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ShadowTwin Speaks His Mind

This is a little something new I am testing out, just to see who out there really gives a damn what I think. I am just going to pick out a topic that I have a pretty strong belief in and talk about it.

I decided that I would put a page here so that you can see them all (more are coming) and the newest one will always be on top.

That way everyone will be able to see what was on my mind at any given time.

Tell me what you think of it!

Columbine High Massacre
Clinton's Acquittal
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
The Poetry Publication Hoax
Where did all my money go?
"South Park Suicide"




ShadowTwin's Dark Verses/ The Nether Realm (java chat)/ Links/ Thank Yous/ Proud to be EVIL/ ShadowTwin Speaks his mind/ Web Rings/