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South Park Suicide

I am sure that you have heard of Beavis and Butthead, but, do you remember when they used to be cool?

Chances are you don't..

What happened to them?........Some kid tried to vacuum up his cat in some dirtwater town, and it is over. The show got lame without Beavis being able to go into his fits of psychosis, chanting "Fire....Fire...Fire...."

Now, due to a recent suicide claiming "South Park" as the reason for his will be accepted, and the show will take a major stab in the side.

Why?...because there aren't enough people with an opinion about it. Everyone seems to think that the entire problem with the world today is in some humurous little two dimensional cartoon.. That is a ridiculous idea!

Could it be that the actual, real, physical violence in life might have been a factor? Or some of that Kill everyone with no remorse "Gangsta Rap"? There had to have been other factors involved.

I, for one, don't want South Park to have be toned down, or shown any later than it already is. It is a humorous cartoon that comes closer to dealing with real life than most sit coms. But, it is not meant to be taken that seriously!

In my opinion, if you believe that a cartoon,- or a movie, or a computer, or anything meant for entertainment purposes-, is reality, you probably deserve the outcome of the ordeal

I don't think that it is fair to blame the cartoon for the suicide any more than blaming the gun in a murder.

It takes a person to pull the trigger!A cartoon can't hold a gun..

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