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Post Match interview
after defeating  Enquist in the 3rd round of the
1999 Wimbledon Championships

                  Q. Pat, was that the best you've played so far here?
                   A. Yes, it's definitely one of my better matches under the circumstances.
                   He served so well and hard, and I think I just came out with some shots at
                   the right time, I think that sort of highlighted the match more than anything.

                   Q. Any thoughts on Boris?
                   A. Well, he's impressive today. I was really impressed with the way he
                   served against Lleyton, because Lleyton, you know, you don't want to give
                   him anything in his zone and Becker just kept hitting his second serves in
                   the corners all day. So it's going to be a tough one.

                   Q. What's your record with Boris?
                   A. 2-0 to him. I played him once at Queen's a couple of years ago and I
                   played him '93 in Indianapolis semi-finals.

                   Q. Have you played him since your own game has taken the next step, I
                   A. I think '96 was when I played him last.

                   Q. What are your memories of that one?
                   A. I think I broke him like four times, or something, and lost five and four, or
                   something. So there were a lot of breaks of serve out there. So I'll be going
                   out there hopefully trying to get on top of him again on his serve, and if I can
                   keep serving the way I did today, you know, I've got to be feeling pretty
                   confident then.

                   Q. Are you feeling more comfortable here than you have in previous years?
                   A. Yes, a few things, for example my kick serve I'm going for, it really is
                   working on these courts, and I've always tried to stay away from that. I've
                   always tried to slice the serve a little bit. That's one thing. The movement
                   seems a bit better this year as well, but other than that, everything has sort
                   of remained the same.

                   Q. So you're working your way into it Pat, and getting better each --
                   A. Well, yes. I don't try to have that philosophy. I just try to go out there and
                   play as best as I can every match, and if I do play great one day and not so
                   good the next day, it's out of my control, you know. I just go out there and
                   try to -- I'm not someone who says I'll build up for this tournament, just
                   hopefully I'm playing well.

                   Q. One at a time?
                   A. I try to, yes.

                   Q. Presuming you play on Monday, how will you spend tomorrow, how will
                   you relax?
                   A. We'll be having a hit around midday, or something like that. I've still got to
                   get my mind focused on tennis. So everything apart from that will be very
                   relaxed, and trying to conserve.

                   Q. Will you go out to see any shows or anything?
                   A. No, when I've finished I will, yes.

                   Q. Pat, after you played Timmy here last year, you said that from the
                   moment you walked on to the Centre Court you just didn't feel particularly
                   good, you didn't feel particularly confident, you effectively said -- I think you
                   said you didn't think you were going to win the match. Is that sort of thinking
                   out of your system now?
                   A. I don't know if I actually would have said those words. I don't think --

                   Q. You said you felt very underconfident?
                   A. Uncomfortable, but I don't know if I said I was never going to win the
                   match, I'm not that negative.

                   Q. You didn't feel good about the match. It was a long time ago.
                   A. I can't remember what it was. Well, you know, I knew I had a good
                   opportunity against Thomas today, and then after he broke me at 4-3, at
                   4-4, to go 4-4, I just thought hang on, I don't like the way this is going at all,
                   and then you know he had 15-30 on my next service game at 5-4 and I was
                   really starting to panic, because he was starting to hit my serve and I wasn't
                   finding any areas to hurt him on. Other than that, I felt very comfortable. It
                   was great to come back out. The crowd were very happy to stay out there
                   and enjoy the tennis, and it was a good feeling walking back on there
                   actually for the second time.

                   Q. So the court seems a more comfortable place for you this time round
                   A. That's my first singles win I've had on that court.

                   Q. You guys always say it's one match at a time and everything, but I was
                   just wondering in a Grand Slam, at what stage do you feel like you're really
                   in a tournament to win? Is it the 16s, the quarters, I don't know?
                   A. I always like to try to think around about the 16s, you know, you've got 1
                   in 16, it's not bad odds, it's like better than 1 in 128. But you are starting to
                   come down to the guys that are starting to play very well, and are very
                   happy on that surface. So -- but I feel like my game is coming along pretty
                   well. Well, when do I -- is the question also directed to who is in my draw as
                   well? I mean, I don't know who's in my section. I don't know when comes
                   next either. So I do start to look around about now, though, who's around
                   my area.

                   Q. It's just more the feeling, I guess, of having worked yourself through the --
                   A. The first week you like to try to get through. No one likes to lose in the
                   first week. But, yes, I don't know, I never really feel comfortable at all. I know
                   it might sound, you know, a bit monotonous, but I still do take it one match
                   at a time.

                   Q. That was pretty ominous, today, Pat, that form you showed, do you
                   A. The second and third set was really -- I was very, very happy with that.
                   Even the first set, actually. He never let me play in the first set. I never even
                   got into the match. He was just too good. Then the second and third I was
                   really happy with the way things changed and I had a good chat to Rochey
                   when we came off and he said I should do a few things and it really helped
                   as well.

                   Q. So looking where you don't want to look, beyond one match at a time, do
                   you have to sort of fight that feeling? Are you starting to think --
                   A. Not really, because I've got Boris next. So it's definitely one match at a

                   Q. We could be the finals, could we?
                   A. We can be finals, yes. Let's just say it's finals. I wouldn't mind saying
                   that on Sunday, just to say I've been in the finals at Wimbledon.

                   Q. What expectations do you put on yourself? You say one match at a
                   time. Do you sort of expect now after two Grand Slams to get through the
                   first week?
                   A. You're sort of disappointed if you don't, but what happens is whenever
                   you lose, you're upset anyway. So you don't like to lose at any stage of a
                   tournament. You can come off after a semi-finals loss and be really mad at
                   yourself, because, you know, you haven't taken it that next step. So there is
                   no happy time there to lose or -- what you've got to do is try to sit back and
                   at the end of the couple of weeks, and say, "This was my draw, and, you
                   know, this is how tough it was", or however, "and I think I did pretty well in
                   the end to get as far as I did". That is the way you've got to look at it

                   Q. Was the change in the atmosphere -- you said last year you felt
                   uncomfortable on Centre Court, this year you feel a whole lot better.
                   A. Did I answer this question before? I think I just answered this question.

                   Q. I just wanted you to expand on it a bit. What was it about the court?
                   A. No, I just think I was more focused on the match more than anything,
                   you know, than everything, and I think the whole Tim Henman thing and the
                   whole English crowd, and everything, really lifted him, and it sort of deflated
                   my ego a little bit and my style of game, I guess, my confidence, I guess is
                   a better word. So, yes, and, you know, I'm going to run into that with Becker
                   as well. But, you know, hopefully I'll be better and stronger when I go out

                   Q. Pat, do you get a sense of the remaining 16, anyone who's sort of on a
                   bit of a burst like a Rusedski or anyone like that who might be just playing
                   particularly well?
                   A. You know, before the tournament started I think around 8 or 9 or 10 guys
                   could win this tournament. Nearly everyone is there, you know, except --
                   apart from a couple, and, yes, I mean even going to someone like Gustavo
                   Kuerten who, I think, is also playing very well has also got a very good
                   chance. You know, you never discount him as well, you know, someone as
                   a dark horse.

                   Q. That said, what is your level of confidence like at the moment?
                   A. It's good, yes. I put two really good matches together now that I've been
                   really very happy with and I really haven't done that at Wimbledon before.

                   Q. Pat, how surprised are you to meet Boris Becker, not Hewitt or Kiefer, in
                   the fourth round?
                   A. I thought that was a tough section there for Boris, especially running into
                   Kiefer who was coming off an excellent Halle and played very well, and I
                   thought he would have, you know, given Boris a lot of trouble, and Lleyton
                   also was playing some great tennis. So, yes, I was a little bit surprised.

                   Q. Kiefer and Hewitt seemed to be very impressed to meet Boris in his living
                   room. How comfortable do you feel to play him here on Centre Court, maybe
                   on Centre Court, in Wimbledon?
                   A. You're going to have to ask me that question Monday, mate. I really don't
                   know yet.

                   Q. What about playing Wayne Arthurs, he's up there as well, have you seen
                   him play much? Have you seen him around?
                   A. I've known Wayne all my tennis career, even when I was a young fellow,
                   and we all know about his serving at the moment, but I watched him play a
                   little bit today, and he was hitting well from the baseline. He was returning
                   quite well, and, I mean, again you're looking at someone who's going to give
                   Agassi a lot of trouble. I don't expect Wayne to go through this match
                   without losing serve this time, but I still think he's got a very good chance of
                   giving Agassi -- well, you know, it's a good bet anyway.
