Guestbook Entry For The Week -Read the gustbook entry pick of the week. Either too stupid or way to cool to go left unrecognised.
NEW! READ THIS NOW! -Want to get alot of publicity to your page? I MEAN A SHIT LOAD! Want to be able to submit your page or pages to over 1000 search engines all at once, FOR FREE???? Well, I'm your man! All you have to do is put an image link on your page to mine and I'll give you full access to "pecker's secret submitter". Full of top secret information to get more hits and over $600.00 of submissions for free. Anywhere else would empty your pockets, but not here! Just put an image link on your MAIN page linking to mine and then email me with the URL and your name and I'll let you in. If your not satisfied, take the link off, but you'll be MORE than satisfied with what I have to offer! Only one restricion aply's, NO GREENDAY PAGES!
Here is the HTML code to be copied on to your page:
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After you insert that in your MAIN page (Not a link section), Email me, but DONT email me untill the link is up. Be sure and include your URL address in the message. NO FREEBEES!
Pecker's Favorate Bands -No NOT HANSON! NOT THE SPICE GIRLS! Find out what I really listen to in a five star rating!
The Punk Test -No you will not be any smarter nor more punk rock after taking this test and yes I know its fucking cheasy. Thats the point!
INTERACT! -Probably the funniest and most interesting part of the whole page! Every time you sign the guestbook (depending on how much sence you make) you will get a "pecker said:" reply. So make it good.......
The ANTI-G-D Page #2-See the sequel to the ANTI-MADNESS! This page also answers alot of the questions about, me, my lifestyle, what I like, and what can suck a dick.
ANTI-Green Day WWW Message Board!-God dammit! I dont care who you are, you must have something AAAAKKKKK! Some DICKHEAD stole our message board! Extreme online just up and disapeared! How could this happen!!?? There were hundreds and hundreds of killer messages in there and now they're all gone! Every last one of them! WHY GOD? WHY???
The ANTI-Dictionary-This is where the rest of the hate is. ANTI-Hanson, ANTI-Spice Girls, ANTI-Rap, ANTI-Manson, ect.
ANTI-Green Day Chat-Man I dont really give a shit if you want to talk or not! Do what you want, I could care less.
ANTI-Green Day Mailing List -Join the list to get information on updates and special opertunies when available.
Markus' Greenday Sucks Page-My partner in crime, we have joined forces to make life a little easier...............for us....
Whats YOUR definition of "punk"?-Take this "Punk???" survey and tell me what YOU think is the definition of punk. I will post them just as soon as I get enough of them, maybe then we can find something to agree on....What ever punk really is, Green Day is not it!
The ANTI-Green Day Survey-Yes! Another survey! Is it not possible to stay quiet? We all have opinions, it just depends on how you decide to state them..