Leonard Peltier - toll free action:
Senate and Congressional offices have been requested to review the information relating to Leonard Peltier case, and to support clemency, commutation, and/or judicial hearings as soon as possible. The Senate Indian Affairs Committee is reported to be considering asking for judicial hearings. The Senate Judicial Committee, which would have the authority to approve and schedule, or disapprove the request, is reportedly willing to schedule hearings "sometime next session," which could be anytime next year.
And per some If the Senate heard enough Congressional interest, that could help push the request and approval sooner. Regardless of how much e-mail the President gets, if the other politicians don't hear from their own constituents (and they're NOT hearing enough), they don't recognize the issue as important.
Calls are needed to your Congresspersons and Senators; and to make it really easy, something for our taxes finally, a toll free number to the Capitol Switchboard:
Ask for the Congressperson or Senator of your choice (then do it again, and again, and again...) If you want to follow up your call with a fax, (which usually costs LESS than a stamp) ask the receptionist or the staffer for the correct fax number.
For those who need a calling script, try something along these lines:
"Who in your office might handle human rights or judiciary/civil rights issues? (Get a staff person name, so you have a contact to refer to now and/or in future calls)
"May I speak to that person please? (If they aren't available now, try again until you catch them or ask for someone else so you get a live contact beyond the receptionist. Make some ONE accountable to you, especially if you are their "constituent".) "I'd like _______________________ (name the Congressperson/Senator) to write a letter of support for commutation of Leonard Peltier's sentence, or at least request hearings EARLY in the next session.
Could you send me a copy of that letter? (If they hedge, tell them why you want it done now, and ask why they won't support.) If they state they're unfamiliar with Leonard's case, volunteer to send information and articles (available from the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee) and ask, if you send that material today, if you can get confirmation of the materials' receipt and when you can discuss the issue again.
Get the results of your call back to LPDC so they can follow up on your followup: either looking for the letter that was promised to you, or answering their questions or overcoming their objections.
Leonard Peltier's case requires we continue to keep pushing, in an organized way. Please let them hear enough voices to know it's important!
Kathleen Hawk, Director, Bureau of Prisons, "attention indicator"
via: swolfson@bop.gov.
U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell
In your message, please not only bring up Leonard's medical condition, but also, that the prison's refusal of medical treatment should be a part of the Congressional hearings on Pine Ridge and the case of Leonard Peltier. Also please ask him when these hearings will take place.
President Clinton at; President@whitehouse.gov
The e-mail campaign to end the torture of Leonard Peltier started last July. At that time people around the world sent e-mail messages. So many were sent that the Bureau Of Prisons contacted the NWLPSN with a message that they wanted us to send out our e-mail list in the hope that it would end the e-mail campaign. The NWLPSN will not send out the BOP's lies, nor will we call off this campaign until Leonard receives the medical treatment he needs.
The torture of Leonard will continue until there is enough of a public out cry that demands that it end. Please take the time to send the needed e-mails and please pass along this information to other people, organizations, e-mail lists and web sites. For more information on ways that you can get involved, and help support Leonard Peltier, please conatct:
P.O. Box 5464
Tacoma, WA 98415-0464 USA
E-Mail; arthurmiller50@juno.com