you do the same thing - put the numbers that are beside this list of pokemon in the "XX" spaces Sorry that's all for now, i'll have more added each week!! The codes below can let you fight with what ever people you want! Gamebler: 01d9D8cf Pr.Oak:01e2D8cf Gary:01e1D8cf Gentlemen:01f1D8cf Gary in Polemon league: 01f3D8cf To catch pokemon in what ever level codes: Lv.5 010527d1 Lv.10 010a27d1 Lv.15 010f27d1 Lv.20 011427d1 Lv.30 011e27d1 Lv.40 012827d1 Lv.50 013227d1 Lv.75 014b27d1 Lv.99 016327d1 No wild pokemon battles:01033cd1 Buy anything from any city Pokémart *Code before the items on the Items List below are used in place of the xx's. 1st Slot 01xx7CCF 2nd Slot 01xx7DCF 3rd Slot 01xx7ECF 4th Slot 01xx7FCF Code Item Cost in Pokémarts 01 Master Ball $0 02 Ultra Ball $1200 03 Great Ball $200 04 Pokéball $200 0A Moon Stone $0 0B Antidote $100 0C Burn Heal $250 0D Ice Heal $250 0E Awakening $200 0F Parlyze Heal $200 10 Full Restore $3000 11 Max Potion $2500 12 Hyper Potion $1500 13 Super Potion $700 14 Potion $300 1D Escape Rope $550 1E Repel $350 20 Fire Stone $2100 21 Thunderstone $2100 22 Waterstone $2100 23 HP up $9800 24 Protein $9800 25 Iron $9800 26 Carbos $9800 27 Calcium $9800 28 Rare Candy $4800 2E X Accuracy $950 2F Leaf Stone $2100 31 Nugget $10000 32 PP up $9800 33 PokéDoll $1000 34 Full Heal $600 35 Revive $1500 36 Max Revive $4000 37 Guard Spec $700 38 Super Repel $500 39 Max Repel $700 3A Dire Hit $650 3B Coin $10 3C Fresh Water $200 3D Soda Pop $300 3E Lemonade $350 41 X Attack $500 42 X Defend $550 43 X Speed $350 44 X Special $350 4B Exp. All $0 4F PP Up $0 50 Ether $0 51 Max Ether $0 52 Elixer $0 53 Max Elixer $0 1st Pokémon In Battle Codes Infinite PP (1st Position) 01282DD05 Infinite PP (2nd Position) 01282ED06 Infinite PP (3rd Position) 01282FD07 Infinite PP (4th Position) 012830D08 Skill Modifier (1st Position) 01??1CD09 Skill Modifier (2nd Position) 01??1DD010 Skill Modifier (3rd Position) 01??1ED011 Skill Modifier (4th Position) 01??1FD012 1st Pokčmon Out Of Battle Codes Infinite PP (1st Position) 01FF88D113 Infinite PP (2nd Position) 01FF89D114 Infinite PP (3rd Position) 01FF8AD115 Infinite PP (4th Position) 01FF8BD116 Skill Modifier (1st Position) 01??73D117 Skill Modifier (2nd Position) 01??74D118 Skill Modifier (3rd Position) 01??75D119 Skill Modifier (4th Position) 01??76D120 Level Modifier 01??8CD121 Max HP Modifier (Smaller) 01??8ED122 Max HP Modifier (Larger) 01??8DD123 Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 01??90D124 Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 01??8FD125 Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 01??92D126 Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 01??91D127 Max Speed Modifier (Smaller) 01??94D128 Max Speed Modifier (Larger) 01??93D129 Max Special Modifier (Smaller) 01??96D130 Max Special Modifier (Larger) 01??95D1 the first attack for your pokemon that's in the first of you list: 01XX73D1, you put the nuber beside the attack that you want in the XX's. the Second attack for your pokemon that's in the first of you list: 01XX74D1 the third attack for your pokemon that's in the first of you list: 01XX75D1 the fourth attack for your pokemon that's in the first of you list: 01XX76D1 00 - Nothing (Im sure this will come in handy. yeah, right)01 - Pound 02 - Karate Chop 03 - Double Slap 04 - Comet Punch 05 - Mega Punch 06 - Pay Day 07 - Fire Punch 08 - Ice Punch 09 - Thunder Punch 0A - Scratch 0B - Vice Grip 0C - Guillotine 0D - Razor Wind 0E - Swords Dance 0F - Cut 10 - Gust 11 - Wing Attack 12 - Whirl Wind 13 - Fly 14 - Bird 15 - Slam 16 - Vine Whip 17 - Stomp 18 - Double Kick 19 - Mega Kick 1A - Jump Kick 1B - Rolling Kick 1C - Sand Attack 1D - Head Butt 1E - Horn Attack 1F - Fury Attack 20 - Horn Drill 21 - Tackle 22 - Body Slam 23 - Wrap 24 - Take Down 25 - Thrash 26 - Double Edge 27 - Tail Whip 28 - Poison Sting 29 - Twin Edle 2A - Pin Missile 2B - Leer 2C - Bite 2D - Growl 2E - Roar 2F - Sing 30 - Supersonic 31 - Sonicboom 32 - disable 33 - Acid 34 - Ember 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Mist 37 - Water Gun 38 - Hydro Pump 39 - Surf 3A - Ice Beam 3B - Blizzard 3C - Psybeam 3D - Bubblebeam 3E - Aurora Beam 3F - Hyper Beam 40 - Peck 41 - Drill Peck 42 - Submission 43 - Low Kick 44 - Counter 45 - Seismic Toss 46 - Strength 47 - Absorb 48 - Mega Drain 49 - Leech Seed 4A - Growth 4B - Razor Leaf 4C - Solar Beam 4D - Poisonpowder 4E - Stun Spore 4F - Sleep Powder 50 - Petal Dance 51 - String Shot 52 - Dragon Rage 53 - Fire Spin 54 - Thundershock 55 - Thunderbolt 56 - Thunder Wave 57 - Thunder 58 - Rock Throw 59 - Earthquake 5A - Fissure 5B - Dig 5C - Toxic 5D - Confusion 5E - Psychic 5F - Hypnosis 60 - Meditate 61 - Agility 62 - Quick Attack 63 - Rage 64 - Teleport 65 - Night Shade 66 - Mimic 67 - Screech 68 - Double Team 69 - Recover 6A - Harden 6B - Minimize 6C - Smoke Screen 6D - Confuse Ray 6E - Withdraw 6F - Defense Curl 70 - Barrier 71 - Light Screen 72 - Haze 73 - Reflect 74 - Focus Energy 75 - Hide 76 - Metronome 77 - Mirror Move 78 - Selfdestruct 79 - Egg Bomb 7A - Lick 7B - Smog 7C - Sludge 7D - Bone Club 7E - Fire Blast 7F - Waterfall 80 - Clamp 81 - Swift 82 - Skull Bash 83 - Spike Cannon 84 - Constrict 85 - Amnesia 86 - Kinesis 87 - Softboiled 88 - Hi Jump Kick 89 - Glare 8A - Dream Eater 8B - Poison Gas 8C - Barrage 8D - Leech Life 8E - Lovely Kiss 8F - Sky Attack 90 - Transform 91 - Bubble 92 - Dizzy Punch 93 - Spore 94 - Flash 95 - Psywave 96 - Splash 97 - Acid Armor 98 - Crabhammer 99 - Exposion 9A - Fury Swipes 9B - Bonemerang 9C - Rest 9D - Rock Slide 9E - Hyper Fang 9F - Sharpen A0 - Conversion A1 - Tri Attack A2 - Super Fang A3 - Slash A4 - Substitute A5 - Struggle


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