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Plea to a Stonehearted Love

How many times will I replay the
scene in my mind,
wondering what I could have
done better or different
to steal your heart
during that brief space we
stood in the dark, face to face.

But I did not want to steal some
piece of your heart, like I stole
part of a kiss that night. That
would have the same effect as
the kiss itself:
shaking me to my foundation,
and barely changing you.

I want you to give me your whole heart;
not because I am proud; that cannot be
when I have made it so plain that
mine is here for you to take;
but because behind the fear
and doubt and rationalizations
you feel the same as I do,
and we can never really move
forward from this moment until we can
put those things behind us.

Maybe we are not star-crossed
lovers, fated to be together,
who is?
All I know is this life is short;
and such emotions too few to be

I'm not asking for forever,
just for today,
and tomorrow, and the next day.
Let us see where time will take us.
And maybe in the end, you'll
be right, and we'll go our
separate ways ...
will we be any worse off because of
the effort?
I think not.

So I ask you, no I beg you;
this once,
while we are young,
while we still can,
don't think,
and know the truth in these words.
