This is my opinion on the issue of selling out. It is not directed to any certatin bands or people.
What is happening in America today?. All kinds of people are wasting their lives and passing up chances to really make something of themselves because of fear of being labeled a "Sellout".
For some reason, people seem to like bands in the punk industry who are signed by independent labels than the ones on major labels. I think it is jealousy. Because they are people who are actually making money and making a career doing something that they love. Something that they would do anyway. Something that makes them happy.
So lets all get together and bag on people for being better than we are. That's ignorance. I'd rather spend my time listening to the music then paying more attention to what label they are on.
If a band with the talent and the drive to make it big passes up the chance of stardom, lots of fans, and a contract to a major label just so they don't piss of their small number of fans they have now then what have achieved by doing that? Nothing at all.
If I had the chance to really make something of myself and bring my music to the rest of the world then fuck yea Im gonna do it. Who cares if I get labeled a sellout? This is your life you are looking at. This is your future. In twenty years when you are struggling like hell just to put food on the table do you really think you are going to care about the image of punk rock? Are you going to pass up that million bucks and say "Fuck no! I aint sellin out fer shit! I got offered a record contract to ten different major labels and did I sign it? No, cuz Im a real punk rocker!"
Those are the words of a nobody.
"Geez I think Id rather keep my job at Taco Bell making $4.25 an hour than getting my life in order and making that million dollars, I'd have to be some kind of a loser to actually become any less punk by having that kind of a life." Stupid stupid stupid!
And a lot of people out there are only listening to music that nobody else listens to. As if that makes it any better. If no one else listens to it then chances are that no one likes it because it sucks. A lot of the underground music that no one has ever heard of is pretty hard to listen to. You can memorize the whole album and get a tattoo of the bands name on your chest but that wont make the music any better. I guess that would make you a whole lot cooler for having absolutely no taste in music though.
Not that I don't like quite a bit of underground music but I also like to listen to a large variety of different kinds of music. I mean these people refuse to listen to anything that anyone else listens to. Most punks think that if a lot of people like a certain band then that band must suck. Thats completely backwards. If a lot of people, even a billion people, like a certain band then there has got to be a reason. There has to be something really cool about that music otherwise everyone wouldn't listen to it. I mean, how could a billion people be wrong?
So I guess you could go on thinking that "selling out" is going to make a band worse and be just as ignorant as before you read this page. Or you could give up that lame attitude and join the rest of the world. So as to you fuckers out there (you know who you are), now it the time to come out of your little black punk rock hole and open up your mind to what the ENTIRE music industry has to offer. You could find out that you have been missing out on alot! Or on the other hand you could get scared back into your little hole. You decide....
Go away.My opinions dont suggest that selling out is always good. Im only trying to say that its not wrong. That nobody should pass up a chance like that. Whether you are totally punk rock or not, either way, there is nothing wrong with "being in it for the money", we all could use some extra cash and dont deny it! Even if that means alot of it. But, if a band chooses to stay with an independant record label then more power to them. Its neither right nor wrong, its only a decision that should be taken seriously.
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